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Tent City Fire Research Paper

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Spokane fire
On August 4, 1889 in Spokane falls a small restaurant in a lodging house on Railroad Avenue caught fire. The early attempt by a local volunteer fire department was failed due to lack of water pressure in there hoses. Because the fire fighters couldn’t do anything to put it out the fire quickly grew into what locals described as “the most devastating fire that has occurred in the history of the world”.
As the fire grew and the wind picked up the fire started to move from wood structures to stone and mortar buildings. In no time one of the finest structures in the city; the Pacific Hotel was on fire. As the fire went from building to building it started moving toward the city’s business district. As the fire moved further east, …show more content…
The wind that was blowing the fire east has now shifted and started to blow south. Now the dozens of buildings the mayor demolished might have been for nothing. Now that the fire is moving south officials realize it is heading toward the Northern Pacific Freight Depot. Officials do the best they can to save some trains before the freight depot is destroyed.
When the fire finally out the aftermath was catastrophic. The fire had burnt thirty blocks causing million dollars in damage and burning down nearly 300 buildings, 30 of which were brick or masonry. It had completely burned down the downtown area creating it “Tent City”. The local businesses that once worked out of buildings now worked out of tents. Buildings that were not burnet to the ground were deemed “public nuisances” meaning it is too damaged and cannot be used to ensure safety.
Those who worked in the downtown area most likely lost their jobs. Often the people who did lose their jobs where hired to clean and rebuild downtown. News quickly spread of this tragedy and soon other city’s wanted to help. Spokane falls received relief packages from some cities, $15,000 from Seattle, and food provisions from

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