...Living Apart Together Living Apart Together (LAT) is a new family lifestyle – voluntarily – for the couples all around the world. LAT is a term, to describe the couples in a relationship, which live in separate houses. Couples who live apart are becoming very common and have become a growing trend. The concept of this way of living is getting popular and can be found in all age groups. Experts agree that LATs is now part of the social landscape. Some say the trend shows, that you have problems in your relationship, which that you are attempting to run away from, instead of dealing with them. While others believe that this is an opportunity to be away from your actual partner and thus gives a better and healthier relationship. Of course there are many other arguments and those above, are only a few of many in the debate of living apart together. In the following assignment, I have focused on the issue “does living apart together have a positive or negative impact?”. Of course there are various points of views and opinions, and that’s what makes this topic so exciting. Therefore I have selected text 2 and 3, representing two different perspectives. Text 2 “Home alone together” is written by Jill Brooke in 2006. The text claims that LAT is becoming very popular and the number of these kinds of relationships is increasing. The co-director of the Nation Marriage Project at Rutgers University, David Popenoe, tells us about how the “younger couples often turn to LAT arrangements...
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...Increasingly, children are growing up in cohabiting households, rather than with married parents. Nearly 20 percent of births today are to cohabitating parents, according to Susan L. Brown at the Center for Family and Demographic Research.Almost 40 percent of children will spend time in a cohabiting household by age 16. Living together is now common, but it is not without consequence—particularly for children. The effects of this family structure on children are just beginning to be understood. However, initial research by Brown and others suggests cohabitation is generally a less stable family structure than married couple or single-mother households. While there is some evidence that children in cohabiting households fare worse than those in married or single-parent families on several key indicators (Manning & Lamb, 2003), what is less clear is why. Do these negative outcomes stem from something inherent in the family structure? Or are these effects due to the types of parents who choose to cohabit (rather than to the experience of cohabitation itself)? How does living in a cohabiting household affect both children and adults? Impact on Children Development Spending extended time in cohabiting households at an early age is linked to slowed cognitive growth and language acquisition in children. Brown notes that even in stablecohabiting households, children show smaller gains in mental development. The Urban Institute finds children in cohabiting homes are also less...
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...Biology Biome: the largest division of the biosphere. Biosphere: the thin layer of air, land, and water on or near Earth’s surface in which all living things on Earth exists. Climatograph: A graph of climate data for a specific region. Ecosystem: a part of a biome in which abiotic components interact with biotic components. Biodiversity: the variety of all living species of plants, animals, and micro-organisms on Earth. Niche: The special role an organism plays in an ecosystem, including the way in which it contributes to and fits into environment. Structural adaptations: a physical feature of an organism’s body having a specific function that contributes to survival of the organism. Physiological: a physical and chemical event that occurs within the body of an organism that enables survival. Behavioral: what an organism does to survive in the unique conditions of its environment. Species: a group of closely related organisms. Population: all members of a particular species. Community: all the population of the different species. Bioremediation: the use of organisms (micro or plants), to break down chemical pollutants in water or soil to reverse/lessen environmental damage. Decomposition: breaking down of organic wastes and dead organisms. Biodegradation: action of living things such as bacteria to break down dead organic matter. Decomposer: change wastes and dead organisms into usable nutrients. Detrivores: consumers that obtain their energy by eating bodies...
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...efficient while it also reinforces inequality. When we talk about globalization, there are numerous positive points that affect us globally. For example, stabilized security is a positive aspect that occurs due to globalization. When one countries economy is greatly dependent on another countries economy, it creates a bond between the two nations where there is a less chance of one of the countries attacking the other. Globalization in this case helps heighten world security. Although there are numerous acts of violence going around in the world, the fact remains that globalization has halted many conflicts that could have ended in a far more dreadful manner if their country’s financial health didn’t depend on the other. Many Americans claim that their standard of living is going down due to globalization. This topic can thus be viewed as a double-sided argument. Many jobs in America are intentionally being outsourced, where countries such as India and China will take up the same job positions for a very low salary, usually twice or thrice as low as what a person in America will normally be paid. Since many of our jobs and factories are being outsourced to other countries, where the labor costs are cheaper, many Americans will unfortunately lose their jobs. But because of this process, hundreds of thousands of people around the world now have jobs, and have found a new way of living in order to look after their families. We tend to take advantage of many basic things such as...
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...Through Positive Eyes Assignment Based on the videos I watched from different countries such as Bangkok, Los Angeles, and Washington DC, each person tells their own stories what it’s like living with HIV-positive through photography. There are many common similarities and differences that they all shared together. People captured their daily life experiences on how they overcame the discrimination and stigma from society. Individuals exhibits HIV-positive symptoms can be seen as a positive or negative way. However, people with HIV-positive are often seen as negative because of their incurable illness. At the same time, it’s seen as positive because people find ways to make their life easier by connecting with people who shared the same experiences with them. Many similarities themes are shown in different countries people diagnosed with HIV-positive. A similarity is that people fearing of being judge by their family members, friends, and communities. For example, Mary from Washington DC fear of getting kick out of school if people knew she was diagnosed with HIV-positive. In addition, people learn to accept and love themselves while knowing they’re diagnosed with HIV-positive. For example, Jazmine from Los Angeles, Mary from Washington DC, and Aoy from Bangkok acknowledge themselves that they are no different from people who...
