...MY LEADERSHIP MANIFESTO Sarah-Jane Wilkinson Management Theory in Practise MY LEADERSHIP MANIFESTO Sarah-Jane Wilkinson Management Theory in Practise TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 3 LEADERSHIP 4 Leadership and Effective Leadership 4 The Relevance of Leadership in Today’s World 5 ENTREPRENEURIAL LEADERSHIP 7 Entrepreneurship and its Relevance in Today’s World 7 Entrepreneurial Leadership and its Importance in Today’s World 7 MY LEADERSHIP STYLE AND OVERALL REFLECTION 10 My Experiences with Leadership 10 What Kind of Leader do I Want to be and Why? 13 How Best Can I Become a Leader 13 REFERENCES 14 ------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION According to a number of different sources a manifesto can be defined as a statement that publicly declares the intentions, views and motives of the issuer. This report is a personal manifesto that outlines my thoughts on the topic of leadership. The topic of leadership has been debated over endlessly this year. We have discussed what the difference is between transactional and transformational leadership, the qualities of the most effective leaders, the different levels of effective leadership and the different styles of leadership. Leadership is also something that, I’m pretty sure, each Genesis participant has physically experienced on top of academically studying it throughout this year. I feel that, after this year, I am much more aware of the importance of leadership and its...
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...Leadership and Motivation Introduction American corporations are trying hard to regain the market leadership position which they have lost in the last two decades. Many American corporations have implemented various management and operations philosophies and theories such as reengineering, Total Quality Management, empowerment, and coaching with the hope that these new methods will solve their problems. Poor leadership has been the primary reason for American companies remaining behind of their foreign counterparts in the last two decades. The current decade is very crucial for American position in the world and prosperity of our children in the future. Today's world changes more rapidly than ever before. The constant changes in the technology with the tough global competition remind us without effective leadership we might slide even further in the competition with top countries. On February 8, 1967, Vince Lombardi, in his speech to American Management Association said, "Leadership is ability to direct others, but more important is to have those people so directed accept it. The strengths of members of group and the group is in the strength of the leader." Leadership is not just a matter of position, it is communication, creation, vision, innovation, value, confidence, participation, and intellectual curiosity. Today's Leader must be able to communicate, discuss, and ask for inputs from everybody in the team and organization. He or she must be able to articulate...
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...How Global, Corporate, and Community Values Servant Leadership Cathy R. Palmer Charleston Southern University Introduction Leadership is all about harnessing people power for the attainment of a desired goal and thus the concept of leadership cannot be restricted to the Organizational context. It pervades through all realms of society, whether it be in politics, religion or the corporate world. I am conducting a case study on the Values of Servant Leadership globally, corporate, and community. I will be taking into consideration the state of global affairs, the state of U.S. corporate affairs, small businesses, and the society around us, what is true value of servant leadership, both to corporate world and to the community at large? Global Affairs Management is no longer constrained by national borders. There is significant importance from globalization, and the world has definitely become the global village. Managers in organization of all sizes and types around the world have to confront the challenges of operating in the global market. Managers face challenges due to an array of environmental factor while doing business. He must effectively plan, organize, lead, control and manage cultural difference to be globally successfully. Creativity is the first step on the road to innovation, and has become vital for an organization to survive given the complexity of global change. Creativity is the ability to produce new ideas through imagination and...
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...inside the organization itself or between the organization and its consumers. The leadership style of any organization can affect its ability to effectively communication, both inside and outside the walls of the company itself. Leadership Styles In today’s business world, one can find several different modern leadership styles. Examples of these styles might include: charismatic, transformational, visionary, transactional, and servant leadership styles. (Nayab, 2011) Charismatic leaders seek out devotion in their workers in order to fulfill organizational goals. These leaders are constantly observing their environment to pick up the moods and concerns of individuals and larger audiences. Then, much like a predator to its prey, do they hone their actions and words to suit the situation. Leaders of this nature engender the trust of the people through visible self-sacrifice and take personal risks in the name of their beliefs. Transformational leadership is very popular in today’s business world, focusing on effecting revolutionary change in organizations through a commitment to the organization’s overall vision. These leaders sell the company’s defined vision, which is usually very radical in scope and nature. While some traits of these leaders are very similar to the charismatic leaders of an organization, transformational leaders have a much more global company focus: change. Today’s business is every evolving. In order to be successful, one must not only change but...
