...LP 6 Cause and Effect First Draft Tina Clouse 5/13/14 Being a college student is truly an exhilarating, exciting, but also tiresome choice, I have made the decision to go back to college for the third and final time. It truly does seem as though it has gotten harder and harder to be a student over the years, and now I have the opportunity to reflect upon why this seems to be the case. After taking somewhat of a hiatus from school, I was given the idea from above, the strength from within, and the support of my family, friends, and co-workers to go back to college for my masters in what I have finally found to be my true passion. As a social case worker I will have the opportunity to work with battered and abused woman and children, and be given the opportunity to help law enforcement prosecute those you have offended. Being a single mother of five wondrous children and the opportunity to be the mother figure in so many other children’s lives has given me the foresight, the working knowledge as well, as the wisdom and compassion to help woman and children who have been victimized. The reason that I made this decision to go back to school to receive my masters degree comes from a multitude of facets. From all of my children supporting me emotionally, my fiancé supporting me in every way that a man should, to the support from the rest of my family friends, I felt as though it was more simply put, just my calling to do this. Although there are so many positive outcomes...
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...Childhood is a very important time in people’s life full of events that can either make you or help you see the great things in life. Except one has a beneficial outcome while the other can have an awful one. Usually children of a young age cannot do anything that will alter their life, but teens can either make bad life choices or run away just like Huck from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. In the book this boy, Huck, got into a lot of trouble, but who can blame a child who has an abusive and intoxicated father and a dead mother. With such horrid things in his life Huck starts smoking, has depressing thoughts, and has trouble with having empathy and emotional connectedness as well as conscience development. These symptoms can lead to...
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...Alcoholism One of the major problems in society is alcoholism. The effects of this disease are very dangerous and serious. It can cause many problems in a person’s life without the person even knowing. I will discuss the physical, psychological, and emotional effects of alcoholism and what causes it to happen. The first effect of alcoholism are physical. These are the most important because these can cause your death. Alcoholism causes cancer in the stomach, kidneys, and liver. Besides, alcohol alters the digestion of nutrients that the body needs to stay healthy. Alcoholism also causes severe damage in the neurons, so it causes alterations in the body movements, loss of appetite, and depression. All these physical consequences could cause your death if you drink alcohol in mass quantities. Losing your life or poisoning it is not worth the joy of drinking. The second effect caused by alcoholism are psychological. At the beginning, alcohol makes you feel relaxed, but if you drink it in excess, it increases anxiety and causes depression. It also causes family and legal problems, violence, changes of behavior, suicide among others. Alcohol is very powerful and alters all your normal behaviors. Many people believe that they can handle their drinking and that it won’t affect them at all. For some this may be true, but for others it is a cover up for what can really happen. Since alcohol alters the perception of most people, they make decisions that could change the rest of...
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... 2.1 Purpose 2.2 Background 2.3 Scope 2.4 Methodology 2.0 CAUSES OF STRESS 3.5 Environmental Stress 3.6 Internal Stress 3.0 EFFECTS OF STRESS 4.7 Physical Effects 4.8 Emotional Effects 4.0 STRESS MANAGEMENT 5.9 Unhealthy Coping 5.10 Stress Management Strategies 5.0 CONCLUSION 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS LIST OF REFRENCES APPENDIX 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this report is to outline the importance of stress management, including the causes and effects stress has on individuals. This report will also discuss ways for individuals to manage stress. 1.2 Background Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. Stress is the body’s way of reacting to a kind of demand. There are two kinds of stress, acute stress and chronic stress, each with different effects on the body and mind. Acute stress results from specific events or situations that involve novelty, unpredictability, a threat to the ego, and leave us with a poor sense of control. Chronic stress results from repeated exposures to situations that leads to the release of hormones and causes wear and tear on body and mind. 1.3 Scope This report examines stress and its causes and effects, along with how to manage stress. This includes how stress effects individuals physically and emotionally, and will provide suggestions on how to manage...