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...eighteen feet from the wall to the door, you'll find it's also eighteen feet from the door to the wall. Seems pretty obvious, but the understanding of this law will really change how you look at life. Say something you think is really bad happens to you, according to the Law of Polarity, there must be something equally good about it, too. Mathematically, if something happens to you that you see as only being a little bit bad, the flipside is that there's also a little bit of good in that, too. Because of the Law of Polarity, you also get to choose your thoughts on every occurrence in life, is this a good thing or a bad thing? In reality, it just is. But you have the privilege of interpretation, you can choose to view it as a positive or a negative. From that choice, you set vibration in motion, determine your feelings, and ultimately your actions and results. 5. The Law of...
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...about taking something negative and turning it into something positive. With every lesson learned there must be a price to pay in order for that improvement to happen. In the novel Life’s Golden Ticket by Brendon Burchard, the protagonist learns how to change his life, to put him on the right path. Dwelling on the past negative events of the past only made it hard to move on, but prevent him from moving on presently. This is an important lesson that the protagonist learns, but he also needs to learn about going forward with a positive attitude, and I will teach him this lesson through my attraction of the rollercoaster. When someone is being a negative person, they are opposed to changes. In the beginning of the novel, the protagonist starts out closed minded with a negative attitude. The protagonist already decided that the world is a dark and dangerous place, other people are unfair and hurtful, and you yourself are inadequate. He was living his life in a dark and as a puppet to society. He would come home from work in misery, sensor out his fiancé, and added a disclosure sign to his life. In chapter 10, the protagonist learns what caused the negativity in his life and is taught how to deal with it. He defeated his first opponent, but failed to defeat himself. “A mirror image of me stepped onto the deck. He wore the same clothes that I did. He stood the same way I did. He held the same shield and sword” (91) the protagonist is confronted with his negative self. This quote is...
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...Chemistry 1. 5 points of the particle theory: * 1. All matter is made up of tiny particle with empty spaces between them * 2. Different substances are made up of different particles * 3. Particle are always in constant random motion * 4. Particles of a substance move faster as the temperature increases * 5. Particles attract each other 2. Changing state from solid to liquid to gas: * form a solid when the forces are strong enough to form a rigid shape * they gain energy when heated and begin to move faster, when they can no longer hold each other, this forms the liquid state * if they are continued to be heated the particles literally fly apart 3. The difference between pure substances and mixtures: * pure substance: contains only one type of particle * element: a pure substance that can not be broken down into a simpler chemical substance by any physical or chemical means * compound: a pure substance composed of 2 or more different elements that are chemically joined * mixture: contains 2 or more types of particles * mechanical mixture: a mixture in which you can distinguish between different types of matter * solution: a uniform mixture of 2 or more substances 4. Difference between quantitative and qualitative properties: * quantitative property: a property of a substance that is measured and has a numerical value, such as temperature, heat and mass * qualitative property: a property of a substance...
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...Impact of technology on the lives of Canadians Canada is containing some of the most modern and technologically advanced cities in the world. The fact that technology has revolutionized the different aspects and fields in Canadian’s society, this requires Canadians to rely heavily on technology especially in the field of education to be able experiences the cultural change. But as the saying goes, technology is a two edged sword, it has both the advantages and disadvantages. If Canadians or the people in general realize the negative impacts technology has in the society, many people will find it difficult to interact. Technology has become a vital tool in the Canadian’s society in general especially in the field of education. Technology in Canada’s educational system has been having positive outcomes in schools. Students from a school can communicate to any other school in Canada. The secondary and post-secondary students are the one who enjoy the use of technology in their lives (AMTEC). One can argue that with introduction of technology, the world has evolved extremely fast; technology has marked history by enabling human to walk on the moon, it is used to gain and understanding other cultures, it can also strengthen relationship and many more. Yet when the question is asked to any social scientist, whether a sociologist, psychologist or an anthropologist, the answers can sometime vary as some technologies advances are causing people to be distracted, overly stressed, or...
Words: 531 - Pages: 3
...After WWII, globalization has played a large role in forming the interconnected and codependent world that society knows today. Globalization's impacts go further than benefiting individual countries; nations around the globe are able to easily interact with one another, leading to the sharing of knowledge, products, information, and connections between them. Though it does have some downsides, it is evident that the positive impacts of globalization greatly outweigh the negative ones. The graph in Document 1 shows a steady decline in the number of people living in extreme poverty, along with a steady increase in the number of people not living in extreme poverty. When specifically looking at the impact of globalization on poverty after WWII,...
