...Censorship in America Welcome to America. The land of the free and the home of those all too willing to use that right to its fullest extent. The first nation truly founded on the right to speak one’s mind without consequence, America is now the most prosperous nation in the world, largely due to that very fact. We as Americans are blessed to live in a nation that is thriving both politically and socially, both as innovator and steady power, both as a community and as a collection of individuals. The marks of American society have spread far beyond the nation’s borders, with everything from the Big Mac to Steven Spielberg movies to democracy itself making it’s impact felt on this modern world. The name America has become synonymous with freedom, and through this freedom, great wealth, power, and success. And yet history has shown, through the example of democracies like Athens and Rome, that even the greatest of civilizations eventually swerve off course. After reading Patrick Garry’s “An American Paradox: Censorship in a Nation of Free Speech”, Marjorie Heins’ “Not In Front Of The Children”, and various statements from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), I have come to believe that the unstoppable juggernaut that is America may too be in danger of losing its way. The principles of freedom and human rights that this country was founded and subsequently prospered on are often quickly abandoned in the effort to protect the general public from anything deemed even slightly...
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...because neither hides there true identity and they both help many people. Captain America was the face of America in the movies, he was the solider that lead the soldiers into war, and was a friendly face that everyone could see when seeing propaganda posters for the war. Martin Luther King Jr. was compared to Captain America because; he was the face of freedom for the African Americans and he helped lead them to earn their freedom as American instead of slavery. Captain America was the face of hope during The Golden Age, both having relatable connections. A personal connection between nonfiction characters is a key component during the creation of a comic. Even from the beginning of The Captain America comic you show sympathy for the young, scrawny man because of his bravery and determination to fight for what he wants in life. So why not use an average man who wants nothing more than to help our country and put him in a tight suit and bulk him up? It’s always about the audience and their emotional draw to the character which is vividly portrayed in this movie....
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...communication comprises of public relations, advertising, sales promotion and several others. The traditional methods of communicating the availability of a new product through lifestyle magazine is now taken over by the new ‘two way' method of communication that includes advertisements as well as feedback from the customers1. RELATED ARTICLES Adidas-Reebok Merger Fashion journalists are keen on publishing what is happening in Londonand Paristo be the first to report fashion revolution that not only consists of innovation but is also of importance for cultural production. Fashion writers are conscious about associating the culture of each nation to a season's fashion to ensure there is a national identity for the products2. Advertisement is a mass media because it reaches a mass market. The notion that advertising is non-targeted and non personal is a wrong implication. Advertising luxury brands in mass media like television and magazine targets a narrow group comprising of the specific luxury consumer market. Advertisement is a method of communicating the brand history, personality, products, image and services that increase the visibility of the bands. Traditionally advertisements of superior brands usually appear in business publications, fashion magazines, high end publications and airline in-flight magazines focusing target audience1. 1.Uche, Okonkwo, Luxury fashion branding: trends, tactics, techniques (New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2007) 2. Sandra Niessen, Re-orienting...
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...It tends to exclude improvisation in strategy development and underplay the unpredictable, conservative or political aspects of human organisations. Taking a design lens to a strategic problem means being systematic, analytical and logical. Strategy as experience. The experience lens recognises that the future strategy of an organisation is often heavily influenced by its experience and that of its managers. Here strategies are seen as driven not so much by clear-cut analysis as by the taken-for-granted assumptions and ways of doing things embedded in people’s personal experience and the organisational culture. Strategy is likely to build on and continue what has gone on before. Insofar as different views and expectations within the organisation exist, they will be resolved not through rational optimisation, as in the design lens, but through messy compromises and ad hoc deals. The experience lens suggests that the personal experience and interests of key decision-makers need to be understood. It sets low expectations of radical change. Strategy as variety.12 Neither of the above lenses is likely to uncover radical new ideas in strategy. Design approaches risk being too rigid and top-down; experience builds too much on the past. How then are radical...
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...Using the companies' investor Web sites, annual report, or other reliable web source (not a Wiki file); find the mission statement of each of the two companies; * Prepare a well–reasoned analysis of the similarities and differences of the two organizations based on the mission statement; * Organize the paper with headings so the author knows what you are writing about; * Discuss the quality of each mission statement based on concepts from the course material. * Assess whether the mission statement clearly defines the organization and drives strategic decisions? * Provide recommendations to the leadership team for improving the quality of the current mission statement; * Discuss the vision for each company. Do the companies appear to be heading in the same direction? Explain your rationale and provide support for your position. Part II * Select one of the companies in the pair and respond to the questions below. Ensure that correlations are drawn between your responses and concepts discussed in the e-text; * How does the company respond to the issue of social responsibility? In what kinds of activities does the organization participate? Do you think its activities are appropriate? Explain you answer; * Prepare a SWOT analysis of the selected company, including at least two strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats each; * Based on the concepts learned so far, provide your recommendation for turning the weaknesses into strengths...
