Premium Essay

Letter to Editor


Submitted By necybaby
Words 703
Pages 3
The Honorable Gregory A. Ballard
Mayor of Indianapolis
2501 City-County Bldg.
200 E. Washington St.
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Dear Mayor,

Today with the advanced progress of medical science and the health system capacity, the population‘s health care seeking behavior is much more improved. However the fact that people’s access to good health care should or should not depend on social factors such as their level of income or social status has so far aroused much concerns. As far as I am concerned, all people should be allowed to access health care services[->0] regardless of their social backgrounds.

Good care access is considered as one of the essential human rights. This matter has become far more pressing in this modern society. People day by day suffer from inevitable new threats that strongly affect their length of life such as terminal illness, accidents, epidemics and other emerging diseases like stress and so forth. Health care service is therefore very important to ensure people’s survival first, and then step by step improve people’s quality of life.

Getting accessed to health system[->1] for all people is one of the effective solutions to narrow down the gap between the rich and the poor. As the poor are offered chances to improve both physical and mental health, they are more likely to get jobs and work more efficiently. In this way, they are able to escape the overwhelming poverty and explore their potential capacity.
Throughout so many years, politicians and insurance companies could argue that the United States had the finest and optimum health care system in the world. However, much more faults have become more evident to Americans. Currently, as of 2010, there are 51 million people in the U.S without any means of health care coverage (Census Bureau, 2010). Rising costs and lack of access continues to haunt us. If these two

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