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Lo Fi Research Paper

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Lo Fi music follows a DIY aesthetic of music production which entails within it an obscure sonic soundscape and is often characterised by its intentional, technically imperfect but authentic music recording and structuring of songs. While elements of modern day Lo Fi can be traced back to the Shoegazing scene in the mid 80s trail-blazed by bands My Bloody Valentine and Slowdive, all the way back to the Beach Boys era of the 60s in it's most saccharine form along with underground lo fi hip hop scenes all over the major hip hop centres of the world from the 00s, branching out since.

Good Vibrations by The Beach Boys from the album Pet Sounds

Introducing a one of a kind Lo Fi band from Kolkata, India, consisting of it's three members - Bhargab, Subhas and …show more content…
As your music runs along this wide spectrum of Lo Fi, who are you musical influences?"

"Well, all of us are Inspired by different artists and their artistry and not only artists but places, a certain time period, and it's vast but to name a - Bands Like - Beach Fossils, Wild Nothing, Slowdive/Composers Like - Ryuichi Sakamoto, Adam Randal Young."

Currently having released their debut EP - Holidays indeed is made by diligence and is quintessentially a bedroom project. "Holidays EP was recorded in a couple of days, there was no plan whatsoever, the production was pretty straightforward everything was done in the box, we recorded the vocals on a mobile phone and ran them through a bunch of guitar pedals, and that's it pretty much", Nilein said.

What does the future look like for this ambitious and introspective lo fi band?

"Well, that's the question we get asked a lot, well honestly we don't know, we just put out a new single and it's called Central Park, there are a couple of unfinished tracks that are lying on the hard drive, we might just put them out for free or maybe an EP or LP perhaps! let's

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