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...William McCravy Religion 134 6 December 2015 Introduction A religion our modern world, believers of different religions responds to many different challenges in today’s world. This paper to covered common characteristics of religion that share with each other, how a specific religion is responding to challenges in the modern world and what have changed about the roles of women over time. As times change, so do people’s views and attitudes about religion. What are common characteristics the assigned religion shares with the others? There are numerous common characteristics religion share with other religions. All religions pretty much exist on the belief of its followers, religious prophecies, ceremonies, texts and writings. Most religions believe in spirits, gods or even one God, a higher power in which created everything that exists. Other characteristics which religions share, they all have a requirement of certain rituals and traditions for individuals and certain faith communities. Religions also help humans cope and deal with the cycle of life and death. All religions promote great moral codes and values for individuals and people of their faith. All religions have the promise of peace with in an individual regardless of how life can be. Most religions share the theme of helping people that are suffering from illness, being poor and less fortunate while always showing compassion. Almost every religion has a God that is the supreme judge for the way in which we...
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...LEADERSHIP IN HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATIONS Leadership Styles and Their Effects in Healthcare Organizations Examine and discuss how participative leadership functions in today’s modern health care organization and compare it to other types of leadership styles. Evaluate how each type of leadership style may impact organizational culture, employee performance, and how it may help or hinder the legitimacy of authority. There are various leadership styles and they all have different impacts on the employees’ performance, organizations culture and the legitimacy of leadership of authority. Leadership styles include; - Participative or democratic leadership - Multicratic leadership - Transactional leadership - Transformational leadership Participative or democratic leadership The participative type of leadership is where the subordinate staff is involved in the decision making process. The subordinate staff can be involved directly by giving their opinion during a meeting, through delegation of duties or through voting. According to Borkowski (2009), through the participative method the employees feel valued since they are part of the decision making process and do not have to merely follow orders. Multicratic leadership This leadership style combines the various leadership styles as the situation at hand requires. A leader can give directives at times while he can incorporate the subordinates if need be based on the situation at hand (Ellis &Hartley...
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...IN LEADERSHIP THROUGH TRUST AND RESPECT Northcentral University The problem to be investigated is that in today’s business world, is there a need to use many different leadership styles in order to gain the trustworthiness and ethical stewardship required to be a leader in today’s diversified organization? According to Lussier and Achua (2004, p. 5), leadership is ‘‘the process of influencing leaders and followers to achieve organizational objectives through change.” Would it not stand to reason that in order to influence others, they must and should have to use different styles of leadership in order to achieve the ultimate goal- success of the organization? A leader who is flexible in their leadership styles and can just to the member personalities without injecting their own bias can prove to be an important asset to the organization. Transparency of characteristics of leadership, values, beliefs, religious views, and morals combine together make for a uniquely well-rounded strong and versatile leader that most people prefer to work with. The art of influencing others to get the desired results is no easy task. This task is a continuous effort of leadership behavior, consideration of others, commitment, and positive feedback. It takes a combination of leadership, trustworthiness and ethical stewardship in order to achieve success. The organization will have to do this without compromising their ethical values and beliefs. In today’s business world, it...
