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Learning Knowledge & Effective Performance


Submitted By chuleng95
Words 2291
Pages 10
Knowledge Management
A practical perspective
HAN 13080004
Learning and knowledge management report
Module title : Learning Knowledge and Effective Performance
Module lecturer : Matthew Nobel

Table of content
1. Learning knowledge : a brief overview............................................................................3
2. Training and learning of PSC1 : ........................................................................................3 a. Training Method :................................................................................................4 b. Information and communication technology (ICT) :..........................................5
3. Evaluation and recommendation :...................................................................................5
4. Conclusion :........................................................................................................................7

The purpose of this report is to evaluate an actual learning and knowledge management situation of a company named "Central Plant Protection Joint Stock Company no.1" (PSC1) to give a more in depth look on this subject. The information given in this report was partly research and was also conducted by a personal interview with a board members of the company, Mr. Long. The report is structured into four parts. In the first section, the report will briefly introduce the overall understanding of learning knowledge. Secondly, the report will point to the KM plans and strategies of PSC1, to review what they are doing in the subject of KM. Next, the report will show two separate perspectives in evaluating those KM strategies, given by Mr. Long and myself. Also on the relevant subject, the report

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