...During the classroom period, we were asked to form a team of two for each group. The purpose of the team is for each member to perform different tasks relating to the experiment. As I was paired my team mate within a reasonable amount of time, we collected the required materials for the experiment, in this case are four origami paper with different color on front and back sheet and a stapled five pages of instruction. Firstly, we set up our station by clearing everything not related to the experiment and brought in extra tools, such as a smartphone to record the time of each task performed, a pen and a calculator. Before starting the experiment, we went through the given instruction on how to fold a place card within eight steps. As we get familiar with the process, we assigned our self with individual task on who would perform actual folding and who would be keeping track of the time taken of perform every finished place card. According to the text book, this is simply a delay relating to setting up the station and familiarizing the process. Then we began working on our first place card. The first place card took us 2 minutes and 43 seconds to complete, which was also the longest processing time out of four. Then follow the second, third, and fourth with 1 minutes 21 seconds, 1 minutes 16 seconds, and 1 minutes 9 seconds respectively. We inspected our product every time before we moved them to storage. We observed the processing time for each place card became shorter as...
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...used my experiences in the past to understand that there is a need for the training. To understand what a good job description looks like will stand any HR professional in good stead to carry out their role to the full. The training needed to have defined goals and direction to adhere to the principles of adult learning, this was clearly communicated by setting out the objectives and adding in a hook. Throughout the training session it was important to keep up the principles of adult learning, I made sure that I thanked and sort their opinions throughout. At times this created additional key learning come to light and I felt that they complemented the training. To deliver the training in a manner that meets the adult learning principle’s is greatly important whilst sill engaging with them, the training session was delivered through a mixture of power point, hand-outs, an ice breaker and a group activity, I feel it was the most efficient way to deliver the course within the allotted time frame. The training session concluded with a group discussion with allowed the delegates s to contribute their views and experiences, this also allowed me to check that the learning objectives were met through the session. 1.2 Structure and sequence of the session It’s important to have a structure to...
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...Maximizing children’s learning through science activities Researchers: Jeneza Lorein S. Albaño and Rica Rhose B. Pasion The National Teachers College S.Y. 2012-2013 Problem: Throughout the researchers observation at Precious Heritage Christian School, they found out that in their science class, pupils are not interacting well to the lesson. They also found out that teachers are not using appropriate materials in teaching science. Intervention: The researchers focused first to the Learning process of the pupils that may involve in science learning. One of it is the “Law of learning” by Edward Thorndike that includes different learning process and primary laws. (Law of Readiness, Law of Exercise and Law of the effect) that’s why the researchers made their science classroom more active by providing science activities that involves exploration. The researchers also uses “Realias” as their teaching materials for they believe on what Jean Piaget said on his cognitive theory. The researchers also provides science experiments that supports through their research about John Dewey and his philosophy of “Learning by doing” which also agreed by the father of Kindergarten Friedrich Froebel that believes on the project based approach of learning. Result: The pupils improve up their attention and became an active learner from the intervention that the researchers prepared. The pupils became curious and they listen very attentive and more cooperative. Adding up together, having...
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...Performance Activity 37: Student learning is impacted, how I administered the silent reading section of the BRI. From what I have learned from Dr. Jeewek, the presence of a teacher or absence of a teacher can impact the student’s frustration level. Gabi could have scored higher or less if Ms. Olson, the reading specialist, was present. Another way I could have impacted her levels of support, scoring at the independent, instructional, or instructional/frustration level, is how I administered the assessment. If I was quiet, or was rude, I could have impacted her results of levels for each grade level. Performance Activity 38: By evaluating the different scores of the student’s levels of frustration, I can examine her strengths and areas...
