...Arab Open University Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) Academic Year 2015 - 2016 | Semester: First | Branch:kuwait | Program: Business Studies | Course Title: Business functions in context II | Course Code:B203B | Student Name:Waleed Khalid ali alshaikh | Student ID: 131876 | Section Number: | Tutor Name: | Mark details | Allocated Marks | Questions | Essay Question | Total (100) | | Weight | 100 | | | Marks | | | | Deduction | Criteria | Presentation(0-4) | Referencing(0-4) | Word Count(0-4) | E-Library(0-4) | Total deduction (0-16) | | Marks | | | | | | 100 | Student’s Total Mark (total marks – total deductions) | | Notes on plagiarism: A. According to the Arab Open University By-laws, “the following acts represent cases of cheating and Plagiarism: * Verbatim copying of printed material and submitting them as part of TMAs without proper academic acknowledgement and documentation. * Verbatim copying of material from the Internet, including tables and graphics. * Copying other students’ notes or reports. * Using paid or unpaid material prepared for the student by individuals or firms. B. Penalties for plagiarism ranges from failure in the TMA to expulsion from the university. Declaration: I hereby declare that the submitted TMA is my own work and I have not copied any other person’s work or plagiarized in any other form as specified above. Student Signature ...
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...Teesside University Business Management Fundamentals of marketing Nissan case study Student name: Student number: Module code: Submission date: Tutor: Case Study on Nissan The purpose of this essay is to explore and question why Nissan Motor Company creates products that are branded for a specific target audience. It will also be based upon how these techniques benefit the company and discuss what Nissan gain from it. 1. Consider the introduction of the infiniti brand by Nissan and discuss how the sub-brand relates to a particular target segment for Nissan? Nissan was originally founded in 1993 and was formerly known as Tobata Casting co, Ltd, the company name then later transformed in Nissan Motor. According to Nissan Global “the founder Yoshisuke Aikawa a brilliant leader of the Nissan combine had grand plans to mass-produce 10,000 - 15,000 units per year, and was about to putting his plan into practice”(www.nissan-global.com, Accessed: 12 January 2014 ). Since 1933 Nissan has transformed and expanded massively and is now very popular and successful brand. Its products are now purchased worldwide selling mostly in larger countries such as Japan and America. As reported by Johnathon Jones “Nissan produces more than 300,000 cars a year, and has plans to increase that volume in the long term to 500,000” (Johnathon Jones, 2002). “Nissan has a clear vision for the future, and - with our Alliance partner, Renault - we are working with passion...
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...There are many people being diagnosed with depression, mood and anxiety disorders each year. What causes this? What symptoms would indicate a mood disorder? What are some treatment methods for such disorders? In this essay I will be discussing unipolar and bipolar disorders in detail; what is the difference between them, available treatment methods for individuals who suffer from these illnesses and signs and symptoms that might possibly happen. According to R.J Comer, (Fundamentals of abnormal psychology, 2005, 4th ed. Chapter 7) Unipolar is described as an individual who has “no history of mania and returns to a normal or nearly normal mood when their depression lifts. Bipolar is described as individuals who experience periods of mania that alternates with periods of depression.” Any kind of anxiety, stress, and/or depression can alternate a person’s ability to function in normal daily activities. Meaning an individual may or may not be able to get out of bed, go into public, or interact with others. What are the causes of such disorders? It could be that a person has been through a traumatic event in their life such as, a disaster, losing a job, divorce, rape, or substance abuse, etc. When such life’s events happen a person can withdraw themselves almost as if they have lost their way and cannot figure out how to deal with such crisis, that things just keep building up on top of each other and never truly heal the root cause. This cycle can go on allowing for the individual...
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...GROUP Business Technology Strategy Coursework about Apple iPhone Cai Bichu, He Yubei, Lv Mengyu, Tu Hongting, Wang han, Wang Yian, Yang Tong 2015/12/10 Catalog 1. Abstract ......................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Background ................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Background of the apple company ...................................................................................... 3 2.1.1. Steve jobs ................................................................................................................ 4 2.1.2. Products -- iPhone ................................................................................................... 4 2.2 The analyses of apple’s porter 5 forces ............................................................................... 6 2.2.1. Competitive Rivalry or Competition with Apple .................................................... 7 2.2.2. Bargaining Power of Apple’s Customers/Buyers .................................................... 7 2.2.3. Bargaining Power of Apple’s Suppliers .................................................................. 8 2.2.4. Threat of Substitutes or Substitution ....................................................................... 8 2.2.5. Threat of New Entrants or New Entry.....................................
