...Table of contents 1.0 Introduction3 2.0 Intrapersonal Effectiveness3 2.1 Theory……………………………………………………………………………..…….3 2.2 Emotional Intelligence…………………………………………………………………..3 2.3 Learning Style Profiler………………………………………………………….……….4 2.4 Development Actions…………………………………………………………….….…..5 2.5 Impact on Organizational Effectiveness………………………………………….……..6 3.0Interpersonal Effectiveness…………………………….…………………………….…..6 3.1 Theory……………………………………………………………………………….…..6 3.2 Spark and MEIS…………………………………………………………………………7 3.3 Belbin Team Roles ……………………………………………………………………..7 3.4 Development Actions……………………………………………………………………8 3.5 social and cultural diversity considerations……………………………………………..9 3.6 Impact on Organizational Effectiveness……………………………………………...…9 4.0 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………10 Reference list………………………………………………………………………………..11 Appendix…………………………………………………………………………………..…13 Assignment#1 1.0 Introduction Working in business is a unit whose aim is to develop an understanding of the skills which can make efficient works in business environment. In this portfolio, I am going to discuss the theories what I have learned in class, including intrapersonal, interpersonal and organizational effectiveness. I will also discuss my own experience which link to the theories. I will choose to concentrate on my learning style based on the Jackson Learning Style Profiler for intrapersonal effectiveness. In the second part I will choose SPARK feedback and MEIS...
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...Task 1 a)Organisational behaviour Organisation is everywhere around us and people are the main recourse of an organization. today’s competitive business environment understanding the people who working in an organization is not less important then its overall success .organisational behaviour is concern with the behaviour of the people working within the company. It is the understanding of an individual or a group of people in order to help organizational improvement and its effectiveness Organisational behaviour and management theory are closely related. the activity of the people in an organization can not isolated from the role of management (Rollinson,2005) b)Importance of organisational behaviour Organisation are created by people and its missions are also set by people . People who run an organization are always trying to adopt themselves with the changing environment of the organization and often influence the organization by new skill and development .as people and organization are closely related they are learning from each other .the external forces such competition ,political, cultural environment are also help organization to learn new technical skill and communication. poet Samuel Butler said that “ any full can paint a picture but it takes a wise man to sell the picture” the skill of a Wiseman is worthless without the hard work of the fool people from this we can realize that how important it is for the manager to understand the organisational...
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...from this array of minds, skills, views, tactical approaches and problem solving from a team oppose to one individual carrying out the task. A team helps productivity of the tasks completion and improves time taken to complete task aims because individuals have manageable workload. A team caries out tasks that contribute to the organisation overall purpose and aims, therefor leadership is needed to be implemented in order for the teams direction and output to be accurate towards the organisation, of standard and completed in time frame needed. “ Leadership is the art to influencing and directing people in such a way that will win their obedience, confidence, respect and loyal cooperation in achieving common objectives” JOHNSON, M. 2003 Business Dictionary (8th November 2011). Leadership is carried out by a leader who is a person that holds a dominant or superior position within their field and is able to exercise a high degree of control or influence over others, MAJOR, S. 1996. Leadership Doctrine & Policy (9th November 2011). This essay will critically evaluate my experience of working as a team member and my experience of leadership, which will be using the theories and concepts of team and...
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...Section -1 The investigation of organisation behaviour says that in an organisation setting without people it is difficult for management to perform effectively. The understandings of the success management of the people ensure the existence of an organisation. Understanding, Controlling and prediction of the human behaviour analyse the organisational behaviour. According to (Mullins, 2010), organisation behaviour means the understanding of the individual human activity and group behaviour with the purpose of progression of organisational presentation and efficiency also it investigates the outline of the structure of organisation as a whole. The perception of organisational behaviour includes the human behaviour, the aim of the organisation, implementation of work, the practice of organisational and management, requirement for organisation success and link with external environment. According to Luthans (1998) says that in workers behaviour the motivation together with individual attitudes, qualities, understandings, and knowledge’s are not only the significant but also these behaviour works together with acquired knowledge or process which manager can use to achieve organisations target. Understanding of organisation behaviour can help managers to help make good performance in organisation. In organisational behaviour, the study of organisation is important as well to acquire particular target with human behaviour. The huge amount of people gets together or controlled on...
