...Skip to NavigationSkip to Content TermPaperWarehouse.com - Free Term Papers, Essays and Research DocumentsThe Research Paper Factory JoinSearchBrowseSaved Papers Search Video Concepts, Inc In: Business and Management Video Concepts, Inc Executive Summary Whether to remain in the business with increase in Rental to $ 2.49 whereby increasing the profitability of the business due to stiff competition from the Blockbuster or to sell it off or hire a manager for the shop and start doing job at some other place, has to be evaluated on the basic objectives of economics of the firm. The main objective of the firm is to maximize the profit and thereby maximize the return on investment. In order to attain this at the same market share it is suggested to sell the business to the competitors, if they are interested. Word Counts: 102 Table of Content SITUATION ANALYSIS | 2 | THE PROBLEM STATEMENT | 5 | OPTIONS | 5 | CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION | 6 | EVALUATION OF OPTIONS | 7 | RECOMMENDATIONS | 9 | ACTION PLAN | 9 | Situation Analysis Outlook of Video Rental business in Lexington In Research conducted by the Chad Rowan for the business of Video Rentals when it was relatively a new business, it was found that it is profitable enough to earn more than the average rate of return on investments. So it was possible to start with the store of 200 square feet with the 500 video tape library in Lexington, North Carolina, a town of 28,000 people...
Words: 512 - Pages: 3
...MMPBL/530 Human Capital Concepts Worksheet Assignment Week 1 The first week’s assignment focuses on creating a worksheet you can use in planning to gain knowledge about key course concepts and to recognize application of those concepts in the real world. The assignment has three purposes: (A) identify at least five key theoretical concepts from this week’s readings, (B) relate each key concept to its application in an organizational setting, and (C) communicate well-researched information clearly, concisely, and in an organized manner. Read the InterClean, Inc. scenario to identify examples of five or more key course concepts. Remember that the mind map is a source of these concepts. Then, read the assigned text materials to develop knowledge about the concepts. You may also wish to research these concepts through database searches in the University Library. This additional research will help expand your understanding of the text materials. By completing the worksheet following the title page, you can begin to develop your research and written communication skills. The example below is from the MBA/500 course using the USAuto scenario. This example can be useful to understanding the assignment’s requirements. Please note that in describing the application of the concept, the worksheet should not contain simple one-word or even one-sentence answers; it should adequately demonstrate, in short paragraphs, careful study of the situations presented in the scenario...
Words: 1312 - Pages: 6
...iii Private Sector Industries iv Parastatals iv Non-Governmental Organizations iv COURSE COVERAGE 1 WINDOWS 3.11 1 PROFICIENCY IN WORD 1 INTERMEDIATE WORD 1 PROFICIENCY IN EXCEL 2 INTERMEDIATE EXCEL 2 L;l;COMPANY PROFILE IAT is a Kenyan Information Technology training & constancy organisation whose sole mission is to provide effective advice, training and innovative services to promote the productive use of Information Technology in East Africa. The Institute's 18 classrooms have been well-equipped to create a spacious, modern learning environment. The use of classroom discussions, visual aids and private consultations with the course instructors, is geared towards developing a high degree of retention of the core concepts. We are also happy to conduct in-house training on special requests at client premises provided the client allocates a suitable training room with adequate training facilities. IAT is proud to have been selected by Microsoft Corporation (the world's largest software supplier) to deliver training in the use of Microsoft products in Kenya. To qualify as a Microsoft Authorised Training Centre, the institute must satisfy stringent criteria relating to facilities, standards of instruction, product knowledge etc. To this extent, the title of Authorised Training Centre indicates the achievement of an internationally recognised standard in computer training. IAT has achieved this standard through the following investments: IAT has...
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...law, general legal principles, and how the criminal law functions in and affects modern society. This course highlights a variety of key topics, including the concept of crime and the development of criminal law, defenses to criminal charges, and a number of specific types of crimes, including personal crimes, property crimes, public order crimes, and offenses against public morality. Legal issues affecting punishment will also be discussed, as will ways the criminal law impacts victims of crime. Policies Faculty and students will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Champion, D. J. (2009). Leading U.S. Supreme Court cases in criminal justice: Briefs and key terms. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Lippman, M. (2010). Contemporary criminal law: Concepts, cases, and controversies. (2nd ed.) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Schmalleger, F., Hall, D. E., & Dolatowski, J.J. (2010). Criminal law today. (4th...
Words: 2823 - Pages: 12
...Excel 2010 Microsoft ® ® ® Formulas John Walkenbach BONUS CD-ROM! Includes all Excel workbook files used in the book, plus the complete book in a searchable PDF file Excel® 2010 Formulas by John Walkenbach Excel® 2010 Formulas Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc. 111 River Street Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774 www.wiley.com Copyright © 2010 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 646-8600. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, (201) 7486011, fax (201) 748-6008, or online at http://www.wiley.com/go/permissions. Trademarks: Wiley, the Wiley Publishing logo, For Dummies, the Dummies Man logo, A Reference for the Rest of Us!, The Dummies Way, Dummies Daily, The Fun and Easy Way, Dummies.com, Making Everything Easier, and related trade dress are trademarks...