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...Are the Lessons Learned in Laboratory Safety Applicable to Real World Scenarios? Hook: Have you ever thought that you may be eaten by an alligator? How about having all of your hair burned off by a Bunsen burner? Have you ever thought that you could contract the plague just from not wearing gloves? Well no one does! However, it happens more often than you would think. Overview: Most science classes begin with an overview of laboratory safety procedures. Many teachers agree that this is an important topic to discuss due to the recent increase of accidents in labs not only at the high school level, but also in universities and in professional settings. The purpose of this document-based question is to have you evaluate the necessity of learning laboratory safety. You are to examine the documents and search for evidence to support your answer to the question, “Are the lessons learned in laboratory safety applicable to real world scenarios?” The Documents: Document A - A Death in the Lab Document B - University of Chicago Microbiologist Infected From Possible Lab Accident Document C - Danger in School Labs: Accidents Haunt Experimental Science Document D - Animal Handling Safety Document E - Graphs of Death by Mechanism and Occupation Understanding the Question 1. What is the analytical question asked in this DBQ? 2. What terms in the question need to be defined? 3. Rewrite the question in your own words. Pre-Bucketing Directions: Using clues from...
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...billionth of a meter and when we are dealing with such scales, the rules of physics and chemistry no longer apply. In turn, this will allow us to undergo “atomically precise engineering” which could have a positive impact on every one of us. Picture what we could do when we have carbon nanotubes (rolled up sheets or graphite that are 1000 times thinner than air) that are 100 times stronger than steel yet six times lighter. Nanotechnology may seem very futuristic, however it is not something that is new to us. We have already built many machines/materials that use nanoparticles (particles with a range of 1nm to 100nm), some of which include self-cleaning glass, swimming pool disinfectants, scratch resistant coatings and safer yet more effective lithium ion batteries. Now we are looking into using these nanoparticles for more serious issues, for example in curing cancer and developing more effective nuclear weapons. But is this something that we should worry about? Much of nanoscience and many nanotechnologies are concerned with producing new or enhanced materials. The reason most nanotechnology researchers are so excited is mainly because they can reinforce materials to make them not only stronger, but also lighter. The products that we can get from this will have new electronic, optical and mechanical properties. One...
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...Introduction The essay is intended to deliver an analysis about Chinese foreign policy in the upcoming years, its development and clarification of the position of the People’s Republic of China in the international relations with a focus on China’s peaceful rise. The essay covers China’s relations to the selected countries, for example the most important neighbouring countries, but nevertheless the U.S., European Union and Middle East also. It focuses also on environmental sustainability, possible economic influence in the foreign countries, controversial issues over disputed areas and possible democratization of the political system. Analytically it discusses the factors involved in shaping as the China’s foreign policy, as well as domestic policy. It deals with human rights violation and discrimination. In focus to the security issues it gives an overview of China’s military capacities and abilities, which may be considered as a threat to its peaceful rise. As a conclusion it gives an analysis of factors that contribute in China’s effort to become a regional power, in means of emerging power that is able to compete with the traditional western type powers. Theoretical basis The impressive economic growth of People’s Republic of China over the past few decades raises a profound question about China’s peaceful rise in the international relations. It is a beautiful example of a country which is to become a regional and eventually global power in our lifetime. China is...
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...Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Trade Working Paper Series, No. 99, April 2011 Utility of Regional Trade Agreements: Experience from India’s Regionalism by Sejuti Jha* * PhD Scholar, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi. The author is grateful to Biswajit Nag, Rajan Sudesh Ratna and Mia Mikic for valuable comments. The paper benefited from the comments received from the participants at the second Empirical Issues in International Trade and Finance conference, organized by IIFT at New Delhi, 16-17 December 2010. The opinion, figures and estimates are the sole responsibility of the author and should not be considered as reflecting the views or carrying the approval of the United Nations, ARTNeT and the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade. Any errors are the responsibility of the author, who can be contacted at sejuti.jha@gmail.com. The Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Trade (ARTNeT) is aimed at building regional trade policy and facilitation research capacity in developing countries. The ARTNeT Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about trade issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations are less than fully polished. ARTNeT working papers are available online at www.artnetontrade.org. All material in the working papers may be freely quoted or reprinted, but acknowledgment is requested, together with a copy of the publication containing...
