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Naloxone Research Paper

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According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, the rate of national drug overdose deaths is 14.68% (Taft). Nationally, that is a high percentage. However, there is a drug called Naloxone that can save overdose victims. Some people believe that Naloxone is a waste of resources, but a human life is never a waste of. Naloxone should be available to overdose victims and their families. To begin with, Naloxone is cheap, effective, and safe. Naloxone, or Narcan, is a prescription drug found in most pharmacies. In order to buy this drug in most states a person would have to have a prescription from a physician. Naloxone is mostly used by emergency room doctors, paramedics, and advanced EMTS. (National Institute on Drug Abuse). Naloxone has three different forms: nasal spray, a pre loaded injectable shot, and a vial (Taft). It is relatively cheap- costing only twenty dollars (National Institute on Drug Abuse). This is not a large sum of money for a drug that saves lives. Naloxone works very effectively and quickly. It takes two to three minutes to activate and the effects last up to ninety minutes. This process happens by binding the brain’s opioid receptors and this basically switches them off. Naloxone does not cure an overdose, but it does slow down the process so addicts can …show more content…
Many people believe that naloxone enables people to keeping overdosing without repercussions. However, it is proven that, that this is not always the case. Most people who feel this way are basing their beliefs off opinions and not facts. A study concluded that knowing about Naloxone did not encourage drug users to use more, but actually the opposite. Naloxone does not make abusers feel safe and secure, it makes them face a harsh reality. Withdrawal is part of this harsh reality and often gives abusers a wake up call (Gavin). It often takes an overdose for addicts to realize how bad their situation

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