...Exploitation of illegal immigrants. * Violation of state regulation, requiring time for breaks and meals. An internal audit of Walmart for one week of time record indicated the following: * 60,767 missed breaks * 15,705 lost meal times * 1,371 instances of minors working long hours or during school hours. Despite the knowledge of this violation's by the management, they still continued to take place till someone filed a lawsuit against the organization. Since 1999 Walmart has settled multiple lawsuits amounting in excess of $500 million. Even with these lawsuits the company hasn't changed the way it handles the employee issues. As of now Walmart has 76 wages, hour and overtime cases still pending against them. Women Vs Wal-Mart Betty Dukes Vs Walmart, which is considered to be the largest class action lawsuit in history. * Started with Betty Dukes and 5 other women suing Wal-Mart in 2001 * 1.5 million women are suing Wal-Mart for gender discrimination in management hiring practice and difference in wages (Mcnamara, 2005) * In its 6 to 5 ruling the U.S Court of appeals and...
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... including creative activities - Once a need is satisfied, attention is turned to the next highest level (the satisfied need is no longer an effective motivator, except self actualization) Alderfer’s ERG Theory 1. Existance Needs 2. Relatedness Needs 3. Growth Needs - The more lower level needs are gratified, the higher level need satisfaction is desired - The less higher level needs are gratified, the more lower level need satisfaction is desired McClelland’s Theory Need for Achievement - Prefer work where they can take responsibility for outcomes, set moderately difficult goals that provide for calculated risk, obtain feedback Need for Affinity - Desire to establish friendly, compatible interpersonal relationships, social networks, avoid conflict Need for Power - Desire to have strong influence over other people - Effective managers are low need for affinity, high need for power...
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...3/21/2015 Dr. Truong Thi Nam Thang Associate Professor Centre Franco-Vietnamien de Formation a la Gestion National Economics University, Vietnam Main concepts Social Entrepreneurship • value creation vs value capture Corporate Social Responsibilities Responsibilities of firm to balance 3P Minizing negative and maximizing positive impacts on society Business Ethics Norms guiding and regulating behaviors right-wrong, acceptable-unacceptable Corporate Governance Procedures, mechanisms to make sure suppliers of finance get return on investment 1 3/21/2015 Govern ment The Media Owner s Directo rs Employ ees Primary Secondary Internal Custo mers/C onsum ers Educati onal instituti ons External Society Stakeholder model Lender s/credit ors NGOs Supplie rs Service profess ionals Compe titors Busine ss organis ation Dealer s/distri butors 2 3/21/2015 Potential Ethical Implications in Business Operations OWNERS Reporting Minority shareholders Fair dividends EMPLOYEES Hiring practices Firing practices Wages & working conditions Private lives vs company lives Discrimination Honesty Unions Conflicts of interests Secrecy & espionage CONSUMERS & CUSTOMERS Advertising Packaging Product safety Deception, overselling Price fixing discriminatory pricing Collusion with competitors COMPETITORS Price fixing Unfair competition Pricing below cost Stealing personnel Industrial espionage GOVERNMENT Laws compliance Political...
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...Policy Monitoring vs. Policy Evaluation Comparison Team D: Aaron Sawyer, Paulette Banks, Buck Charley, Greg Bradley CJA/385 Criminal Justice Policy Analysis & Program Evaluation May 23, 2016 Professor: Dr. Duane Benton Policy Monitoring vs. Policy Evaluation Comparison Policy Monitoring Monitoring policies allows the gathering of factual information as to the causes and outcomes of criminal justice policies. For policy monitoring to be effective the information gathered must be relevant, reliable, and valid. Policy monitoring provides data on compliance, auditing, accounting, and outcomes of criminal justice policy. Policy monitoring further allows for the verification that policy goals and objectives are being met (Dunn, 2016, p. 245, 252). Policy monitoring allows for the analysis of how a policy is performing at different intervals throughout the implementation process. The monitoring process gives leadership measurements of the actual effects a policy is having towards the achievement of goals and objectives. Policy monitoring is a critical component in evaluating the policy process (Waterman, R. W., & Wood, B. D. (1993). Policy Evaluation The primary focus of policy evaluation is the facts and values derived through policy monitoring and implementation. While the facts can be developed through the statistical or qualitative measurements produced within the monitoring process, the evaluation process delves further into the true value through examining...