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...Running Head: Entrepreneurial Leadership Dr. Theresa Bowen, Professor BUS 508: The Business Enterprise Strayer University Winter 2011 1. Discuss the common elements described in the theories/philosophies of Case, Kouzes, and Drucker including how their principles/strategies relate to the new definition of entrepreneurial leadership presented in Understanding Entrepreneurial Leadership in today’s Dynamic Markets. Leadership is the process through which an entrepreneur is able to influence employees to achieve the objectives of the organization. To be an effective leader, an entrepreneur must: (Livinsky, Dave) Build trust and confidence among employees and effectively communicate with them. Leaders can build trust in many ways. They can achieve it by working hard, maintaining a constant message and/or being available to solve employees' problems among others. By showing employees that they are fully committed to achieving the vision, entrepreneurial leaders build trust and confidence in employees. This in turn yields high employee satisfaction and commitment. Effective communications is equally critical to successful leadership. If employees are unclear about the company's vision, and/or receive mixed messages over time, they will be unable to focus all of their efforts on achieving the company's goals. Conversely, by delineating the company's vision and goals, and reinforcing them over time with the same message, the company's goals become engrained in its...
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...Running head: Leadership Leadership – Its Important for Today’s Organization Jack Ryan MG 401 Senior Seminar in Management XXXXXXXXXXXX University Distance Learning Program TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose of Report……………….…………………………………………………….. p 3 Definition of Leadership and Differences with Respect to “Management”…………………………………………………………….p 3 The Importance of Leadership to Effective Strategy Development and Implementation………………….p 4 Employee Perceptions of what Constitutes Effective Leadership…..……………………….………………..…….………p 4 Characteristics of Effective Leaders………..….…………p 5 How can one Develop Leadership Skills for Today’s Rapidly Changing Environment?…………..…………p 10 Summary of Findings from Three Articles Concerning Leadership……………….…………….……………..….....p 10 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………………………p 11 Leadership – Its Important for Today’s Organization Purpose of Report: In today's business environment, it is important for a Manager to realize the importance of their roles as leaders, as well as the morale of their work force. There is an abundance of external and internal forces in the business environment that can literally destroy a company that is not properly prepared. Work Forces that are misdirected or misguided often fall into this category. In an organization, the leader or facilitator is the essential element to a business's success or failure. That’s why it is some important for a leader to create a vision and display the steps...
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...Assessment#1- Analysis of Understanding Entrepreneurial Leadership in Today’s Dynamic Markets fobjbdema BUS508 - Business Entreprise Dr.ddddddddd Discuss the common elements described in the theories/philosophies of Case, Kouzes, and Drucker including how their principles /strategies relate to the new definition of entrepreneurial leadership presented in Understanding Entrepreneurial Leadership in today’s Dynamic Markets. In discussing the new definitions entrepreneurial leadership as presented in “Understanding Entrepreneurial Leadership in Today’s Dynamic Market its probably best to describe the climate or environment which is often illustrated as one that is dynamic market , uncertain or a very competitive market which requires innovative thinking. In this type of market the fluidity, energy, motion, constancy and ubiquitousness of changes in the market occur very frequently and head to head competition between firms is common place and the pace, magnitude and direction of change is continuously accelerated and harder to predict. Teece, Pisano and Shuen (1997) as referenced by Fernald and Solomon in their paper, described today’s dynamic Schumpeterian world of innovation–based competition, price /performance rivalry, increasing returns and the ‘creative destruction of existing compeitencies.”(p.509) "creative destruction" was popularized by and is most associated with Joseph Schumpeter, particularly in his book Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, first...
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..., Margaret, and Mary. He would make a good leader in today's world because he played a critical role in turning his country into a protestant nation, changed the face of religion by creating a separate church of England, and he had a quite amazing personality when it came to his learning and curiosity. By his death he had managed to build a navy from 5 royal warships to around 50 refitting several vessels putting the latest weapons on them. He also built the first naval dock in 1546 in Britain at Portsmouth. Because of his accomplishment he was known as ‘father of the Royal Navy.’ “Henry VIII was known as the ‘father of the Royal Navy.’ When he became king there were only 5 royal warships. By his death he had built up a navy of around 50 ships. He...
