...front door, unlock it, and reach in to turn on the light switch located inside by the front door. The light strangely does not turn on, now what? Its clear that there must be some explanation as is to why the light did not turn on, my first reaction would be to try one more time to see if “it really was the light” and not human error. Using the scientific method, I came up with two different reasons/scenarios as to how and why the light did not turn on in hopes that one will solve the current situation. Trial #1: * Observe: I have observed that the light does not work, since I tried flicking the switch a couple of times. * Hypothesis: Since the light is not working my first thought would be that the light bulb has burnt out. * Experiment: Since the house is dark, I take out my phone in hopes it will shine a path to the next light switch, which is a couple feet away. I switch on that light and observe if it or isn’t working. * Data: Once I have figured out if the other lights are working or not I can come up with my conclusion and collect my data. My data would conclude if the lights in the other part of the house were working or not. * Communicate/Conclusion: Once I observed my option of turning on another light I can see if my hypothesis was correct. If the light in another room worked I could conclude that the light walking in the front door has burnt out and I need to replace the light bulb. If the lights in the other room do not turn on I need to regroup...
Words: 1536 - Pages: 7
...and during my research I came across the idea to photograph gemstones. Fire and brilliance are two categories under which we would find gems stones and diamonds. Optical gemology is the identifications term used to describe the characteristics of the color, transparency and sheen of these breathtaking stones. The lusters and quality of light that reflects from the surface of a stone, observing the transparency of a gem or diamond would depend on the amount of light that penetrates through the stones and this has an effect on the chemical and crystalline, that is how the reflecting of the colors are lightened up. The key to success with this...
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...My worldview is the set of beliefs about fundamental aspects of Reality that ground and influence all my perceiving, thinking, knowing, and doing (see What is a Worldview?). My worldview includes my beliefs about the nature and sources of knowledge (my epistemology), my beliefs about the ultimate nature of Reality (my metaphysics), my beliefs about the origins and nature of the universe (my cosmology), my beliefs about the meaning and purpose of the universe and its inhabitants (my teleology), my beliefs about the existence and nature of God (my theology), my beliefs about the nature and purpose of Man (my anthropology), and my beliefs about the nature of value and the value of things (my axiology). The general beliefs that are my worldview shape not only how I see the world, but also profoundly influence the particular beliefs I come to hold, the judgements and decisions I make, and all that I think, say, and do. My worldview is so fundamental to what I do, and indeed, what I am, that it would be intellectually dishonest for me not to offer it for examination. If you are to understand me and to understand what I say and do, you must know something of my worldview. So I set it forth for you here, not in the form of a lengthy argument, but as a set of assertions. I believe them to be true, but I leave it to you to reflect on them yourself and judge their validity. I am a Christian, and my worldview is a biblical Christian worldview. So I have decided to present it in the...
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...Light lab project is a great way to learn how light will work from different direction. It is also great way to learn how the colors work from different direction. The most difficult part of light lab is to make sure the direction and colors should match ways song is present in the project. It might be different from people to people. But if song is sad and someone put cool color to show happy that might not be good interpretation of song. This is the first project I am doing with light and music. I did the project with photography lighting and music one year ago. But it was easy because I had to capture photographs and put the music that was suitable to photographs than made video of it. This project is difficulty due to use of light and music together in the same time live....
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...UNITY FLAME INVOCATION In the name of the Christ, In the name of the I AM that I AM, I call forth and invoke the full power and the full gathered momentum of the Flame of Unity. I ask that this action be applied to the entire planet and all who live there on. I AM calling for the Unity Flame to consume completely, totally and utterly any and all misuses of consciousnesses in any way, but especially those that are generated, by virtue of claiming that there are differences between people, between conditions; and seeing them instead as all coming from the same wonderful source, and one day to return to that same wonderful fountain of light and love, peace and power. Let God’s Will be done! Let God’s S Will be done! Let God’s Will be done! Amen INVOCATION TO END SUPRESSION OF WOMEN IN THE MIDDLE EAST Oh Great and Holy Mother of us all, Divine One, Who holds us all, not only in the palm of Her hand, but the softest place in Her heart. I come to You this day, entreating and invoking Your direct aide and assistance in ending something on earth, which I find to be offensive and very painful to You. Oh Dear Mother, won’t You help us to overturn this terrible custom of suppression of Your own daughters, especially in the area of the Middle East, where barbaric customs are still continuing till this day. Oh Dear One, I need not remind You of these things, for You are She, who is feeling every one of them directly on Your own body. So I only want to let you know that I...
