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Logan Thirtyacre Research Paper

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Pages 4
Do you know which YouTuber was born in Pensacola, Florida, has over one billion video views, and has over three million subscribers? It’s Logan Thirtyacre! Logan was born on November 17th, 1994 in Pensacola, Florida. Logan has an older brother Lance and a younger half-sister Haleigh. His mother and father didn’t get along or see each other often because Logan’s dad was a truck driver. He was always in different states, carrying packages to companies. Logan’s parents soon divorced when he was three years old. But, Logan’s mother got remarried to a man named Brian. Logan and Lance loved Brian because he was the one that introduced them to video games and the Internet. That is where Logan’s story begins.
Logan came home from school one day and …show more content…
His first video was titled “Super Mario Got Milk” and consisted of Logan making his Mario figure make a hazardous journey to the fridge for some milk. The video got two views and Logan already felt he was famous. Logan kept uploading videos and the views rolled in. One day, however, Logan’s life turned upside down. While he and Lance were playing in the toy room, Lance hit Logan in the head with a baseball bat and knocked him out. They went to the doctor and it was confirmed Logan’s skull was cracked. Logan had to stay in the hospital until it healed and missed a lot of school days due to his concussion. After Logan left the hospital, he returned to school and learned what he missed. On a weekend, Logan and Lance went swimming in Lance’s friend’s pool. The mosquitoes were terrible and Logan said in his “Draw My Life” video, “When I got out, there were like a million red bumps on me.” But one mosquito, the “Monster Mosquito,” Logan had called it, was carrying a very rare and deadly disease. Logan hadn’t figured out something was wrong until his family sat down for dinner. As Logan took bites of food, he felt his stomach doing backflips and ran to the bathroom to throw up. This continued and Logan’s mom took him to see a doctor.

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