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Why Does Guantanamo Bay Hurts National Security?

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Why Guantanamo Bay hurts National Security National security in the United States is constantly talked about due to the fear instilled in American citizens. The United States government has been expanding its budget in order to protect citizens’ safety and liberties, especially in security. But what happens if national security does not get upheld, but rather used as an excuse to torture prisoners? On February 23, 2016, President Barack Obama announced plans to the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba. He states, “The plan we're putting forward today isn't just about closing the facility at Guantanamo. It's not just about dealing with the current group of detainees, which is a complex piece of business because of the manner in which they …show more content…
Obama’s proposition seems to be out of common sense- close down the detention center and transfer the prisoners to others that do not violate human rights and upholds national security. However, with the upcoming election year upon the American people, candidates are making their opinions heard in order to appeal to voters of their party. Presidential candidate Marco Rubio, like other Republicans, disagrees heavily with Obama’s position. He states, "In fact, we shouldn't be releasing people there now. These are enemy combatants ... Not only are we not going to close Guantanamo, if we capture a terrorist alive, they are going to Guantanamo and we are going to find out everything they know."(2) Rubio does have a point; terrorists captured alive should be questioned about activity within terrorist groups. What Rubio fails to mention, however, is that the Guantanamo Bay detention camp constantly fails at retrieving information from prisoners and instead tortures them, violating countless human rights laws. The problem is that the questioning undermines their human rights instead of giving the United States information on foreign enemies. But why does the United States keep torturing prisoners when one of the country’s main foundations is celebrating human

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