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...Organisations & Behaviour 1 INTRODUCTION 2 PROCEDURES 3 FINDINGS 3.1 Analyse the factors which influence individual behaviour at work 3.2 Describe the ideas of; Handy, Tuckman & Belbin in relation to effective team working 3.3 Introducing technology into team work affects the behaviour of employees; explain the possible effects on an individual and the team 3.4 Explain 3 relevant motivational theories; highlight how they might explain the differences between the employees in Brown’s earlier production team and those in the present research unit 3.5 The style of leadership used has an effect on the staff motivation; describe and discuss the styles available, commenting on the likely success and impact on staff of each of the styles 3.6 What is the difference between management and leadership? Illustrate with reference to the case study 3.7 Success in organisations depends on motivated individuals’ workings effectively in teams and being led by appropriate management 4 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 Introduction The aim of this report is to give an overview of Brown’s progress by considering myself as the Research Director. Too give information on different theories that could benefit Brown and to show differences between different styles. Also too give an understanding of individual and group behaviour in organisations and to examine current theories and their application in managing behaviour in the workplace. 2 Procedures This report was made with information...
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...Who I Am As A Learner Education Essay This test is analyzing where I stand as a leaner, how I can help myself to improve my performance by focusing on areas which are relevant to the study of any subject and which will have a significant influence on my mark or grade. As a student, we should responsible for my own learning and development there are skills can use to improve my performance. However the most important of this test to me is that it determines where I stand today and defines the direction for where I want myself to be successful in the future. The test is conducted on myself i.e. VARK, learning styles , MBTI, and Belbin, those outcome is justification based on my personal experience from various individual who know me to determine the trueness associated with the outcome. 1.1 Application of VARK Test The first test that I performed was the VARK questionnaire ‘How do I learn best’ (Appendix 1). The VARK is a questionnaire to provide users with a profile to their learning preferences for taking in and giving our information. The VARK consist of the 16 questions with four options, and the learner can select more than one option for each question. This instrument, recently updated, is free either as an online or printable version (www.vark-learn.com). Other than this, VARK also provides students with an indication of their preferences for learning and as such it will indicate stronger and weaker preferences. Specifically, take the four preferences emphasized in the VARK questionnaire...
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...Impact of Organizational Culture on Internal Corporate Communication and Team Dynamics – A Case Study Analysis [Student Name] [Student ID] [Submission Date] Table of Contents Organizational Culture 3 The Impact of Culture 3 Group Dynamics 4 Tuckman's Teamwork Theory 4 Phases of Tuckman’s Teamwork Theory 5 The 4 Phases of Tuckman's Teamwork Theory 5 Belbin Team Role Theory - The Eight Team Roles 7 Theoroes of Motivation 11 Link 18 Conclusion 19 Recommendations 19 Organizational Culture Organizational culture is a is a group of values shared by a group of people, mostly silent between the members and, obviously, unique to the group, which are passed on to new group members. Organizational culture is a mechanism of knowhow, standards of perception, thinking, evaluation and action. Cultural Impact The culture of an organization is evolving to survive with their surroundings. Organizational culture helps managers to set standards and believes in which each member to work in a single standardized template. Organizational culture can enhance the effectiveness of the organization. The effects of organizational culture are multidimensional. A robust organization will always focus on the environment it creates for its employees, because it helps attract a company which is efficient. They focus on creating and maintaining an organizational culture that...
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...effective leadership is centered on ideas which would not materialize except this ides can be communicated to others effectively in a way that involves them. Gill.R (2006) explains that when leadership or the people in control do not have the appropriate leadership skills there is a drop down effect through the rest of the organization, which can negatively impact the general contentment, success, competence, and productivity of firm, group or team. For example the movie Remember the Titans (2000), were Julius claims that his altitude it’s a reflection on his captain Bertie. As the movie advances, Bertier changes his attitude and leads by example. This simple behavioral change unites an entire team, and changes the ways and attitudes on every level. Although this was a movie, I learnt that it is important for us to understand that as a leader devising an optimistic and high held altitude can help your organization, firm or team archive aspects like motivate people your working with, task oriented, love what they are doing,archieve end goals. I learnt that there are many leadership skills and competencies that, when combined and applied, go toward making you an effective leader .secondly I realized that as a leader having a positive attitude towards the things happening...
