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Dietary Reference Intake

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Training season for sprinters can be very strenuous and vigorous. Fueling the body frequently and consistently throughout the day ensures energy and macronutrient needs, especially carbohydrate and protein, are higher during times of high physical activity due to high intensity and longer duration, to maintain body weight, replenish glycogen stores, and provide adequate protein for building and repairing muscle tissue. 1
The Dietary Reference Intake (DRI)
Abigaille calorie allowance for each day. The Dietary Reference Intake (DRI). The DRI for energy for active women age 18-22 is 2000 kcal/day-2500 kcal/day.
Caloric needs are determined by sport, gender, age, body composition, genetics, season, activity level, …show more content…
The muscles also undergo more wear and tear and depletion compared to someone who is sedentary. Jeukendrup and Gleeson corroborated this statement having reviewed several studies that concluded that the more intense an individual exercises the more the oxidation which results in the breakdown of amino acids hence a greater demand by the body to replenish amino acids by consuming more protein.2
Protein intake for optimal athletic performance goes beyond the simple recommendation of grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight per day. It is important to consider protein intake timing as well as amounts that best enable recovery after exercise and support muscle growth/repair throughout the day. In addition, it is also important to consider the types of protein that best support muscle protein synthesis following exercise.2
The International Society of Sports Nutrition recommends that high-quality proteins be consumed. It highlights milk-derived whey protein isolate and casein and egg white and soy protein isolate as proteins that provide essential amino acids that are readily taken up by muscle to optimize nitrogen balance and muscle protein …show more content…
 If you eat less than 1 hr. before the event, be sure to snack on any "tried and true" low fat, high carbohydrate snack. No new foods during competition

 Sprinters are required to maintain low body fat levels for high speed. Reduce food intake and increase training to achieve their desired body fat levels. Reduce energy intake by targeting excess fat, sugary foods/ drinks and alcohol avoid potato chips, french fries, hot dogs, candy bars, and doughnuts (e.g. replace whole fat with skim milk, use olive oil).2
 To generate power and strength without compromising speed for strength. Best results with proper refueling and recovery with protein and carbohydrate before and after workout to enhance muscle mass building.4
 Nutrient-dense carbohydrate sources such as bread whole grain, pasta, rice, cereal, fruit, and
Moderate portions of lean protein such as lean meat, skin-free chicken, eggs, low-fat dairy foods, lentils and tofu in small amounts throughout the day.
 Good snack foods for nutritious fuel includes, yoghurt, dried fruit, nuts, energy bars granola bars, fresh fruit, low-fat flavored milk crackers with cheese and

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