Words: 4484 - Pages: 18
...around you, right here on the ocean floor. Such wonderful things surround you. What more is you lookin’ for?” c. Lead in purpose: We all get envious of other people’s lives and I am no exception. I am learning every day to love my life in every way and to learn and grow from my challenges. II. Introduction topic and purpose: Today I would like to tell you how my life is like seaweed. III. Relate to audience: We all know where seaweed grows and how it dances in the ocean. Many of you probably like to eat it, but I’d like to show you how it is comparable to my life. IV. Establish credibility: I admire the ocean and have studied many different aspects of it, including plant life living in the salt water. Seaweed and the algae that live in the ocean are essential to the ecosystem as they provide food, shelter and diversity. V. Sign post and preview main points: My life is like seaweed for three main reasons. The first reason is that I remain rooted even when the current it pushing me in every direction. The second is that I go with the flow in situations instead of remaining rigid and resistant. The third reason my life is like seaweed is that I am always growing and reaching towards the light. Transition to body: Now that you know my three main points, let’s explore the first. I. Main point one: First, let me explain to you how I am rooted and stay rooted no matter the outside forces. A. Explanation: It is often difficult to remain steadfast in your beliefs...
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...the poet W.B. Yeats had a hand in editing and publishing it! GITANJALI 1 Thou hast made me endless, such is thy pleasure. This frail vessel thou emptiest again and again, and fillest it ever with fresh life. This little flute of a reed thou hast carried over hills and dales, and hast breathed through it melodies eternally new. At the immortal touch of thy hands my little heart loses its limits in joy and gives birth to utterance ineffable. Thy infinite gifts come to me only on these very small hands of mine. Ages pass, and still thou pourest, and still there is room to fill. 2 When thou commandest me to sing it seems that my heart would break with pride; and I look to thy face, and tears come to my eyes. All that is harsh and dissonant in my life melts into one sweet harmony---and my adoration spreads wings like a glad bird on its flight across the sea. I know thou takest pleasure in my singing. I know that only as a singer I come before thy presence. I touch by the edge of the far-spreading wing of my song thy feet which I could never aspire to reach. Drunk with the joy of singing I forget myself and call thee friend who art my lord. Page 1 3 I know not how thou singest, my master! I ever listen in silent amazement. The light of thy music illumines the world. The life breath of thy music runs...
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...already been dark for a few hours, so I figured my dog would be lying on the other side waiting as usual. I didn’t want to trip or fall on him; I didn’t want to hurt myself or him, so when I unlocked the front door the first thing I did was reach into the doorway and felt for the light switch to the right. I wanted to turn the light on in the in the foyer before walking in so that I could see where I was going, and where he was lying, but when I flipped the switch nothing happened. I had a situation. Why wasn’t my light working and how was I going to fix it? I went back to the car and grabbed a flashlight from my trunk. First, I had to identify my problem; I had no light in the dark. Next, I mentally compiled data relevant to the situation; I flipped the light switch and nothing happened. I then had a few different hypotheses. One, the light bulb was burned out. Two, there may have been a blown fuse, or three my bill payment was not received by the electric company. In order for me to figure out which, if any, of my hypotheses were correct, I had a few experiments to perform. First, I walked to the room closest to the front door which was the dining room and turned the light switch on; the light came on; therefore, I believe that my bill payment had been received by the electric company because power to other sources that needed electricity worked. From the dining room, I went to the closet in the hall which housed the fuse box to my home. None of the switches were out of place...
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...more strongly that he was destined to serve his language, his country and his God as a poet” (Greenblatt 769). This would become very important as his Protestant upbringing and his work as a politician along with his life experiences would affect all of his writing....
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...Apply the five steps of the Scientific Method to two situations that could occur in your everyday life. Use the scientific method in the first scenario provided below to solve the problem at hand. Please come up with a second detailed scenario on your own and follow the same steps in the scientific method to find a resolution. Scenario 1: You arrive home late at night. You walk up to the front door, unlock it, and reach in to turn on the light switch located just inside the front door. The light does not come on! Now what? 1. Name the problem or question you are trying to solve. One evening I came home late, my husband and children were out for the night, I unlocked the front door, reach in to turn the light on and it doesn’t come on. I go back to my car for the flashlight. I need to identify where the problem is generated from. Why doesn’t the light turn on when the switch is switched on? 2. What is your background research? Check the neighborhood to see if electricity is out. Check to see if breaker has flipped. Check to see if the light bulb has burnt out. 3. Construct a hypothesis based on the facts given. Don't make any claims that are not fully supported by the facts. Hypothesis The light bulb burnt out sometime during the day because of a bad fuse. Supporting evidence When opening the front door to turn on the light, I flipped the switch but no light came on. I call neighbors to see if...
Words: 2495 - Pages: 10
...common approach to address the requirements of the scientific community. These techniques allow other scientists, as well as just the layman, to know that there has been a standardized system applied to the scientific process. I will present a brief example of what the scientific method is and how to apply it to a real life issue. I have just arrived at home after a late night at work. I begin walking up to my front door and observe that the front porch light is not on. "That is interesting", I think to myself, "I wonder what it could be?" I begin to gather other information. I notice that there are lights on in my neighbor's house as well as a light being on in my own house in the kitchen. This tells me that there is not a power outage in my neighborhood. I open my front door and flip the interior light switch on and off; still the light does not come on. I begin to form a hypothesis that the reason the light will not come on is because the light bulb is blown. I make my way to the lit kitchen, open a drawer that has extra light bulbs, and grab a new bulb. I head back out to the front porch now. At this time, I am going to test my hypothesis by swapping out the supposedly blown bulb with the brand new bulb. I change the bulb, and one flick of...