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...Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 ANALYSE PERCEIVED DEVELOPMENT NEEDS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE MODULE 1 2.1 Vision Statement 1 2.2 Self Assessment 2 References 6 3.0 REFLECTS CRITICALLY ON TWO OF THE ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN DURING THE MODULE IN WEEKS 2 TO 7 8 3.1 Teamwork (Activity 3) 8 3.1.1 Definition 8 3.1.2 Self Review & Learning Outcomes 8 3.1.3 Football Team 11 3.1.4 Conclusion 12 3.2 Communication (Activity 4) 13 3.2.1 Definition 13 3.2.2 Self Review & Learning Outcomes 13 3.2.3 Conclusion 15 References 16 Appendices 19 4.0 DEVELOP AN ACTION PLAN FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT 29 4.1 Five Year Action Plan 29 4.2 Ten Year Action Plan 35 4.3 Contingency Plan 42 4.4 Future Plan 44 Conclusion 45 References 46 PROFESSIONAL REFLECTIVE JOURNAL 1.0 INTRODUCTION Personal development can be defined as “activities that improve self-knowledge and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital and employability, enhance quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations” (Aubrey, cited in Bernelo et al. 2011). Everyone have their perspectives, goals and vision. Thus, some of them develop a plan to follow and review the progress from time to time. For me, personal development can’t develop within overnight, it is a lifelong learning process, I believed education and personal growth is never-ending process. 2.0 ANALYSE PERCEIVED DEVELOPMENT NEEDS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE MODULE ...
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...characteristic I relate well to. All of my scores are in the ID results are very close together ranging between 92 and 95 (mean= 93.25 and a standard deviation of 1.299038 refer Appendix 1). This may explain my tendency to relate to various aspects of all four styles; and not relate to others. The BELBIN Team Roles Profile identifies me as a primary DRIVER style, followed by an equal COORDINATOR and RESOURCE INVESTIGATOR second and third preference (refer Appendix 2). I relate well to the majority of the style indicators of the DRIVER style including providing leadership by directing and controlling team members, holding strong influence on team operations and objectives and enjoying goal setting. However, once again the primary DRIVER style includes characteristics which I do not relate to, or consider present in my leadership style. For example; I consider myself to be a people orientated person, who is conscious of how others are feeling. This does not reflect the DRIVER characteristics of being provocative and having the potential to hurt others feelings. The Personal Assessment of Management Skills (PAMS) questionnaire produced interesting and somewhat pleasing results (refer Appendix 3 and 4). The results from those assessments completed by trusted...
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...Importance of teamwork 1. Introduction As organisations continue to strive towards competitive advantage and increasingly high performance standards, collaboration and team-oriented project management are increasingly providing the flexibility and innovative potential necessary to excel. Yet in spite of the dynamic characteristics of teams in practice, many organisations fail to recognise the core determinants of a team-oriented framework, instead grouping employees into non-linked, non-dependent, individually-driven models. This group-based approach is distinct from team-specific initiatives and fails to meet the rigorous determinants of dynamism and effectiveness necessary in the modern marketplace. The following sections will draw distinctions between teamwork and group work, highlighting the opportunities associated with team-driven performance. Further, several theoretical models of teamwork will be introduced, demonstrating underlying benefits of optimised team management and goal setting. Through this discussion, a framework of organisational implications will be introduced, focusing on team-generated performance and the importance of effective team outcomes in meeting organisational goals. 2. The Teamwork Paradigm In spite of their seeming interoperability, Fritz (2014:1) emphasises that the terms ‘team’ and ‘group’ hold practical distinctions when represented in the context of enterprise management. A group, in theory, represents three or more individuals who...