Words: 49651 - Pages: 199
...range in albedo of a variety of common surfaces, ranging from about 5% for dark objects such as forests and asphalt, to as much as 90% for light objects, such as fresh snow. Because Earth’s albedo affects the amount of sunlight the planet absorbs, it has a direct effect on Earth’s energy budget and, therefore, global temperatures. Over the next few decades, effects of climate change, including decreasing areas of highly reflective snow and ice, will decrease Earth’s albedo. This will accelerate the rate of global temperature rise, creating what is known as a positive feedback loop. Snow cover reflects the majority of sunlight back into space, helping keep the planet cool. When snow is absent, much more sunlight is absorbed, leading to further warming. As 74 SCIENCE SCOPE temperatures continue to increase, more snow and sea ice melt, leaving the less reflective ocean water behind. This in turn absorbs more sunlight, increasing...
Words: 2696 - Pages: 11
...MKT100 - Metrics Mastery Worksheets Metrics Mastery Worksheets are designed to be in class exercises that your students can work on in class. This is a master document that provides all worksheets questions and answers. You can modify or change it as needed in order to prepare one page two sided exercises for your students to hand out in class. You can also easily turn the answers into powerpoint slides to review the answers in class. Table of Contents Worksheet: Metric 1 Expense Types .................................................................................. 2 Worksheet: Metric 2 Percentage Change ......................................................................... 4 Worksheet: Metric 3 Market Share & Market Analytics ............................................. 5 Worksheet: Metric 4 Contribution Margin ...................................................................... 7 Worksheet: Metric 5 Mark-up & Margin........................................................................... 8 Worksheet: Metric 6 Pricing Wholesale to Retail ......................................................... 9 Worksheet: Metric 7 Break-Even ..................................................................................... 10 Worksheet: Metric 8 Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI) ........................... 11 1 of 11 MKT100 - Metrics Mastery Worksheets Worksheet: Metric 1 Expense Types 1) The Comfy Chair Company makes reclining chairs at its plant and sells them...
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...I modeled how to use the title and illustrations to make a prediction. I then made a quick sketch to organize my thoughts, and wrote a few sentences about my prediction. Next we read a few pages of the story together. I explained to students how my predictions had changed. It was then I completed the revised prediction portion of the worksheet. During this time, I had a few students raise their hands and share their thoughts about my initial and revised predictions. It was fun to see how their predictions were similar or different from mine. Once this portion of the lesson was complete, we finished reading the story. We then discussed as a large group how my predictions contrasted with the story. At this time students seemed anxious to share their thoughts. I had a few students who forgot to raise their hands before they spoke. To emphasize the importance of raising a hand quietly to be called on, I commended a student for quietly raising his hand and not blurting out the...
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...Implementation Plan Concepts Worksheet Concept Application of Concept in the Scenario Reference to Concept in Reading Individual and Organizational Politics Robert Smith, CFO, did not approve of the e-book publishing strategy from the beginning. This affected the overall strategy. Robert feels uncomfortable with the financial projections for the e-books strategic initiative. Will X. Harper: A well-established and well-known author on the �A� list, Will has reservations about e-books and is leading what has become known as the �author�s opposition group.� These are some of the few issues permeating the HK publishing and its new strategy. McGill, CEO, has to play some politics in order to move ahead with the e-book publishing project. While selecting projects for implementation in an organization, a major factor that influences project selection, funding, resource allocation or prioritization is the extent of individual and organizational politics. Organizational politics can be defined as actions by individuals or groups to acquire, develop and use power and other resources in order to obtain preferred outcomes when there is uncertainty or disagreement over choices. (Gray, 2006). Project Selection Committee (PSC) It is pretty clear who the PSC people are in the scenario. M. McGill, CEO; R. Smith, CFO; J. Peters, SVP of B & D; D. Joyce, ExVP Global Strategy; M. Simmons, ExVP; M. Goldfarb, SVP Marketing; M. Evans, CIO and P. Ross, Production Manager....
Words: 574 - Pages: 3
........................ page 8 . Clarify Current Knowledge of the Process............................................................................ page 11 Understand Sources of Process Variation............................................................................. page 13 Select the Process Improvement.......................................................................................... page 15 Appendix Worksheet A: Identifying Areas for Improvement. .............................................................. page 16 . Worksheet B: Developing a Team Worksheet...................................................................... page 17 Worksheet C: Team Meeting Notes...................................................................................... page 18 Worksheet D: Goal Setting................................................................................................... page 19 Worksheet E: Process Analysis............................................................................................. page 20 Worksheet F: Process Improvement Plan....
