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Submitted By ahuang180
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Pages 2
• Characteristics of human languages – 1. Displaced reference = ability to talk about things here and now 2. Discretion = language with discrete parts merged to create a more complex word 3. Recursively = use finite of building block (embedding a sentence within a longer sentence)
• Prescriptive grammar: How you “should” speak. Actively taught Ex: don’t say ain’t
• Descriptive grammar: Focuses on how people actually speak. Not actively taught. What are the rules. Ex: plural- house -> houses
• Building blocks: * Morpheme: smallest meaningful unit * Phoneme: The smallest contrastive unit of the language
Ex: /t/ and /d/ – tot [tʰɑt] dot [dɑt]
• Roots: part of the word that carries the core meaning
• Affixes: Attach to the root/stem. Derivational or inflectional.
• Derivational: affixes that changes meaning of a word (syntactical category) Ex: drink->drinkable Infect->disinfect
• Inflectional: Does not change meaning (morphological category) Ex: Love->loves
• Suffix: addition at the end of a root
• Prefix: addition at the beginning of a root
• Infix: addition in the middle of root
• Reduplication: affix not specify for a particular word Ex: bili -> bi-bili
• Resyllabification: Katab – CVCVC
• Typology: system used for putting things into groups according to how they are similar
• Analytic: express grammer with words Ex: Many house
• Synthetic: Express various grammatical category Ex: Houses * Agglutinative: For each single morphological category, there is a vocabulary item Ex: Turkish = rats-plural-case * Fusional: strings of several morphological categories are commonly represented by single vocabulary item
Ex: amigo (the –o = masculine & singular) * Polysynthetic: multiple roots and affixes (One huge word to form sentences) Ex: I-water-draw-plant
• Grammatical categories: * Gender: feminine or masculine * Number: singular, dual, paucal (a few), plural * Case/class: noun, pronoun, adjectives, verb, etc. * Agreement: cases have to agree Ex: Mary believes him * Tense: past, present, future
• Aspect – a way of looking at action Ex: perfective (I love her) Ex: imperfective (I use to love her)
• What is involved in the production of speech (in other words, articulators and passive components)? lips, teeth, tongue blade, tongue body, tongue root, hard palate, soft palate (velum), alveolar ridge, glottis, vocal cords & the two cavities (nasal, oral)
• State of Glottis: vowel (closed) /consonant (closed if voiced) /(open if voiceless)
• Consonant classification: place/manner of articulation, voiced/voiceless
• Vowel classification: position of the tongue (high/low, front/back), the shape of the lips (round or not)
• Features: potentially contrastive property of a sound
• Notion of a natural class: group of sound that share a feature or features Ex: all sounds that uses the front of your tongue
• Minimal pair: Differing in one sound Ex: Cat and Bat
• Phonemes (contrastiveness): The smallest contrastive unit of the language

I the cake book read (Japanese)

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