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...QuickView Leadership Series Helping you navigate the leadership landscape Are Leaders Born or Made? Perspectives from the Executive Suite By: William Gentry, Ph.D., Jennifer J. Deal, Ph.D., Sarah Stawiski, Ph.D., and Marian Ruderman, Ph.D. Issued March 2012 Introduction Do you think a leader should be a hero or a negotiator? Out in front leading people or coordinating the work of the group? Destined to be a leader or developed to be a leader? The way we think about leadership affects how we perceive the leaders around us. For instance, if we expect a leader to be a hero, we are likely to see someone who takes charge to save the day as a good leader and someone who asks everyone’s opinions and lets the group make decisions as weak. Alternatively, if we think a leader should be collaborative and focused on making sure decisions arise from the group, we would view someone who is directive as aggressive or a tyrant. our beliefs about how people become leaders affect how we evaluate people’s leadership potential. Believing people are born leaders is likely to result in a focus more on selecIn the same way, tion (identify the right people) rather than on development (develop the people you get). On the other hand, believing that people are made into leaders by their experiences would be more likely to result in a greater focus on making sure people had the right opportunities to develop into leaders. Consider United States Supreme Court Justice Antonin...
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... Your textbook may help with some of the things listed, but this exam is more so drawn from class lectures and power point presentations. Embargo of 1807-Britian and France imposed trade restriction in order to weaken each other’s economies. Resulting in testing the Americas Neutrality and hurting their trading. Jefferson passed this document restricting neutral trade to the U.S. docs Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists (1780). Stronger central government, state representation from states each 2 representatives, no Bill of Rights, Articles of Confederation useless, because states had more power, wanted larger public, and they believed in large farming and industrialization,.. antif federalist, wanted state rights, wanted add the House of Represeantives, Bill of Rights, they thought the aritcles needed to be ratified not taken away completely, smaller public, believed Americas future is small farming Federalists vs. Democratic-Republicans (1790s) – Hamiltonians (known as federalist party) vs. the Jeffersonians (Democratic Party) Differences between Federalist stances (1780s) vs. Federalist Party stances (1790s)- Federalist of 1780-Stronger central government, state representation from states each 2 representatives, no Bill of Rights, Articles of Confederation useless, because states had more power, wanted larger public, and they believed in large farming and industrialization.. Federalist Party Stances of (1790)- Led by Alexander Hamilton strong central government led by...
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...Policing traditionally has always been a response unit, providing its’ service after the fact (after a crime has happened). The broken windows theory counters that traditional style by looking outside of the traditional criminal justice system to see how crime is generated and solutions to fix and prevent it (Trojanowics, 1994). The broken windows theory has views closely related to community policing: The quality of life, as the ultimate goal of policing (Carter & Sapp 1994; Joseph 1994; Kelling and Coles 1996; Skogan 1990; Trojanowics 1994). This type of policing has broadened the goal to assist communities to maintain a safe environment where basic institutions (families, schools, churches, commerce) can effectively operate and thrive within the community (Kelling and Coles 1996). Apprehending criminals is no longer the only focus among law enforcement. Police and their agencies must now adapt to look at what needs to be done to maintain the quality of life in communities as well as alleviate citizen fear of crime. To prevent community decline and crime police agencies must us the strategic measure of disorder control. Legitimacy refers to the judgments that the citizens make about police authority to make decisions about how to maintain social order and enforce the law. Therefore, (Police Executive Research Forum; PERF, 2014) legitimacy lies within the perceptions of the...