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...Is Globalization ultimately positive or negative, or somewhere in between? I believe that globalization is somewhere in between positive and negative. One thing is for sure, globalization has been going on since the beginning of time and will never cease to exist. The effects of globalization can range all across the spectrum from someone in your family losing their job to outsourcing, to improving the working conditions and benefits for a worker in China or India. Some positive aspects of globalization follow. One positive effect is that as more money is invested in developing countries, the chance for the people in those countries to profit and improve their standard of living increases. Also, developing countries are able to benefit from current technology without undergoing the growing pains associated with the development of these technologies. Governments are able to better work together towards common goals now that there is an advantage in cooperation, an improved ability to interact and coordinate, and a global awareness of issues. Global competition encourages creativity and innovation and keeps prices for products in check. There is better access to foreign culture in the form of movies, music, food, etc. Globalization promotes human rights. Nobody seems to want to purchase clothing that was made in a sweat shop somewhere by slave labor. Globalization could reduce the chances of countries going to war with one another. A country...
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...pressures and second most important is the cultural perceptions people in developing countries have about immigration and immigrant receiving countries. Both these factors are relatively related and linked together. The most important factor that influences migration flows is the economic pressures. People who pursue better wages and a higher standard of living economically motivate most labor migrations. This is generated by the push- pull theory that explains how migrants are pushed to leave the areas of origin because of demographic growth, low standards of living, and lack of economic opportunities (Castles and Miller 22). Migrants are then pulled to move to receiving countries because they are attracted to the demand they have for labor, availability of land, economic opportunities, and political freedoms (Castles and Miller 22). The push-pull factor is one of the main explanations as to why the economic pressures are the biggest factors that influences international migration flows. You can further analyze this theory and see that without the positive attracting factors from the receiving country and the negative aspects of the sending country, migrants wouldn’t seek the desire to move internationally. Receiving countries seem to attract migration flow due to the positive benefits and incentives the developed country has to...
Words: 1983 - Pages: 8
...could be: starting school, starting a job, or retiring from work. These stages come into our lives one by one and then help us to move our lives to the next stage. Unpredictable life events often have more of an impact on us and these can also alter both our development and/or behavior. An example of some unpredictable life events could be: suddenly becoming ill, being made redundant from work or the sudden death of a relative or loved one. All of these life events can occur very suddenly and are often very sad, but once the grieving process is over we can realise a difference in our lives which can then go on to have a positive impact on our lives even though it was initially a negative effect. Leaving home is seen as a predictable life event as it is an inevitable action; although this can also impact an individual's development. Leaving home could have a negative impact on the physical development of an individual as it may change their diet; This may be because they have a lack of experience of cooking. However, because of this it may have an even bigger impact as the individual would then have a lack of nutrition and necessary vitamins in their body. This would mean that the individual would then have to change their diet in order to become healthy and to give their body everything which it needs....
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...members as well. Applying Change, Leadership, and Advocacy Theories and Processes to Societal Issues Improving employment is an issue which is derailing the development of the society, especially on matters associated with societal challenges. The issue affects the society negatively whereby people are not being employed based on their qualifications and skills, but rather through negative means like corruption. Improving employment for individuals and families entails creating jobs and offering funding for them, so as to create a positive outcome. Glicken (2008), indicates that training and teaching are strategies meant to be utilized in a friendly manner with the objective of getting rid of employment challenges within a society. Therefore, the societal issue, i.e. improving employment of individuals and families through creating jobs and offering funding for business is fundamental for the discussion because it suggests ways that can be utilized to counter poverty within the community and the lives of the citizens a better and comfortable way of living. Additionally, expert recommendations that takes capitalizes on how to improve employment will be enumerated with the objective of assisting the society live in a much better atmosphere. On matters associated with leadership, the...
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...Jennell Barnett 20 September 2014 ENG104H Paper 1 My Critical Analysis of “The Cranes” Certain circumstances and situations can cause drastic changes in one’s life. Sometimes change can have a negative effect on a person, and they start to resent the gift of living. Dwelling on unpleasant changes can create severe damage to one’s emotional stability. When one focuses on the negative instead of the positive, life becomes unbearable and can result in an individual wanting to take their own life. Unfortunately, that is what happened to the old couple in the short story, “The Cranes” written by Peter Meinke. Thinking outside of the box is needed to fully analyze the couple’s characteristics, their conversations, and their decision to end their lives. The old couple loved each other, but focused their time on all the negative changes that happened to them. “They leaned forward in the car, and the shower curtain spread over the front seat crackled and hissed,” was stated in “The Cranes” written by Peter Meinke. That line from the short story let me know that the aged couple were old and bent out of shape. Their bodies made sounds as they moved around in the car. So far, I understand that this couple is not only old, but their bodies are slowly falling apart. Additionally, the husband of the elderly couple started complaining about what he cannot do anymore. I gained the impression that not only was his body slowing down, but he was also a grumbler. The husband’s characteristic...
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