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...[pic] CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION The automobile industry is one of the largest industries in India as in many other countries. It plays a major role in the growth of economy in India. The automobile industry in India is the ninth largest in the world with an annual production of over 2.3 million units in 2008. The industry comprises automobiles and auto component sectors, which encompass passenger cars, two-wheelers, three-wheelers, tractors, commercial vehicles, multi- utility vehicles and components. Today, the Indian automobile industry is the world s largest motorcycle manufacturer, the second largest two-wheeler and tractor manufacturer, the fifth largest commercial vehicle manufacturer and the fourth largest car maker in Asia. Apart from serving the domestic market, the Indian auto sector has also become a sourcing hub for the global auto giants. In 2009, India emerged as Asia's fourth largest exporter of automobiles, behind Japan, South Korea and Thailand. The Government of India has introduced an ambitious project of setting up world-class automotive testing and R&D infrastructure to place India in the USD 6 trillion global automotive business. This book details the current status and factors influencing the growth of the Indian automobile industry; its future prospects and the success stories of some automobile giants in India. It also focuses on the future growth of the industry as a result of the newly adopted technologies and strategies...
Words: 14693 - Pages: 59
...Tesla Motors - Challenges in International Management. 1. Introductions Today, it is difficult to find anyone who is interested in cars, environmental protection, or IT technologies and who has never heard about Tesla Motors, the company which was found in 2003 by Elon Musk. He developed a person-to-person payment platform known as PayPal, which made him a billionaire. And after that he decided to focus on realization of his long-standing dreams: one is Space X – the company, the main purpose of which is the design of launch vehicles and the cargo delivery to the Space. This is the first commercial company to launch and dock a vehicle to the International Space Station. The second is Tesla Motors – the company, which pushes cars into the “New Age” - the age of the clean electric cars. Which wants put an end to uneconomical and low-tech cars of the past1.(http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9C%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%BA,_%D0%AD%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%BD) Internal combustion engine efficiency - though continuously improving over time - still causes criticism by the "clean energy" crowd. It is argued that in our time of innovation the slow increase in efficiency is not sufficient, and an alternative is needed. That is why the "green" energy adopters see Tesla Motors' Model S as a messiah of sorts. We should keep in mind that the ecological impact of internal combustion vehicles is often overlooked in pursuit of power, luxury factor, or comfort. IC engines produce carbon monoxide that has environmental...
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...understand the universe is one of the very few things that lifts human life a little above the level of farce, and gives it some of the grace of tragedy."—Steven Weinberg Steven Weinberg is winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1979, and author of the book "The First Three Minutes". 2 Introduction Science at the beginning of the twenty-first century can make some bold, yet simple observations: 1) the universe has evolved; 2) we are a result of that evolution. “We are the first generation of human beings to glimpse the sweep of cosmic history, from the universe's fiery origin in the Big Bang to the silent, stately flight of galaxies through the intergalactic night.” (National Research Council) Order in the Universe Cosmology is the study of the evolution of the universe from its first moments to the present. In cosmology the most fundamental question we can ask is: Does our universe have intelligible regularities that we can understand—is it ordered? This question lies at the heart of the scientific revolution beginning in the sixteenth century. That revolution began with the discoveries by Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton of order in our world. Today our scientific understanding of nature’s order has reached a critical threshold. Only now can we begin to piece together a coherent picture of the whole. Only...
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...Table of Contents Introduction 1 Influence 2 The Camera 3 Invention & the Early Years 3 The 20th Century & Lead up to the Digital Era 5 The Digital Era 6 Product Life Cycle 9 Innovation 11 Patents 13 Marketing 14 Market Analysis 14 Difference in the Marketing Mix 4P’s and 7P’s 15 Product 16 Price 18 Why Nikon P500? 18 Promotion, Place and Diffusion 20 Influence on Society 20 UPS and Nikon 21 Conclusion & Future Outlook 22 References 23 Appendix 25 Introduction The purpose of this paper is to show the writer’s choice in choosing, the product, the camera and the effects of Marketing, Design and Innovation of the Camera. Influence From the onset of this course, the writer was told to choose a product that has influenced the writer’s life; the only item would and has been the Camera. As a child the writer has always been intrigued by the ideas of a story, a story that little words but great impact. These short stories can only be told through pictures, through the technology of the camera. As the wise ones say, “A picture paint a thousand words." The camera allows for the indulgence of the writer’s greatest pastime and hobby. The camera allows for a unique view of the world, a view of one’s perspective of the one’s world. Behind the lens give reveals the beauty of the life, the beauty of a first kiss, the beauty of the first valentine, the beauty of true love, the beauty of a first born and his first step. Behind the...