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...Tuan Le ENGL 101 Feb 25, 2016 Why Does Stress Should Be Reduced in People’s Live? In modern life, stress is so common that it has become a part of life. Stress is not always bad. Stress with positive force can help us perform under pressure, motivate us to do our best such as studying for exam, working with deadline or a job interview. However, when stress is a negative force, it can adversely affect everything in our live such as health, mood, relationship and quality of life. Therefore, stress is a harmful force, and it should be reduced in people’s live. Let’s talk about stress. Stress is body’s way of responding to many kind of demand, and it can be caused by both good and bad experiences. In addition, stress happens when people can’t face with pressure, and this pressure can be in many shapes and forms. But, a negative stress can cause may horrible physiological reactions for people. Physical effects, nervous system effects and psychosocial effects are the main effects that stress can cause on human’s body. The first is physical stress effects; according to Stress Symptoms, Signs, and Cause, a negative stress can cause many physical effects on human’s body such as weigh gain, hair loss, digestives problem, heart attack, etc. The research’s show that 40 percent of deaths and 70 percent of diseases in the United States are related to stress. For example, hair loss is the most common stress, and this stress usually have been seen in individuals who have a difficult...
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...Wildlife Refuge, the effects on the environment will directly affect plants and animals, on species being the Alaskan Pink Salmon. Salmon is one of the “most abundant species and foundation of the commercial fisheries in Alaska” (Brannon 20). The effect that an oil spill can have on this species can not only cause damages to this industry but the salmon itself. The pink salmon have a rather short 2-year life cycle thus concluding that the risk that an oil spill could have on their overall life is rather high. The factors that make this risk high is all the possible effects it can have on reproduction process, eggs, overall life cycle including stages, and current adult salmon....
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...Life Factors (PIES) Life Factors (PIES) Cystic fibrosis Physical Effects A hereditary disorder affecting the exocrine glands. It causes the production of abnormally thick mucus, leading to the blockage of the intestines, and bronchi and often resulting in respiratory infection. Cystic fibrosis affects the pancreas because a buildup of thick, sticky mucus blocks the ducts reducing the amount of insulin produced and stopping digestive enzymes from reaching the intestines for digestion. This can cause malnutrition, leading to poor growth, physical weakness and delayed puberty. Symptoms usually start in early childhood and include: •persistent cough •recurring chest and lung infections •poor weight gain. An early sign is that an affected child’s sweat is unusually salty, which can be noticeable when you kiss your child. One in every ten babies born with cystic fibrosis develops a bowel obstruction called meconium ileus at birth or within the first few days of life. In these cases the meconium is so thick that it blocks the bowel instead of passing through. Babies with meconium ileus often need an urgent operation to relieve and bypass the blockage. Individuals with cystic fibrosis are prone to developing bone disease (thin, brittle bones) due to a lack of nutrition (which is lost through stools because of the damaged pancreas), and other complaints related to the disease. Adults with cystic fibrosis also have an increased risk of bone disease, which is a side effect...
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...Sta. Mesa, Manila Main Causes and Effects of Depression to Students in Polytechnic University of the Philippines School Year 2013-2014 Debaloy, Phoebe Blanche J. Dela Cruz, Fe Amor M. Pajado, Maricris Q. Yap, May Concepcion A. BSA 1-27 Professor Jerahmeel Christine E. Torrefranca January 17, 2014 Chapter 1 The Problem and Its Background Introduction Depression, also known as major depression, clinical depression or major depressive disorder is a medical illness that causes a constant feeling of sadness and lack of interest. Depression affects how the person feels, behaves and thinks. (Nordqvist 1) Furthermore, depression can lead to emotional and physical problems. Typically, people with depression find it hard to go about their day-to-day activities, and may also feel that life is not worth living. A person who is depressed feels hopeless and becomes unmotivated to do anything. Even simple things like rising in the bed in the morning or eating become large obstacles in daily life. It persists and interferes with their everyday life. This is, perhaps, because of lack of social support, death or loss of a loved one, relationship problems, financial strain, bad grades or problem with Profs, being bullied or feeling like outcaste in every aspect in life. Whatever form of depression, students are experiencing; the purpose of this research is to know the main causes of depression to students especially to PUPians, and the effects of it physically, academically...
