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Lifespan Changes

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Occupational Changes through the Lifespan Human development is a continuous process throughout the lifespan of an individual. The human develops from infant to adulthood following the sequence of stages in between. Appreciating the fact that humans develop at similar rates, the pattern of development gives room for generalization on different stages such as infancy, childhood, adolescence and adulthood (Berk, 2018). However, each step has various emotional and physical changes. This paper, therefore, seeks to give the clear understanding of human development stages, whereby physical, social, emotional, cultural and cognitive changes take place in a lifespan of an individual. There are four primary development stages of a human being. The …show more content…
At the bottom of the pyramid is the physical need for food, shelter, rest and stimulation. The next level is safety need where a person requires protection against illness and diseases. Maslow suggested that for a person to move into a different level of the pyramid, there are some needs that must be met (Newman & Newman, 2009). For example, if a person lacks food and shelter he/she will not be protected from disease and illness. As an adult enters into their last stage of development, they then grow frail and in most cases, they suffer mental illness accompanied by eyesight and hearing problems. The older generation may become isolated due to health or family issues, and they are emotionally withdrawn as they are seen to be the burden to the family and society (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2018). Despite the fact that the older generation has difficulty in grasping new technology and skill, they are full of wisdom and experience. According to Maslow’s theory of Hierarchy of Needs, at the top of the pyramid the individual demands respect from others as they feel the sense of self-confident and value. The elder only reaches self-actualization when the needs in the pyramid have been met (Kail & Cavanaugh, …show more content…
Cultural competence refers to the ability to interact peacefully with people of different cultures where one develops awareness of one’s religion, positive attitude toward different culture, and cross-culture communication skills (Flecky & Gitlow,2011). Cultural competence starts by first appreciating the fact that we are born, raised, and educated in different organizational cultures where culture shapes our behavior, belief, and values of an individual. A person who is culturally competent is compassionate and efficient when communicating with people who have different languages, ages, sexualities, culture, religion and ethnicities. Culturally qualified staff will not only provide consistent services to the client, but also acknowledge them and respond to them effectively (Tjale & De, 2004). A culturally competent staff will build respect and trust resulting in client satisfaction and acceptable outcomes of the

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