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...Week 4 Learning Activity Paper Summary of Major Principles From Sources Provided MIS301 In the video “Warehouse Robots at Work” I think there are two real principles that can be seen at play. The first is the importance of innovation. The warehouse business had been doing business the same way for many many years. People would fulfill orders as they came in and there were many moving parts and the potential for human error was great. Those in the industry who were willing to attempt to implement the new innovative robotic warehouse management systems were willing to take a step away from business as usual and uproot the culture of a warehouse floor with these new ideas. This ability to innovate and leverage technology proved beneficial. The second thing is how critical a SCM is to business. Only through sophisticated software controls which integrate with a robust SCM are these robots able to bring so much value to a business. Kiva describes their system, “Using hundreds of autonomous mobile robots and sophisticated control software, the Kiva Mobilerobotic Fulfillment System enables extremely fast cycle times with reduced labor requirements, from receiving to picking to shipping. The result is a building that is quick and lowcost to set up, inexpensive to operate and easy to change anywhere in the world.” In the video in the “If Programmers Made Planes” I think the major idea of...
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...1. How much are you going to receive as a refund? I can get $52 as refund. As Amazon’s Refund policy: Any unopened media item or non-media item in original condition that is returned more than 30 days after delivery: you'll receive 80% of item's price. 2. How long will it take to get your money? Why is this time needed? The time to receive money varies from different types of payment. If you selected to receive an instant Amazon.com Gift Card refund, then a credit was instantly added to your Amazon.com Gift Card balance for use on your next order. If you selected to receive an instant refund to your credit card, then a refund was instantly requested and will show on your credit card statement within 3 business days. If you are returning the item for a refund to your original payment method, you should receive your refund within 2 weeks of the carrier having received your item. Because it takes time to get your item’s information, including the name of the item, when did you buy it, how much is it, your payment type, whether it is a new one that returns back within 30 days, and Amazon will calculate the amount of money it will return to you. After that, it will send the money return information, including the amount of money, credit card number to the bank. If you buy it by using your Amazon Gift Card, it will send the financial information to Amazon fund settlement department. 3. What do you have to do to return the headphones? Firstly, visit online Returns...
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...LEARNING ACTIVITY 1 COMPETITION IN THE FREE MARKET SYSTEM Provide an example to illustrate one of the four types of competition in a free market system: perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly. Did this competition result in any type of government intervention? Project how this type of competition, if widespread, would impact the overall health of the economy. In the mid 1970's AT&T ,a provider of Local and long distance telephone service, had either destroyed or bought most of the company's competition, becoming the country's largest and most influential telecommunications company (AT&T Breakup, January 2015). Thus creating a government regulated monopoly. The FCC was created to monitor the actions of AT&T. In 1974 The Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice sued AT&T. If the FCC had not stepped in and demanded more competition we may not have the likes of Sprint, Verizon, and T-mobile in today's marketplace, making it more expensive for the consumer. LEARNING ACTIVITY 2 Determining ethical boundaries can sometimes be a challenge, since ethics is both based on individual beliefs as well as societal standards. Would receiving a holiday gift from a client be considered bribery? Would it be wrong for a person in a position of power, like a mayor, to ask a bank manager friend for a personal loan? On a more practical level, is it unethical for a cashier to provide a coupon to a customer who did not have one at...
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...Raymond Faulkner Professor Monica Hardin HUMN 101 Learning Activity Two The myth about the non-retract ability of the cheetahs’ claws and the tear marks is an interesting gene that has always been told in my family from one generation to another. According to the myth, the cheetah and the leopard were once great friends. One day, they went out together to look for food. After travelling for more than 3 hours, they noticed gazelles grazing from a distance and agreed that the cheetah would go into the open land and chase the gazelles to the forest while the leopard would lay waiting in the forest and make a kill as the gazelles passed by. The cheetah spent more than 4 hours diverting the gazelles into the forest. Very late in the evening, the leopard rushed into the already tied gazelles, pounced on one and climbed with it to one of the huge baobab trees. The cheetah tied as it was, looked at the leopard enjoying the meal, but could not climb the tree. He tried to use its claws to climb the tree for the whole night till the claws could not retract back and due to the pain, tears rolled down its cheeks. This is why the cheetahs’ claws are not retractable and the tear marks on its cheeks to date. The leopard however, had to come down after the meal was over to hunt alone from then henceforth. Nonetheless, the myth about non retractability of the cheetahs’ claws as well as the tear marks has greatly changed due to the heritability information currently known...