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...Running head: ENTERTIANMENT ELEMENTS SHOULD BE ADDED IN CHINESE SPORTS Entertainment elements should be added in Chinese sports Yin Wu University of San Francisco Author Note This paper was prepared for Wrtg/Speaking Pract and Graduate Writing/Speaking Practicum(Fall_2012), taught by Professor Schultes ABSTUCT The basis of this article was to address the idea that adding entertainment elements in Chinese sports industry can change the current status of Chinese sports industry. The methods to support the article include: personal interview, analyzing the current situation of Chinese sports industry, the sharp contrast between the present condition of Chinese sports industry and U.S sports industry, the analysis of Chinese sports market, proposing an example of entertainment project on a basketball team. Upon the approaches, Chinese sports industry has the huge potential and should have a try to put entertainment elements in sports. The anticipated effect of this article is to make Chinese sports industry moves forward and have a splendid future. Entertainment elements should be added in Chinese sports China is a huge sporting nation as it can be proved from the achievements of recent Olympics Games: in 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, China got 59 medals including 28 golden medals; in 2004 Athens Olympic Games, China acquired 63 medals including 32 golden medals;...
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...It is not the actual states that put the “United” in the United States; it is the people of America that put the “United” in the United States. Through a well-organized essay, “One Nation, Slightly Divisible,” David Brooks describes the diverse ways of life between Republicans and Democrats. Brooks effectively uses strong nonbiased points to assist the reader in agreeing and understanding his every thought. This allows Brooks to easily reach his intended audience- anyone interested in the diverse ways of life between Republicans and Democrats. America is a united nation despite the differences between people and their culture. This idea of one united nation, that is slightly divisible, is portrayed effectively through Brooks’s essay. “One Nation, Slightly Divisible” has a title that directly introduces the topic of the essay. The organization throughout Brooks’s essay is clear and all of his ideas are well thought out. “One Nation, Slightly Divisible” begins with a short excerpt about Brooks’s background, giving the reader the ability to know Brooks on a more personal level and understand where his experiences are coming from. Brooks uses a gripping first sentence that makes the reader want to read more. This first sentence states, “Sixty-five miles from where I am writing this sentence is a place with no Starbucks, no Pottery Barn, no Borders or Barnes & Noble” (487). This is an effective way of drawing the reader in because it makes the reader think about where Brooks...
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...upholding the democratic principles during his terms in the White House. He will also live in infamy for being an overreaching executive who disassembled the Bank of the United States and destroyed Native American culture. Meacham’s greatest accomplishment is sorting through the complexities of Jackson’s life. Meacham does this by addressing Jackson’s negative qualities and glorifying his accomplishments. As a result, he provides well researched anecdotal evidence from many private collections of letters and biographies (364). Even though Meacham tries to provide an unbiased analysis...
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...Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION The globalization of culture – the effect upon culture of the “increasing connection of the world and its people” – is perhaps nowhere more visible than in the changing nature of the relationship between the world’s youth and their sense of identity (Solomon & Scuderi 2002:13). It has become commonplace to think of the world’s youth as that part of the community who are most receptive, or, alternatively, susceptible to, foreign cultural practices. If childhood means acceptance, and adulthood means conservatism, youth means rebelliousness. Youth are seen as the part of society that is most likely to engage in a process of Cultural borrowing that is disruptive of the reproduction of traditional cultural practices, from modes of dress to language, aesthetics and ideologies. From Japanese punk to Australian hip hop, youth subcultures are seen as being implicitly rebellious, born as much from a desire to reject the generation that went before them, as from an identification with what they have become. Exactly how accurate this widespread impression may be is difficult to assess. What is certain, however, is that the age of globalization, more than any other age before it, is an age that has both exerted great effects upon, and been greatly affected by, young people. Adolescents undergo the process of identity formation as one of their foremost development challenges. This paper addresses what role the mass media play in this...
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...1 INTRODUCTION What would the world be without instant communication and information? Certainly not after being used to having access to the world at a click of a button, but is every country equal in its access to communication and media? Do all countries have access to television? Media imperialism will be discussed, media imperialism is loosely defined as a theory that suggests that smaller countries are losing their identity and culture due to the dominance of media from larger nations. Today we're not only receiving the word almost immediately, but there are also possibilities for live pictures and sound giving a feeling of presence almost virtually wherever it happens on the planet. The earlier seemingly logical relationship between space and time is moving apart, and distance is no longer an obstacle resulting in the world seeming smaller. In this article, media imperialism will be looked at in the television industry. We look at the world’s largest media giant Time Warner that recently announced its merger with Comcast making it a force to be reckon with a value of over $45 billion dollars. Then we look nationally at our very own media giant, MultiChoice, and its CEO of the holding company Naspers, Mr Koos Bekker. This media mogul has pathed the way for media in South Africa and we look at what made him so successful and how he manages such a powerful organisation such as Naspers. How does media imperialism effect the television industry? This question is...