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...Sergio Alvarado 02/20/16 Bailey 3rd Preface : 1. Why was the Supreme Court case, Plessy Vs. Ferguson, important? Plessy v. Ferguson accomplished the ?separated but equal?. 2. What was the impact of Plessy Vs. Ferguson on the lives of African Americans and minority groups such as Hispanic, Japanese, and Chinese? The separated but equal gave more rights to the people making it spread also to other races. Chapter 1 Rosa parks Rosa parks was a lady born from Louise McCauley. She is famous for her bravery on not refusing her seat after a long day at work. As the driver asked her to get up and she denied because she said she didn?t had to give a white passenger her seat for them to be Comfortable. After that she was arrested but recognize...
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...Introduction As a business it is essential to comply with the law, allowing the government to put in place regulations in which businesses may not be able to do harm to society, there are also some factors which may be of free choice or personal choice which businesses can also use. However as with their being a diverse gap between what the law requires of an organisation and the free/personal choice there is inevitably a ‘grey area’, this can be interpreted as ethics. Lewis (1985) described defining ethics will be like ‘nailing jello to a wall’ there by suggesting it is virtually impossible to pin point exactly what ethics truly is. There are many factors, which distinguish what is right, and wrong however they are decided predominantly by values and decisions of individuals, in this case managers. In order to comprehend the importance of ethics one must critically take into consideration all parties involved in the process of ethics and ethical decision-making. Why ethics is important for managers? Ethics is defined by the Oxford English dictionary to be ‘morally correct’ as well as Velasquez (2001) who has a similar definition of ethics, suggesting ethics as the ‘principles of conduct governing an individual or a group, it is the study of morality’. However it is difficult to pin point the exact definition of ethics as many authors and instructors have their own distinct meaning of the term ethics, Lewis (2008). In the face of it, it would seem it is a simple problem where...
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...Transformational Leadership and Change: How Leaders Influence Their Followers' Motivation Through Organizational Justice Carl Deschamps, researcher, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, and Solvay Brussels SchoolEconomics and Management, Brussels, Belgium; Natalie Rinfret, PhD, CRHA, professor, Ecole nationale d ‘administration publique, Chaire La Capitale en leadership dans le secteur public, Quebec, Canada; Marie Claude Lagace, researcher, Ecole nationale d'administration publique, Chaire La Capitale en leadership dans le secteur public; and Catherine Prive, researcher, CRHA, Alia Conseil Inc., Quebec, Canada E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y In the past decade, the reform of Quebec's healthcare establishments has resulted in a reduction in the number of institutions through mergers and closures. In this report, we investigate the consequences of reform by looking at managers' motiva tions and related mitigating factors. We examine the influence that transformational leaders have on their employees' motivation through organizational justice. Using a survey of 253 healthcare managers, we describe how the positive impact of transfor mational leadership on motivation is fully mediated via different aspects of organiza tional justice. The results indicate that while transformational leaders influence each type of organizational justice, followers' motivation is affected primarily by proce dural and interpersonal justice and little by distributive justice. For more...
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...History of Politics A Research Paper Presented to The class of Miss Rhoda Mae R. Navasquez Southern Cotabato Academy, Inc. In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Subject English IV by Jeison L. Omandam December 01, 2011 INTRODUCTION Political history is the description and analysis of significant political occasions, movements, thoughts, and leaders. Typically it is developed around the nation states. It is distinguished from but relevant to other areas of history such as economic history, social history, and military history. Usually, political history discusses events pertaining to nation-states and the political process in particular. As per Hegelian doctrine, Political History ‘is a perception of the state with a guiding force beyond the material benefits of its subjects: it meant that the state was the root factor of historical change’. This differs with one, for example, social history, which predominantly discusses the events and lifestyles of common folks, or people’s history, that is historical account from the view point of a lay person. A study of political history typically centers on a single nation and its political change and aggrandizement. A few historians highlight the ever increasing drift toward confined specialization in political history over the course of recent decades: ‘wherein a college professor in the 1940s resorted to identify himself as a “historian”, by the 1950s “American historian” was the designation.’ Political...