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...Potential effects of life factors and events on the development of an individual. By Amy Stephens P2, P3 2015 Amy J [Type the company name] 1/1/2015 In this assignment I will be explaining the potential effects of different life factors towards and individual and then I'll try to explain the influences that come from these effects including two life events of the development of an individual. The five factors that can have an effect on someone's development and the ones I will be talking about are Biological, Genetic, Environmental, Life style and Socioeconomic. P2: Explain the potential effects of five different life factors on the development of an individual on two particular life stages. My two chosen life stages are childhood and the mother of the child so adulthood. The first potential life factor that can have an effect on an individual's development throughout their life is Biological factors, this factors includes Foetal alcohol syndrome, Infections during pregnancy and also the effects of an individual's diet. The environment inside a women's womb can have a dramatic influence on the development of the child for example if a women was to smoke regularly throughout pregnancy then the nicotine can have an effect on the foetus and its development. This is because nicotine can limit the amount of blood and nutrition that reaches the foetus, children that are born mothers that smoke during pregnancy are known to weight a lot less than a regular baby would...
Words: 6550 - Pages: 27
...classmate about one of the social justice topic which is eating disorder. Central Idea: informative speech about the three type of eating disorder which are Anorexia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder and Bulimia Nervosa. Then my second point will focus on the causes of eating disorder, after that in my last main point I will discuss its effects on our life. I. Introduction A. Tie to audience Food too much of it, we suffer, and too lack of it, we will suffer. Because of it human has lost their sanity and it’s the main cause of most health issues, which is eating disorder. B. Preview of main points Today I will answer these questions: what is eating disorder? What causes this health problem? How it affects our life mentally and physically? C. Transition to body Now that I told you what my speech is about, I will explain what Eating Disorder is. II. Body A. What is eating disorder? 1. Definition of eating disorder. a. According to “Oxford Dictionary”, Eating: is the act of consuming food and Disorder: is an illness that causes a part of the body to stop functioning correctly. b. According to the “National Institute of Mental Health” website, an eating disorder is an illness that causes serious disturbances to your everyday diet, such as eating extremely small amount of food or severely overeating. 2. The three types of eating disorder. a. Anorexia Nervosa : According to the “ American Psychological Association”, when the individual...
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...Global Warming Effects on Earth Global warming has become one of the biggest effects on earth’s life for many years now. Every day there are more and more reason’s causing this huge effect on life. Global warming can become a huge danger in the future with the drastic increase it has been becoming over the years. Global warming is caused by reasons like the sun, and the greenhouses effect. Global warming is causes many problems. Wild life is being affected, sea levels are rising, glaciers are melting, and some forests are drying out. Every affect this causes on earths wild life makes it harder and harder for us to live. In order for people to survive we need a steady ecosystem to live in. Global warming affects all parts of the earth and travels right around in its rotation. The sun is a part of why the earth has been rising in temperatures causing glaciers to melt and the rising of our oceans water levels. This forces wild life to fight to survive and migrate around finding new homes to live in. Humans are the biggest cause to global warming over the past 100 plus years. Greenhouses gases are released into the atmosphere letting light through but trapping heat. Sun light comes down to the earth where it can be absorbed and releases heat back into atmosphere. Greenhouses gases then trapping some of the heat while the rest escapes into space causing the “Greenhouse Effect”. The more greenhouses gases we have the more heat will be trapped in our atmosphere enhancing...
