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Let 1 Paper 1


Submitted By warmst1
Words 776
Pages 4
Let 1 Task 1
One of the most accepted theories on motivation comes from Victor Vroom, and most of the studies done on it are supportive of his theory. That’s not so say there aren’t any critics of it. There are three key components to the Expectancy Theory of Motivation by Victor Vroom: Effort Performance, Performance-Reward, and Rewards-Personal Goals. The relationship of these three key concepts can be more difficult to define based on personal experience and individual situations. However, they are simply arguments that sate that individuals will be willing to exert a high level of input if they perceive that they will get a reward that is equal to or greater than that high level of input.
The first component of this theory is Effort-Performance. According to Vroom this means that the perceived amount of effort that an individual puts into something will lead to a particular level of performance. However, the level of perceived performance that one individual sees will not be the same as another individual sees. The next component of the Expectancy Theory of Motivation is the Performance-Reward relationship. This concept examines the belief that achieving the perceived level of performance will earn a desired outcome, and that the outcome will be favorable. This may come in the form of a raise, a bonus, or even a promotion, as long as the individual finds it favorable. The final component of Vroom’s theory is the Reward-Personal Goals relationship. With this element of the theory, Vroom is stating that the organization’s reward system should be designed to satisfy an individual’s personal goals or needs. One must bear in mind that individuals within the organization will be attracted to that rewards system by varying degrees according to each individual’s personal goals. By following these components one can realize that the amount of

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