Words: 9192 - Pages: 37
...PRINT VERSION OF THE COMPETING VALUES COMPETENCY QUESTIONNAIRE TO ACCOMPANY BECOMING A MASTER MANAGER: A Competing Values Approach FIFTH EDITION QUINN / FAERMAN/ THOMPSON / MCGRATH / ST. CLAIR (Text published by John Wiley & Sons) If you have questions about this questionnaire, please email them to: Lstclair@bryant.edu Copyright © 2011 Competing Values Competency Questionnaire The Competing Values Competency Questionnaire is a tool to help you assess your development as a managerial leader with respect to the four quadrants of the competing values framework.* This questionnaire consists of 100 questions related to skills that managerial leaders need to meet the challenges of complexity, ambiguity, and paradox that characterize the world today. For each item, indicate how often you have successfully engaged in the activity. Rate yourself on the following 7 point scale: Never | Very Seldom | Seldom | Occasionally | Frequently | Very Frequently | Almost Always | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | It is important to note that this questionnaire is not designed to provide a final evaluation of your ability as a managerial leader. It is designed to provide a “snap-shot” profile, based on your current experience, strengths, and weaknesses. You then can use the profile to create a personal development plan based on your individual needs and interests. Some items refer to general activities that you may do regularly, such...
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...TUTORIAL WORKSHEETS Week 3: Starbucks Corporation: Serving More than Coffee 1) How does Starbuck’s approach to social responsibility relate to the three concepts of social responsibility in the text? Profit responsibility Stakeholder responsibility Societal responsibility 2) What role does sustainable development play in Starbuck’s approach to social responsibility? (Note: Sustainable development means conducting business in a way that protects the environment and produces a profit over time.) Week 4: Tutorial ReadingThe Car Industry: Small Isn’t Beautiful Analysis of the marketing environment |Technology |Competition | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ...
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...Concepts of Decision Making MMPBL/500 Foundations of Problem Based Learning Abstract Key concepts of decision making are a vital part of keeping a company successful and happy employees. There are many areas to take into consideration when applying these decisions. To begin managers must apply their critical thinking skills. As a manager you must choose a decision making concept. Then analyze the concept that is going to be used. Also take a close look at the symptoms and problems. As a manager some of these decisions need to be made immediately and other decisions may allow more time for consideration. Actually, managers sometime ignore the problems all together, leading to poor business (J.Champion and J.James). Decision Stages There are stages in order to make a decision. To begin the manager needs to identify and diagnose the problem. Usually a manager realizes some discrepancy in the current stage of the business and what the desired state of the business and what it needs to be. After the manager makes the decision he must believe the resources and abilities necessary for problem solving exist (Bateman, S. & Snell, S. (2004). Next the decision must be implemented. In some cases the individuals involved in making the decision will implement it, other times they will delegate it to other staff members. Evaluating the Decision Evaluating the decision is to collect information on how the decision is working. Decision making help a manager...
Words: 1017 - Pages: 5
...WORKSHEET TEN – ALCOHOL – CHP. 8 NAME: Sui Boriang Directions: Look at the Power point presentation on alcohol in the assignment area and answer the questions below. Points will be deducted for missed or incorrect answers. Use a DIFFERENT style or color of print for your answers and save and submit the WS as a .doc or .docx document in the weekly assignment area ONLY! Define substance abuse.:using a substance to the point where it can cause physical damage, impair normal functioning, or results in behavior harmful to others 1. List 3 signs/symptoms of substance abuse. A. Using alone or secretively B. Using deliberately and repeatedly to perform C. Feeling uncomfortable on certain occasions if the substance is not available to use 2. List and explain the 4 reasons why women are at a disadvantage physically when they drink compared to men. A. Unplanned sex, date rape or sexual assault B. Nonconsensual sexual intercourse C. Chance of auto accidents D. The alcohol effect stays in the body system longer than men 3. List and explain the possible reasons for addiction listed below. A. Genetics – 4-5 times more common among the children of alcoholics B. Physiology-Unusual electrical activity in the brain 1. Abnormal levels of brain neurotransmitters such as serotonin 2.Shortage of endorphins 3. Lack of the stomach enzyme dehydrogenase ...
Words: 931 - Pages: 4
...How to go to your page This eBook includes two bonus chapters, which are paginated separately from the rest of the book. The pagination of the bonus chapters consists of the identifer “BC” followed by the page number. For example, to go to page 5 of the bonus chapters, type BC5 in the “page #” box at the top of the screen and click “Go.” To go to page 15, type BC15… and so forth. Get More and Do More at Dummies.com ® Start with FREE Cheat Sheets Cheat Sheets include • Checklists • Charts • Common Instructions • And Other Good Stuff! To access the Cheat Sheet created specifically for this book, go to www.dummies.com/cheatsheet/excelvbaprogramming Get Smart at Dummies.com Dummies.com makes your life easier with 1,000s of answers on everything from removing wallpaper to using the latest version of Windows. Check out our • Videos • Illustrated Articles • Step-by-Step Instructions Plus, each month you can win valuable prizes by entering our Dummies.com sweepstakes. * Want a weekly dose of Dummies? Sign up for Newsletters on • Digital Photography • Microsoft Windows & Office • Personal Finance & Investing • Health & Wellness • Computing, iPods & Cell Phones • eBay • Internet • Food, Home & Garden Find out “HOW” at Dummies.com *Sweepstakes not currently available in all countries; visit Dummies.com for official rules. Excel VBA Programming ® FOR DUMmIES 2ND ‰ EDITION by John Walkenbach Excel® VBA Programming For Dummies®, 2nd Edition Published...
Words: 98776 - Pages: 396