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...ADN vs BSN: What is the big difference? Discuss the differences in competencies between nurses prepared at the associate-degree level versus the baccalaureate-degree level . Some do not believe there is a difference. Don’t both take the same NCLEX? Personally it is believed to be education, training and experience as the main differences. While both have the same nursing training the BSN nurses goes above and beyond to begin to specialize in nursing. Most BSN programs are 4 years long. Those four years are spent educating, training and assisting in gaining experience in nursing. According to the AACN, Baccalaureate nursing programs encompass all of the course work taught in associate degree and diploma programs plus a more in-depth treatment of the physical and social sciences, nursing research, public and community health, nursing management, and the humanities. The additional course work enhances the student’s professional development, prepares the new nurse for a broader scope of practice, and provides the nurse with a better understanding of the cultural, political, economic, and social issues that affect patients and influence health care delivery. You need an intext citation. Review APA for format That being said there is a huge difference in the preparation of a BSN nurse than that of just an ADN nurse. According to nursing world , Baccalaureate nursing practice incorporates the roles of assessing, critical thinking, communicating, providing care, teaching, and leading...
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...Midterm Study Guide All definitions Chapter 1 A. Defining Organizational Behaviour Page 4 • A field of study that investigate the impact of individuals, groups, and structure on behaviour within organizations; its purpose is to apply such knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness. B. Challenges in the Canadian Workplace Page 6 Challenges at the Individual Level 1. Individual Differences 2. Job Satisfaction 3. Motivation 4. Empowerment 5. Behaving Ethically Challenges at the Group Level 1. Working With Others 2. Workforce Diversity Challenges at the Organizational Level o Improving Customer Service o Stimulating Innovation and Change o The Use of Temporary (Contingent) Employees o Improving Quality and Productivity o Developing Effective Employees o Helping Employees with Work-Life Balance o Creating a Positive Work Environment o Responding to Globalization Chapter 2 A. Perception Page 38 What is Perception? • The process by which individuals organize and interpret their impressions to give meaning to their environment. Why is it important? • Because behaviour is based on perception of what reality is, not on reality itself. • The world as it is perceived is the world that is behaviourally important. Why we study perceptions? • To better understand how people make attributions about events. We don’t see reality. We interpret what we see and call it reality. The attribution...
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...College of Business, McNeese State University Kayla Gradney College of Business, McNeese State University Kochakan Rattanametangkul McNeese State University katekochakan@yahoo.com Received: September 14, 2010 Abstract The aim of this paper is to examine the relationships between organizational justice and the factors that characterize cultural differences. This paper begins by briefly summarizing the nature of organizational justice and by identifying how justice is perceived. Hofstede’s five factors of cultural dimension model, which he developed in his seminal 1980 research on national cultures, is utilized to present characteristics of cultural differences. Ten propositions are then offered which relate to organizational justice and differences in cultural perspectives. These propositions suggest specific management approaches that organizational leaders can adopt to be more effective in dealing with employees from respective cultures. This paper concludes by identifying the importance of understanding the relationship between organizational justice and national culture and suggests research opportunities of benefit to both scholars and practitioners. Keywords: Organizational justice, Cultural differences, Organizational fairness 1. Introduction In a business world that has become both increasingly complex and globally competitive (Cameron, 2003; Dowling, Festing & Engle, 2009), a...
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...Nurses prepared at the Associate-Degree level Vs. The Baccalaureate-Degree level July 7, 2013 Nursing is a profession that has been found of great importance and value over many centuries, since Florence Nightingale first made her rounds to her injured soldiers. The act of caring for sick people has been within us from the earlier centuries. In this modern era, nursing is considered as a profession that is of high standards due to the technological advancements and improvements in technology. Students who wish to pursue a career in nursing have different options such as Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN), Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN), Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), Masters of Nursing (MSN), and the Doctorate Degree of Nursing. These health programs are available due to the abundant need of nurses. The health care industries have recently asked many nurses with associate degree to advance their knowledge to a bachelor’s level. The completion of the associates’ degree can be done in 2 years compared to the bachelor’s degree program that’s done in 4 years. The ADN was introduced in 1952 and included clinical and theory nursing classes. According to Creasia and Friberg, “ADN programs prepare technical bedside nurses for secondary care settings, such as community hospitals and long-term health care facilities”. (Page 27) On the other hand, bachelors of nursing program degree allow nursing students to advance their nursing knowledge as well as become a well abled leader...
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