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Jersey Village Research Paper

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Jersey Village is a city in the State of Texas in the United States of America. It belongs to the Harris County and is located along the metropolitan area of Houston – Sugar Land – Baytown. It has a total area of 3.5 square miles, with a land area of 3.4 square miles and a water area of 0.1 square miles. Jersey Village has an elevation of 110 feet above sea level.
The city of Jersey Village was incorporated in 1956. It has a population of 7,620 people according to the 2010 U.S. Census. Majority or almost 90% of the population are White Americans. The city follows a council-manager type of government where the mayor and the council members plan and implement rules and regulations related to the daily operations of the city while the city manager oversees the day to day functions of the city. Council members also act as liaison officers of different committees such as Recreation and Events, Golf Course Advisory, Z0ning Board of Adjustment, Building Board of Adjustment and Appeals, Planning and Zoning Commission, and Capital Improvements Advisory. The city of Jersey Village also has its own Chief of Police and Fire Department to ensure peace and order and emergency response. There are primary and secondary schools in the area and a community college within the county to provide …show more content…
Henry who managed a business called F&M Dairy where he also raised Jersey cattle. But due to health issues, he had to give up his business and decided to convert the land into a residential community instead. They ensured the installation of water, drainage, sewage, and gas services in the area and soon enough, families began to move in and reside there. The first community in Jersey Village had a school, a golf course, and a park. Today, there are more families who have decided to buy homes and set up their garage doors in Jersey Village as compared to those families who are just renting their

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