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...globalization, the world would never change. The result is actually pushing the whole world forward for further development, gathering all creation and benefits together, and is even beneficial for emphasizing countries own identities from many others. Globalization is the process of migration; capital flows, spreading of cultures, technology and food spreading throughout the world. It is happening everyday, everywhere in the world. I, as an international student comes from China and attending my university in United Stated, I bring the money to US, come with my own Chinese culture background and personal identities, my language, and living styles as an Asian. I think I have finally fallen into a part of cultural globalization, exchanging or sharing my culture with American friends, I benefits from the American college life here and learning American culture. I feel really good to live under this environment, I like the American way for many aspects and I do not lose my own unique identities. I think it could be a pretty good result if I widely accept American culture and also share my culture with my American friends, and on the other hand, I could show the American ways I...
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...the way they live so that they can preserve their own personal energy and focus on the really important factors in life. Some people focus their energy on making new innovations to improve transportation and the health of people that may save lives. Technology is significant in everyone's life because it rapidly changes what is in the market, society or in a community. But, some new innovations of technology are ridiculous because they serve no purpose in helping mankind. By the turn of the century, technology, information, including access to the Internet, will be the basis for personal, economic, and political advancement. The use of Local Area Networks, Wide Area networks, satellite links, and the Internet, the user can now send electronic mail or data across an ocean. This takes less time than it takes to address an envelope. Internet telephone service allows subscribers to talk long distance without incurring charges associated with conventional long distance service. Whether you want to find the latest financial news, browse through library catalogs, exchange information with colleagues, or join in a lively political debate, the Internet is the tool that will take you beyond telephones, faxes, and isolated computers to a burgeoning networked information frontier. Internet opens up new worlds accessible to anyone with a computer and an Internet server. The Internet can provide the user with a new means of communication, entertainment, shopping and...
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...street about cybersecurity and cyber warfare, they would probably say they don’t know much about it other than the fact that it involves computers. In fact, for anyone outside of the cybersecurity industry, the closest thing to cyber warfare that they may have experienced was their viewing of the movie War Games, or the fourth installment of the Die Hard series, Live Free or Die Hard. While those movies had a profound impact on the lives of the characters in the script, the audience probably thought it was merely fiction, not fully based on fact. In Live Free or Die Hard, John McClain (played by the indefatigable Bruce Willis) is attempting to stop a domestic cyber-terrorist who is acting out on a vendetta against the United States. The cyber-terrorist is successful in launching an online attack to overload and destroy a power grid that left much of America’s East Coast in darkness. When I first saw this movie, I was curious if an attack like that was really possible; however, most people around me just labeled the movie as “Hollywood’s overactive imagination”. With cyber attacks literally having the ability to affect lives in a nanosecond, it is vital that everyone understand what cyber attacks entail, the impact of these cyber attacks on a domestic and international scale, and knowing what to expect in the future while living in a world dominated by virtual experiences. The scary thing is that attacks like that are very real and pose an imminent threat to the U.S. and its allies...
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...of public education intended to enlighten the general population. The creation of the Public Museum was an expression of the 18th century enlightenment which generated enthusiasm for equality of opportunity in learning. According to the declaration made in the Copenhagen 10th General Assembly of the International Council of Museums held in 1974, a museum is defined as “a non - profit making permanent institution, in the service of the society and its development and open to the public, which acquires, conserves, communicates and exhibits, researches for the purpose of study, education and enjoyment, material evidence of men and his environment". Generally speaking, museums collect objects of significance that comply with their mission statement for conservation and display. Many assert that the primary function of art museums ought to be research and scholarship, staunch in their pursuit of objectivity, while others insist that it is about pluralism, the fortification of diversity in a pleased and intrigued public. Art Museums, not only because of the scientific and humanistic disciplines practiced in them, such as conservation, art history, archaeology etc., are seen as preservers of the community’s official cultural memory. Consequently, it can be argued that museums should be placed at the centre of the modern relations between government and culture. As a powerful social metaphor and as an instrument of historical representation, museums are crucial barometers of social changes...
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...Research on Intellectual Property rightsBy Collins MerokaCollege | | Introduction Internet as seen in the present advancement in technology has brought myriad of achievements. It has further created a new world for online opportunities and challenges as well. In digital transmission of materials, protected work can be shared through the internet in one form or the other. These forms may include, but not limited to, music, still pictures, video clips and sound. With all these sharing, internet has become a common place to upload and download audio-visual materials like recorded films. Copyright is a common method used to protect ones production rights on a particular piece of material over the internet. In fact, the graph below shows that copyright infringement is the most common type of infringement; Figure 1: source; Canadian SME However, in peer-to-peer file sharing, most people infringe these rights and pass other people’s work as their own. In fact, IFPI states in their report that “the ease of access to music by means of illegal file sharing has damaged its perceived value to customers”. This has been a great challenge to music and film industry globally (Leyshon, A., 2003). For instance in the recent emergence of file swapping services that are based on the internet. These services include Napster that has allowed huge exploitation of recorded work without any little authorization of the users. Actually, this has been attributed to the slow rate of sales...
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