Words: 1501 - Pages: 7
...late evening. The sun beginning to set and the continuous buzz of the street light becoming more and more apparent by the minute. I was noticing loads of little details about this street that I’ve never noticed before, even though I’ve lived here for most of my life. The best part of seventeen years and only now was I seeing its true beauty. The ripple of the leaves on the trees in the wind, framing the tenement buildings perfectly. The recurring pulse of the broken street light adding even more life to this urban disaster I call home. In this frame of mind I really thought it was going to be a struggle to find anything remotely beautiful in anything. It turns out the only thing I couldn’t see beauty in was life. Me. I’m the broken toy that nobody plays with, the one object that no longer has a purpose. If I was able to find such beauty in a run-down building with a few overgrown trees alongside it then why couldn’t I see that I wasn’t as worthless as I thought? I had an idea in my head and I knew it’d be too late for anybody to change it. I wobbled my way along the kerb, flailing my arms with every imbalance that my body felt. Although I thought I didn’t care, I obviously did if I didn’t just let myself descend towards the cold harsh reality of the pot-hole reddened road of my street. Something in my head was working overtime, stopping me from doing anything stupid. Trying desperately to keep my arms in full swing, keeping me upright. Trying to let me see myself from a different...
Words: 865 - Pages: 4
...observations. You reach for the switch and the light doesn't come on. What would you do next? Would you try the switch again? Did I flick it all the way first time? Then I would check to see if there was anything wrong with the electricity, by trying to turn on other lights in the house or looking to see if any electrical appliances were working. And so on and so forth until I found out why the light wasn't working. Do background research: The light doesn't come on the first time that I flick the switch. Based on experience I know a few potential causes of this observation, namely: faulty switch, no electricity, or burnt out light bulb. Using this background information I can then form a hypothesis as to why the light bulb didn't come on when I flicked the switch. Hypothesis: The light bulb didn't come on when I turned the switch because the light bulb has burnt out. Experiment: Take the old bulb and test it in a known working socket (at a neighbor's). Experiments should ideally have only two possible outcomes. Either they will support the hypothesis or disprove it. If the light doesn't work at my neighbor’s house then there is something wrong with the bulb. If it does then something else is causing the lack of light. Results: The old light bulb lights up when placed in a working socket at our neighbor’s house. Now we know that there is nothing wrong with that old bulb. But we still don't know why it didn't light in the first place. It's time to test another...
Words: 1562 - Pages: 7
...SCIENCE MEETS REAL LIFE 2 The scientific method is the set of actions that one takes when trying to figure something out. It is based on the principle of cause and effect (Ward). By definition there must be five steps in order for the scientific method to occur. The first action is observing something that piques one’s curiosity. The second action, questioning, may occur simultaneously. Something is seen, and questions come into the observers mind like “Why does that work like that?”, or “What would happen if…” The third action is called the hypothesis, which everyone remembers from grade school means, an educated guess. This can also be referred to as a prediction. Logically, the fourth step is to test this hypothesis through experimentation. Finally, an explanation is created as a result of testing the hypothesis (Pruitt, 2006). It is important to note that the experimentation phase of the scientific method can be a very lengthy one. The results of experiments may support one’s hypothesis, but further experimentation may be needed to account for other factors or scenarios. If the experiment does not support the hypothesis, more research may be needed as to why. More experiments will follow. Experimenting can raise more questions, which may require one to start the process over from the first step again. People use the scientific method numerous times every day, without ever thinking of it. While the phrase “scientific method” normally conjures up images...
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...Asif Chowdhury SC300: Big Ideas in Science Professor: Judy Ikawa Unit 9 11/22/2011 Many of us use the scientific method unconsciously on a daily basis, for work, tasks such as cooking and budgeting. The same elements present in traditional scientific inquiry are present in these everyday examples. Understanding how to apply the scientific method to these seemingly non-scientific problems can be valuable in furthering one's career and in making health-related decision. The scientific method is a process to ask question and answer scientific problem solving by making observation and doing experiments. We can follow the below steps to solve our problem scientifically: Observation This is the first part of scientific method is discovered upon direct observation of what is around us. As a scientist we have to look critically and attempt to avoid all kind if sources and bias in this observation. Ask question The second step in the scientific method is formulated by questions. Ask as many questions as we need to answer. Science can answer many questions, but there are some which cannot be answered by science. Hypothesis The next part of our scientific method is to form a hypothesis. This is simply an educated guess as to the answer for the question. Prediction The prediction is an official way to put a hypothesis to a test. If the test works most likely we are on a right track to solve our problem. If we have carefully designed our hypothesis to be sure it...
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