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Locavore Movement In America

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As a child it was common to hear my parents say "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" but they never specified the importance of where the apple was grown. In a recent trend, people all over the country are becoming more concerned about where their food comes from and the journey it takes in order to end up on their dinner plate. These people, known as locavores, are changing the way communities are buying food. In the past, people were unconcerned about where their food came from. "Fresh produce" at the grocery store could easily have traveled thousands of miles in a steamy hot truck and be bathed in chemicals in order to appear a day old when in reality it was picked three months ago; people everywhere would have continued to buy it and not think twice. Times, however, are changing. Eating locally …show more content…
Congress just recently revised the Farm Bill to heavily benefit local farmers. This bill encourages farmers to keep growing local foods for their local communities to buy. If more people are buying locally, what happens to farmers in other parts of the world? Farmers, other than commercial farmers, in places like Kenya are heavily affected by the locavore movement. No one in North Carolina wants to buy an apple from California due to the mileage and they especially don't want an apple from Kenya for the same reason. These small farmers lose their customers and their local economy falls. While our local economy is flourishing, the economy of sub-Sahara is taking a hit. Even though their economy suffers, the environment is happier. The produce that comes from Kenya must fly on a plane, which is the most energy consuming and air polluting form of transportation. When locavores quit buying produce from Kenya, not only is our economy helped but the environment is also saved. When we save the environment, the sub-Saharan farmers will also benefit because they won't be breathing in harmful air

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...Copyright Copyright © 2012 Joan Magretta All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior permission of the publisher. Requests for permission should be directed to, or mailed to Permissions, Harvard Business School Publishing, 60 Harvard Way, Boston, Massachusetts 02163. ISBN: 978-1-4221-6059-6 By his example, Arthur Rosin, my uncle, taught me the pleasures of understanding and explaining. This book is dedicated to him, to Betty Rosin, and to my parents, Cyrille and Eugene Gorin. Contents Copyright Acknowledgments Introduction Part One: What Is Competition? 1. Competition: The Right Mind-Set 2. The Five Forces: Competing for Profits 3. Competitive Advantage: The Value Chain and Your P&L Part Two: What Is Strategy? 4. Creating Value: The Core 5. Trade-offs: The Linchpin 6. Fit: The Amplifier 7. Continuity: The Enabler Epilogue: A Short List of Implications FAQs: An Interview with Michael Porter A Porter Glossary: Key Concepts Chapter Notes and Sources About the Author Acknowledgments The Michael Porter I know is first and foremost a gifted teacher. If this book succeeds in helping readers understand Porter’s ideas in their full richness, it is thanks in large measure to his encouragement, his guidance, and his patience in explaining...

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