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...management that have been around for decades are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Using these concepts has helped individuals manage effectively, as times change strategies in management need to change so these concepts need to be revisited into their relevancy in today’s world. Since these four functions have been first introduced these four concepts have been redefined. Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling have been changed to a more definitive manner. We will discuss in this paper how Bateman & Snell (2009) address a more definitive approach, and also how California Carpets used or did not use these functions. Planning Planning can be described by Bateman & Snell (2009) as “The management function of systematically making decisions about the goals and activities that an individual, a group, a work unit, or the overall organization will pursue.” Determining how to use the available resources to achieve a company’s business model, analyzing situations, preparing for what the future might bring, deciding on objectives, deciding what activities need to be performed, are normally the activities of the planning portion of management. There are more activities in planning in today’s world that needs to be considered than the activities that were described. Bateman & Snell (2009) state that planning is now “delivering strategic value” How a company meets the needs of its customers, and employees is what Bateman & Snell (2009) state what entails delivering...
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...Different people have come up with several definitions to the term leadership. Leadership may be said to be a social process influences, by way of controlling, motivating and actual leading of other people to pursue a duty or a task. There are various theories that have come up with the study of leadership. These theories look into different traits carried by leadership such as power, charisma, involvements among others. Different theories speak of different styles of leadership each with their own merits and demerits. Authoritative leadership can also be called autocratic leadership. The leader has absolute power in making decisions. Autocratic leaders are also mostly involved in other undertakings alongside leadership, and they scrutinize on duties to the least detail. Autocratic leadership reflects ancient forms of leadership, for example, among early tribes. The advent of democracy in today’s world gives a negative touch to this theory. Nevertheless, it also has its merits as well, and there are several areas in today’s world that it can be well implemented. This theory works well in situations where absolute control is important, which is a good check for errors. This leadership applies in rigid environments where there is no room for error. It can work well on inexperienced employees but if used on experienced classes of people it can be somewhat very stringent (Brown, 2009). Authoritative leadership can be well applicable in militaries, in manufacturing, in construction...
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...Leadership and Management The concept of "leadership" and "management" are not always identical, but the essence of their differences, most people imagine wrong. In leadership, there is nothing mystical and mysterious. This is not the privilege of a narrow circle of the elect. Leadership is not necessarily more important than management, and one does not replace the other. In fact, leadership and management in the company - two separate, complementary systems of action. Each has its own function and characteristic of her activities. For the company's success in today's business world, more and more complex and rapidly changing, it is necessary to master both. Not everyone can be both classy leader and competent manager. Some people - a real talent for administrative work, but lacks leadership qualities. Others clearly have the makings of a leader, but for various reasons are not able to become effective managers. If the manager is smart enough that his company will appreciate and those and others and try to make these talented people have become part of the team. However, when it comes to training for senior positions, CEOs openly ignore the warnings of psychologists that the person is not able to be both a manager and leader. They are trying to educate leaders and managers in one person. And they can understand. But is it possible? After all, managers and leaders - people of completely different types. And to really be able to prepare such luminaries companies should understand...
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...Strategy Mapping, Scenario Planning, Leadership Development, Training and Advisory Services. In today's increasingly competitive global marketplace, skillfully navigating the commercial and political crosscurrents can make the difference. 3e Consulting work with clients to develop and implement practical, results-oriented solutions to improve the bottom line. The firm was founded on the principle that its success should be measured not just by the quality of our advice but also by their ability to help achieve concrete and timely results . Its aim is to turn seasoned experience into tangible, bottom-line results for their clients. They create value for those seeking the competitive edge. Expertise & Impact 3e Consulting wealth of knowledge covers the world's major industries and the most crucial business issues. Their broad range of expertise and clean-slate approach to finding solutions have led them to develop new ideas that quickly become the standard. Their objective is not simply to apply best practice, but to invent it. They think creatively and partner with their clients to solve their toughest challenges. They work simultaneously for Corporate as well as institutions by the help of their two world class program mentioned below, Corporate...
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