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Lean Enterprise Organization Application


Submitted By trinigdds
Words 1188
Pages 5
Lean Enterprise Organization Application

ISCOM472 – Lean Enterprise

January 25, 2016

Describe two core elements of Lean Enterprise that can be used to improve your organization
Every organization can benefit from all five of the lean enterprise principles. The two core elements that I selected from Lean Enterprise that can be used to improve the salon at which I work are: 1) identifying value from the client’s perspective, and 2) mapping the value of stream for our services. It is imperative that we listen to our clients and pay attention to what they consider important, if we would like to retain them. The majority of our customers are pleased with our services and prices. Given this fact, I still believe that if we survey them, we might find that there are additional value-added services that they would appreciate which would make them more likely to remain loyal to us. Likewise, if we identify all of the steps in the value stream for our services and products, I am sure that we would find areas that do not create value for our clients or our organization. These areas can be streamlined or eliminated in order to give our clients the most pleasant experience from the moment they book their appointments until they leave the salon with their hair looking beautiful and their purchase of professional retail product in hand.
Compare and contrast Six Sigma and TQM to Lean Enterprise I chose to compare and contrast Lean Enterprise with Six Sigma and TQM because although the two share similarities, they also have vast differences from each other and from Lean Enterprise.
It is often stated that Lean Enterprise and Six Sigma go hand-in-hand and should be used together, which is how Lean Sigma came to fruition. Although there is some overlap, there are also several differences that should be noted. The website iSixSigma (2016) explains that the primary goal of

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