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..."Attribution and Social Learning" Please respond to the following:•From the first e-Activity, contrast the advantages and disadvantages of just-in-time learning. Evaluate whether or not this is a valid and worthwhile investment to help increase the productivity within an organization. Describe your personal experience(s) with just-in-time learning.Just in time learning I think is a great advancement in the way we acquire and retain information. Per the “The Head First Formula” article I read it goes into how the brain functions to retain important information. And with this study they are able to create books toaccommodate their research to get all the information you need.The advantage of just in time learning would be the ability to get information quickly andreproduce what you learned, cutting training cost and time needed to train, or even the need for trainers as a lot of just in time learning is now web based either as a video or power point. The disadvantage would be the skipping of fundamentals, it’s nice to get to the bottom line or what the item is for example learning excel, just in time learning would dig into how to start using the software and options, rather than stepping back and explaining more about its background, what can be achieved in details..etcI do think it is a valid and worthwhile investment into an organization but must be very selective on what it will be used for. An example if the organization wants to bring the employees up to speed on a software...
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...Aspire, we have courses covering various areas like Web Technologies, Unix, Software Technology, DBMS etc. Each course would follow a weekly timeline. For each week, you will be given some learning objectives, learning activities and online learning materials. Participants are expected to cover the materials and activities and accomplish the learning objectives for the week. At the end of each week, you will need to update the activity tracker to record the progress of your learning. And Please make proper use of it. To be frank all the answers for the assignments will be available in net. But make sure u give a try. It would surely help u!!!! 3. Do we have evaluations on the topics covered in Aspire? Ans: We have some assessment modules designed for participants in Aspire. This would include online assignments and self evaluation quizzes. Also u will be having evaluations based on it once u enter TCS. 3rd day. 4. Do we have any other assessments other than the online assessments? Ans: No... Nothing like that is there. 5. I was not able to complete a week’s learning activity within the timeline. Will the material still be available? Ans: Yes. The materials will still be available in the course page.However, we would be uploading more materials and activities for subsequent weeks. So, participant may need to spend some more time and complete the...
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...An in-class activity I would have my students participate in would a warm-up activity for the beginning of the class period. Some of the reasons that I would have my students do a warm-up activity are that it helps get the students to start thinking about the subject and begin to focus on it. This will help the students make their transition mentally from their last class to my class. I would also use the warm-up as a way to set the tone for the upcoming lesson, like a building block to get their thought process going in the right direction for the day. Most importantly, I would use the warm-up to allow myself to assess the student’s attitude and ability for the day to help me determine the best way for to form groups for other activities for the day. A behavioral expectation that I would have for my students for the warm-up activity is that they would have their materials (ex. Pencil and paper) out on their desk ready to begin the warm-up after the bell rings. Another behavioral expectation I would have of my students for the warm-up activity that before they begin the activity, they take time to reflect on the prompts I gave them for the assignment and begin to work quietly and individually. An evaluation method I would use to ensure that my students have an understanding of my behavioral expectations is to have a poster up on my wall that is a reminder of the classroom expectations and pointed out to the students who are not working on the warm-up. The classroom expectations...
