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Life In Jail Analysis

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They put tj in the hospital and then 3 days later he had to go to court and then the judge said that tj is going to jail for MURDER! Mrs avery ,Little man ,Cassy, Mama, Big ma, go to court to see what happens. And then 1 year later tj gets a visit from cassy and stacey and tj had other court date and then the judge said that they had camera videos and how. Melvin and R.W killed Mr bennett. Then tj gets out of jail and then tj has to stay 3 more years in jail and then he ALMOST dies but does not die because he finds some water. And tj gets beat up a lot in jail and then he got frostbite in the winter and heat stroke in the summer. And TJ finel gets out of jail and he sees the longans and then…… …show more content…
And they all stay for dinner and catch up on with what happened with tj in jail. tj talks about when he was in jail and why and how he got beat up. And how he worked and worked and how he almost died and his and heat stroke and then they make up for all of his missed birthdays and now tj is now 17. He visited Mrs . bennett then said he was sorry that he broke into her store and sorry for her loss. He also told her that melvin and R.W killed mr bennett. She asked why they tried to robbed them and he said for the gun. Then mrs bennet goes and sees melvin and R.W and they say that Tj killed Mr. bennet and that melvin and R.W are in jail for no reason and that tj made them do that. Then of just that they are white she believes them and she doesn't forgive Tj just because he is black. Also Mrs. Bennet tells the police that Tj kills her husband and melvin and R.W get out of jail. Then the police goes and gets Tj and takes him to jail they put him on the cain gagen and so Tj is in jail for 5 years and when Tj gets out of jail he is 22 years old. And cassie has not seen him in the past 2 years and when Cassie gose and sees him and now she is 18. So then she talked to tj and tj was so supperided how old she is, asked when tj is going to be out and then tj said that he going to out. When they find out some away he didn't not kill. Mrs. bennet and then….. 3 years later Mrs. avery saying that tj is going to be getting out in 1 more

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