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...Past Papers, Marks Scheme indicative content and examiners Report comments June 2010 A) How far did ‘peaceful coexistence’ ease Cold War tensions between the Soviet Union and the USA in the years 1953–61? Mark Scheme: Candidates should have knowledge about the main features of ‘peaceful coexistence’ in the period 1953-61. Developments which helped to ease Cold War tensions might include: the end of the Korean War (1953); Soviet settlement of border disputes with Turkey and Iran (1953) and recognition of Israel (1953); Austrian independence and improved Soviet-Yugoslav relations (1955); the ‘Geneva spirit’ based on east-west summit diplomacy and Khrushchev’s visit to the USA in 1959. Developments which sustained Cold War tensions during the period might include: US attitudes towards communism in the 1950s (domino theory, ‘roll back’, Eisenhower doctrine); Soviet concept of peaceful coexistence based on long-term victory of communism; the impact of the Hungarian Rising (1956) and the launch of Sputnik (1957); the U2 spy plane incident (1960) and the issue of Germany (1958-1961). At Levels 1 and 2 simple or more developed statements will provide either only simple or more developed statements about peaceful coexistence with either only implicit reference to the extent tensions were eased or argument based on insufficient evidence. At Level 3, students should provide some sustained...
Words: 7464 - Pages: 30
...The Grand Design ALSO BY STEPHEN HAWKING A Brief History of Time A Briefer History of Time Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays The Illustrated A Brief History of Time The Universe in a Nutshell FOR CHILDREN George’s Secret Key to the Universe (with Lucy Hawking) George’s Cosmic Treasure Hunt (with Lucy Hawking) ALSO BY LEONARD MLODINOW A Briefer History of Time The Drunkard’s Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives Euclid’s Window: The Story of Geometry from Parallel Lines to Hyperspace Feynman’s Rainbow: A Search for Beauty in Physics and in Life FOR CHILDREN The Last Dinosaur (with Matt Costello) Titanic Cat (with Matt Costello) The Grand Design The Grand Design The Grand Design The Grand Design Copyright © 2010 by Stephen W. Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow Original art copyright © 2010 by Peter Bollinger All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Bantam Books, an imprint of The Random House Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York. Cartoons by Sidney Harris, copyright © Sciencecartoonsplus.com BANTAM BOOKS and the rooster colophon are registered trademarks of Random House, Inc. eISBN: 978-0-553-90707-0 www.bantamdell.com v3.0 The Grand Design The Grand Design The Grand Design The Grand Design E EACH EXIST FOR BUT A SHORT TIME, and in that time explore but a small part of the whole universe. But humans are a curious species. We wonder, we seek answers. Living in this vast world that...
Words: 43567 - Pages: 175
...McKinsey Global Institute May 2013 Disruptive technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy The McKinsey Global Institute The McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), the business and economics research arm of McKinsey & Company, was established in 1990 to develop a deeper understanding of the evolving global economy. Our goal is to provide leaders in the commercial, public, and social sectors with the facts and insights on which to base management and policy decisions. MGI research combines the disciplines of economics and management, employing the analytical tools of economics with the insights of business leaders. Our “micro-to-macro” methodology examines microeconomic industry trends to better understand the broad macroeconomic forces affecting business strategy and public policy. MGI’s in-depth reports have covered more than 20 countries and 30 industries. Current research focuses on four themes: productivity and growth, the evolution of global financial markets, the economic impact of technology and innovation, and urbanization. Recent reports have assessed job creation, resource productivity, cities of the future, and the impact of the Internet. MGI is led by McKinsey & Company directors Richard Dobbs and James Manyika. Yougang Chen, Michael Chui, Susan Lund, and Jaana Remes serve as MGI principals. Project teams are led by a group of senior fellows and include consultants from McKinsey’s offices around the world. These teams draw...
Words: 80396 - Pages: 322