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...Assignment 1 EDLM1002 2014/2015 This task is based on the summative assessment requirement addressed in your Student Guide. It will be used to award 25 % of your overall grade (100%) for the course and is based on activities you have done in the first two units. It will require you to provide evidence of: (a) your contribution to learning (b) journaling reflectively and making improvements based on feedback/discussion (c) your ability to critically analyze and justify conclusions based on interaction with relevant literature. 1. Based on your interactions with the course readings thus far, select a perspective/definition of reflective practice you can identify with and give at least four reasons for your choice. 2. Used the selected perspective/definition identified in one above and the readiness inventory done in unit 1 to identify a list of qualities needed to become a successful reflective practitioner. Provide a justification for each of the qualities identified. 3.List at least five (5) of the activities you completed in units 1and 2. For each activity listed, say what was your main take-away from this activity and in what ways have it influenced change towards your learning practices and skills developed? All responses should include your cover page, accountability statement, and be supported with relevant literature, citation and bibliography using proper APA format. Please use the assignment forum to post your assignment. Upload your assignment before or...
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...Essay #6 – The challenges of teaching ELT in early childhood It is widely known that English is one of the most predominant languages around the world. For this reason, the demand for learning such language has increased over the last years. In addition, many parents decided to raise their young children bilingually. Nevertheless, teaching kindergarten kids in no at all an easy job. In other words, it can very challenging for there are many factors that instructors need to take into account in order to help learning to take place. To begin with, the most difficult obstacle faced by teachers is how to keep young learners not only focused but also motivated. For many kindergarten children, sitting still for a set period of time, concentrating on a task and paying full attention to the teacher can be a struggle. This is due to the fact that their attention span is quite short. Hence, in order to overcome such obstacle, the educator should be creative enough so as to plan fun, interesting but yet effective lessons. A wide variety of methods and short activities should be included. For instance, the tasks can range from more physical activities like signing and dancing to more relaxed ones such as listening to a story. Another big issue to be considered is the fact that young pupils need to follow routines. When these ones are carefully established and taught, children know what is coming next. This is often comforting since they need stability to keep their stress level...
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...see how motivation a�ﵽects learning. Discover the behaviors and perspectives that relate to motivation in an educational environment. Motivation Erik and Andrew are in the same 戒묿rst grade class. Erik loves any activity that involves coloring, drawing or illustrating. He spends all of his free time engaged in these sorts of activities, sometimes oblivious to other things going on in the classroom. Andrew, on the other hand, dislikes drawing and art and will avoid it at all costs. Both students are high achievers and good listeners, but they are motivated by completely di�ﵽerent interests and activities. In the classroom, motivation drives many behaviors and it is important to understand the importance of motivation in an educational environment. Motivation is described as a state that energizes, directs and sustains behavior. Motivation involves goals and requires activity. Goals provide the impetus for and the direction of action, while action entails e�ﵽort: persistence in order to sustain an activity for a long period of time. There are recognized indices of motivation that are important to be aware of. Indices typically place a value or quantity on an idea; in this case, we can understand the value or quantity of motivation for an individual by these four indices. The selection of a task under free-choice conditions indicates motivation to perform the task. In our earlier example, Erik chose to engage in art activities during his free time. This is ...
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...Anchor Activity: Brown Bear Activities for the story: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? By Bill Martin, JR. The anchor activities will be: matching picture to picture, re-telling the story, and tile animal puzzles. Grade: Early Childhood Special Education (3-5 years old) Curriculum Focus: These activities are related to the concept or concepts being learned. They are activities that everyone in the class will be able to do, providing differentiation because students have a choice of activities. Outcome- • Extend and review skills and demonstrate understanding of content and skills that students need to acquire. Designed to teach color vocabulary, animal names and/or sounds and matching picture to picture. Different students can have different anchor activities so their process of reviewing content will be different depending on what activity they do. The expected outcome(s) : • Students will take an active role in learning classroom routines. • Students will be able to complete the file folder game of matching the correct animal to the correct picture. Students will complete the tile puzzles. • Students will retell the story, Brown Bear Brown Bear by Bill Martin using the flannel board pieces. Procedure(s): I will give verbal directions for each activity. I will demonstrate and model how to do each one as well. I will make sure that each student knows where the materials are kept and are clear on the expectations. I will make sure that the...
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