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...Effects of Water Pollution on Aquatic Ecosystems written by: Sean Fears•edited by: Niki Fears•updated: 1/12/2009 Whether the compounds being added to our watersheds are natural or foreign, they have an effect if the flora and fauna are not adapted to them. Find out some of the ways in which water pollution effects and causes changes in aquatic ecosystems! * Most affected Water pollution can come as a result of natural or unnatural compounds being added to a watersource. These can sway the balance of an ecosystem resulting in danger to natural wildlife of aquatic environments. Some animals and plants are highly susceptible to the effects of water pollution: * Amphibians tend to be very pollution sensitive due to the fact that they absorb chemicals in the water through their skins; this is one reason why many amphibian populations are in distress today. * With addition of detergents to the eco-system, insects that normally have the ability to walk on water will be unable to. * Younger animals also have a greater sensitivity to chemical compounds, especially those that mimic organic compounds, since they are still undergoing the physiological changes associated with maturation. These effects can range from physiological effects such as suffocation and thinning of eggshells to the alteration of neurochemistry. That is why one water-quality monitoring technique involves a survey of macroinvertebrates in the stream; if animals with narrow requirements are present...
Words: 1882 - Pages: 8
...however, this is a necessity for enhancing the ability to write an essay. Particularly, academic writing is the most important part of the studying in university, and my earlier writing experience is related just academic writing which is some type of essay such as, process essay, cause and effect essay and compare-contrast essay. One of the types of essay that I wrote first is process essay. That was really important experience because I had never written this type of essay. A process essay explains a process by either defining it, explaining the steps for completing the process oneself or by showing how a thing works. My process topic was “Things to Do in Case of Hurricane”. I explained the processes such as before the hurricane, during the hurricane and after the hurricane. The second type of the essay that I dealt is the cause and effect essay. That was one of the useful types of the essay because everybody can learn...
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...http://hwguiders.com/contact-us/ ) Feel Free to Search your Class through Our Product Categories or From Our Search Bar (http://hwguiders.com/ ) Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a sexual disorder that is a common psychological disorder. Sexual dysfunction is can be defined as one’s inability to enjoy sexual encounters, affecting both men and women. Sexual dysfunctions seldom threaten one’s physical health, rather, they tend to affect one’s psychological health; depression and anxiety are common psychological effects of sexual dysfunction. ED, the sexual dysfunction among men, refers to the inability to achieve or maintain an erection that is suitable for intercourse (Morris & Maisto). ED can occur at any time during a man’s life. Physical causes of ED can include alcohol or tobacco use, fatigue, brain or spinal cord injuries, liver or kidney failure, and specific types of prostate or bladder surgery. These physical causes can occur at any time during a man’s life; however, ED is more common in men over the age of 65 (AAFP, 2006). Some medical problems, such as diabetes and hypertension, can also lead to ED. CLICK PURCHASE BUTTON TO DOWNLOAD COMPLETE TUTORIAL BEH 225 Week 8 Assignment Diagnosis and Treatment Get Tutorial by Clicking on the link below or Copy Paste Link in Your Browser https://hwguiders.com/downloads/beh-225-week-8-assignment-diagnosis-treatment/ For More Courses and Exams use this form ( http://hwguiders.com/contact-us/ ) Feel Free to Search...
Words: 4332 - Pages: 18
...Stresses and its Effects Environmental Stresses and its Psychosocial Effects TITLE: ENVIRONMENTAL STRESSES AND THEIR PSYCHOSOCIAL EFFECTS Thesis Statement: The hyper exploitation of natural resources in conjunction with natural disasters provokes stress on the environment, which result in harmful psychosocial effects like social withdrawal and depression. Guide Questions 1. What are the pressures that can cause environmental stress? 2. What are the natural events of the environment and how can these cause stress? 3. Are social withdrawal and depression the psychosocial effects of the mentioned environmental stressors? What are the symptoms of one being affected by these? Topic Outline ENVIRONMENTAL STRESSES AND THEIR PSYCHOSOCIAL EFFECTS Thesis Statement: The hyper exploitation of natural resources in conjunction with natural disasters provokes stress on the environment, which result in harmful psychosocial effects like social withdrawal and depression. Introduction: Environmental Stress Body: I. Pressures on the environment A. Population B. Noise II. Natural Events A. Natural Disasters III. Psychosocial Effects A. Social Withdrawal B. Depression IV. Symptoms of Environmental Stress A. Headache B. Suicidal intentions C. Panic Attack D. Feeling of helplessness E. Change in one’s mood Conclusion: knowing and understanding environmental stresses and their psychosocial effects. Sentence...
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