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...Leadership Leader is the one who shows the way, has the vision, inspires, and motivates the followers. So, the more the qualities a leader possesses and the charisma he has the more successful and effective the team will be which he leads within an organisation. In the twenty-first century, leader must create an atmosphere in which people believe in strategy, believe in management decisions, and believe in their work. Once people believe in management decisions, there is an excitement within an organisation. Such as atmosphere makes an organisation prosper. Successful leader create this sort of environment both inside and outside the organisation Subir Chowdhury (2000). A simple definition of leadership is that leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal. Leadership is a matter of making difference. Leadership is inspiring and influencing other people, it is a relationship through which one person influences the behaviour of actions of other people. A leader, who innovates, develops, focuses on people, has an eye on the horizon and does the right thing. Leadership is related to motivation, good leadership help to develop team work and the integration of individual and group goals and involves the effective process of delegation and empowerment. Mulins L. J (2005). Leadership is a special form of power, and as such, is a way of commanding and focusing resources to achieve a particular vision, change or goal. On this basis...
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...Faculty Title: Lord Ashcroft International Business School Effective Team and Performance Management Department: HRM, Organisational Behaviour and Tourism Module Code: MOD003554 Academic Year: 2012/13 Semester/Trimester: 2 Table of Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Exclusive summary 3 3. Company's Background 3 4. Main Body 4 Nature of the Teams 4 Why do we join them? 5 What are teams, groups? 5 Formation 5 Personality 6 Social exchange theory 7 Belbin 7 Team cohesion 8 Concertive Control 9 Performance 10 Emotional Intelligence 12 Conflict 14 5. Conclusion 15 6. Recommendations 15 The List of References 17 The List of Bibliography 20 1. Introduction This report is designed to critically analyse positive and negative issues surrounding team dynamics and team formation that has occurred in the provided case study using appropriate theories and concepts such as team cohesion, structure, team norms/values and stages of group development. Furthermore, report will also evaluate the critical factors such as social loafing, team size, emotional intelligence and will summarise them introducing with the main ones which impacts effective team environment most. Moreover, recommendations will be proposed for change to occur in the team according to decision-making, leadership style and will...
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...MBA 2017 | Written Case Analysis Aston-Blair, Inc. | Organizational Behavior | | 17010046 | 10/11/2015 | | Synopsis and Summary: The case discusses the role of Henry Tam, a Harvard Business School student who joined a startup company, Music Games International. Dynamic and extremely diverse but very conflicted, the company lacked real world experience and Henry took on the assignment to formulate a strategy and restore harmony amongst the team members. Statement of the Problem: The team faces the issue of cultural and functional diversity hampering their productivity. The responsibilities of the members are not clear and no clear leadership is defined. Causes of the Problems: *Multiculturalism and Functional Diversity: At first sight, the diversity of culture and function in the team seems like a wise choice since more ideas mean better productivity and creativity, before we see the first meeting. The whole team seems like to be functioning like a family with extremely loyal best friends who are capable of handling conflict and are cooperative towards the newcomers – Dana and Henry. However, the team is facing the issue of improper management of multiculturalism and diversity and there is low performance. Sasha does not think Dana has the practical experience and Roman and Igor do not understand what Dana wants from the project. The brainstorming sessions, according to Dana and Henry seem to drag on too long. It has an impact on the team’s processes...
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...Diversity and creativity in leading team performance towards organizational success Assignment -2- Work Groups and Teams - By Diaeddine Elturk Executive Summary: This paper cites the work of numerous notable authorities in the business world and their work on the importance, power and effectiveness of teams in leading the organizations and people towards the targeted success. The growing understanding of the business world of the interdependencies between functions that create performance in organizations and the indispensability of collaborative efforts continue to gain recognition and lead the precipitation of this understanding in the heart of organizational cultures. Advocates of team work argue that the organization needs to be built as a team to succeed. Drucker, Katzenbach, Buchanan, Andrews, Payne and Visart are only few of the notable writers on the validity of team work that are referenced to in this paper. Hot group, Task Force, or self-managing team, regardless of the naming or formation, any group who establishes common vision and orchestrate the respective roles and actions of its members stands a better chance to achieve the targeted outcomes. The paper touches upon the five main characteristics of a team, and the three major categories they may fall under. The paper also highlights the strengths and benefits of team while warning on some weaknesses that should be observed and avoided. Diversity of cultures, knowledge, personalities within a proper team dynamics...
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