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Leroy Karas

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During Leroy’s high school years he was an athlete who began drinking and smoking at a young age. He received a football scholarship to college but lost eligibility because of his grades and dropped out. He had two marriages, both ending in divorce due to his drunken temper. He had 6 children, none of which he had relationships with. He worked in construction until his alcohol addiction, weight gain, and poor health caught up to him and he was discharged. After a drunken fall, Leroy fractured his skull, ending up in a low quality nursing facility. He is no longer aloud to drink or smoke and spends his time angry and yelling at the staff (Zastrow and Kirst-Ashman, 2009). Based on my eco map of Leroy Karas, I believe that the single strongest …show more content…
According to Levinson at this point Leroy should be entering midlife transition which occurs between the ages of 40 to 45. During this transition men experience a moderate or severe crisis, question most aspects of their lives and endure emotional turmoil (Zastrow and Kirst-Ashman, 2009). All of these concepts could apply to Leroy’s life at that point, however they could also apply to his life 10 years before in his young adulthood. Leroy had been seemingly experiencing emotional turmoil since dropping out of college. Levinson also theorizes that people in middle adulthood need to become passionate and reflective and those who fail lead lives that are “stagnant and trivial (Zastrow and Kirst-Ashman, 2009, p.448).” I believe that this concept does apply to Leroy. According to Levinson, between the ages of 45 and 50 Leroy would be going through another transition known as entry life structure for middle adulthood (Zastrow and Kirst-Ashman, 2009). This period can involve a change in family or career, both of which Leroy experiences at this time. He gets another divorce and loses his job. As Leroy transitions into late adulthood his eco map would consist less of family because by this time in his life he really had no one left. His primary influences in late adulthood would consist of his health, odd job employment, alcohol, and the nursing facility that he ends up

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