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8th Year Research Paper

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My 8th grade year has been the best by far.This year i made new friends and didn't get in trouble at all,I got suspended the last 2 years.I think that this year has prepared me for high school and I can’t wait.This year has been fun and one to remember,let me tell you about it. This year I started a new sport,one of the sports I will continue to play, basketball, this year I had a good track season and basketball season.My sports were good this year and made me want to do them next year.This year has inspired me to have better grades,the last few years I have not cared about my grades but this year I really wanted to this year,the trips were fun and I got to hang out with my friends.This year i took my first actual high school class,spanish.I thought that it would be really hard but it is not as bad as I thought it would be. This year Mr.Rainey

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