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Life Care Pathway

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It is a time for mutual consideration for all involved when a patient dies. This includes those present at the time of death, relatives and friends, survivors who learn of the death and other patients who become increasingly anxious for their own survival. This extends to staff, carers and any of those who may have cared for the patient who died (Peck & Stefanics 1987).
Death of an individual is followed by bereavement and grieving by those connected to the deceased. “In sociological terms, the bereaved state indicates the status and role of the survivor of a death” (Penson 1990: p.16-17).

Defining the Key Concepts

When one asks whether being a terminally ill patient exposes vulnerability, the answer can be sought by definition. Oxford dictionaries …show more content…
The pathway paved the way for end of life care in the UK and was used as common framework for some years, and comprises of three sections that focus on the palliative care pathway, in order to promote multidisciplinary holistic care to the patient and those important to them. These are initial assessment, continuous assessment and care after death has occurred (Hayes et al 2014).

Despite this pathway being used for some years, the Department of Health in England appointed Baroness Julia Neuberger to conduct an independent review of the Liverpool Care Pathway in 2013.
The review found that the LCP enables people to experience high quality and excellent care in the final days of their life, but incorrectly implemented, evidence revealed many serious cases of unacceptable care. Following the review, the response was to phase out the LCP and replace dying care pathways with an end of life care plan specific to the individual, backed by further training for professional and care staff (Hayes et al

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