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Lita E Bella Psychology

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Some people might conclude that the Award Winning film called “La Vita e Bella”, Life Is Beautiful, a film reviewed by Tom Dawson of the British Broadcasting Company doesn’t show the reality of the severeness for the Jews in the concentration camps and many find it offensive. Guido a Jewish and Italian waiter living in Italy moves in with his uncle who owns a restaurant in a fancy Hotel. On his way there he meets a lady named Dora who literally fell into his arms and since that day Guido fell deeply in love with her. Ever since that day Guido tried everything to win the heart of his princess as he called her. Eventually Dora falls for the charms of Guido she fell for that goofy and romantic way of his. Together they raise their son Giosue …show more content…
This father used whatever he had to to ensure the safety of his son. Guito uses comedy to protect his son from the actual truth. All he wanted was to make sure that Giosue never found out what they were really in, Guito did everything he could to make sure that Giosue didn’t find out that they were actually in a Concentration Camp being kill and used as slaves. Throughout some parts of the movie Guido does some things that are funny but they aren’t meant to make someone laugh, no they were meant so that Giosue believed he was just playing a game. Guito made Giosue believe that he was playing a game trying to win and that the rest of the people were just players playing too trying to beat Guito and Giosue. So as you see this wasn’t meant to be funny but to hide the truth from his son. In the film Guito makes jokes but to make Giosue smile and keep his happiness intact and not to let him suffer even though Guito knew that this was not easy, he didn’t care what he had to do all he cared about was his son and wife. See his humor didn’t just make Dora his wife fall in love with him it also made his son believe in him. When Guito his son and the rest of the jews arrived to the camp a German Officer entered their camp and asked for someone that spoke German and could translate. Guito makes a joke out this situation but it was for his son. So Guito volunteered to translate for him even though he didn’t speak German at all. As for this it might seem cruel of Guito to pretend like he knows German to others because of him everyone else in his group is running the risk of not knowing what exactly is happening and could even get killed if they don’t know what to do. But Guito rather pretend than to let someone else that really spoke German tell them what was going to happen and let his son hear every word that

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