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Learning Outcomes


Submitted By gideonmaina
Words 632
Pages 3
Q.) Choose at least one of the three associated performance indicators and develop corresponding learning statement(s). Demonstrate the ability to assist in the creation and execution of an effective project plan.
Performance Indicator * Describe experiences with project life cycle issues * Discuss the importance of management planning * Elaborate on issues relating to risk analysis, task scheduling, and resource scheduling
Learning Statements * By the end of the project it is expected that all the prior known issues and any arising issues that may be critical to the project will be dealt with and viable solutions given so that eventual project results will be as expected and of quality. * For the success of the project to be accomplished then a very effective plan must be laid out and drawn from various experts who may give credible advice to spearhead the planning and analysis, in addition the project management is tasked with ensuring that the instructions and guides are followed keenly. The goal is to develop a very effective and efficient plan that will provide results matching proven standards. * The deciding factors will need to be coupled with a brief and comprehensive study on the risks which will highlight enough details to avert a major crisis in the execution of the project, it is also of equal importance that the tasks be set up in a well-organized schedule that will be fair in assigning resources and time. Finally the important and scarce resources should be handled and applied with absolute professionalism and care to leave the project succesful, this will include having sets planned as outlined earlier orchestrated by the project manager. In the least way possible there must be good study and results based on this studies that also takes care of all the people undertaking the project.
Evidence Used to Support Learning

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