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Living With Dementia In Prison

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In 2009 over 1.5 million people were incarcerated in the United States. The percentage of inmates 55 and older has risen by over 30 percent since 2000. (Hodel & Sanchez, 2012) The aging prison population calls for immediate attention and programs must be set in place to help treat dementia. According to the article “Forget Me Not: Dementia in Prison” (Maschi, Jung Kwak, Ko, & Morrissey, 2011 ); the aging prison population accounts for the fastest growing population which is now two times larger than in 2001. As of now there are no set policies to address the rising problem of inmates living with dementia. According to the Eighth Amendment, prisoners should have access to the appropriate level of care. By creating a policy and implanting a program, inmates living with dementia can receive adequate care and serve out their time. …show more content…
Adults suffering with dementia are often more vulnerable and neglected and require more care than the average prisoner. Inmates living with dementia often have problems following prison rules and conforming to prison life as their memory starts to fade. This will often lead to other inmates taking advantage of the vulnerable inmate suffering from dementia and at times even pose a risk for other inmates as dementia can cause outburst of violence.
Insignificant mental health care in prisons can lead to the development of dementia because of environmental factors. National statistics reveal that 50 percent of inmates aged 50-55 and 36 percent of inmate’s aged 55 and above have had some degree of mental health issues. Out of the 86 percent aging 50 and above only one third will have access to mental health treatment while in

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