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Social Norms And Stereotypes: Controlled Processing Of Information

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Controlled processing of information is described as the conscious process of thinking that is both careful and deliberate, thus demanding a great deal of energy and effort on behalf of the individual simply to maintain control of one’s cognitions so that they may adjust their behavior in accordance (Bessenoff & Sherman, 2000). According to Hall (2010), cognition processing of information is responsible for most of the prior expectations that individuals have in prejudging others in which we unfamiliar. Thus, the extent that a person believes stereotypes or misconceptions about other members of ethnic or social groups comes from cognitive processing. Unfortunately, because the controlled processing of information does entail so much more effort than forms of processing, most people tend to rely only on automatic forms of information processing, especially in their day-to-day lives. …show more content…
Social norms are perhaps even more problematic in that they help individuals maintain their prejudice towards members of other groups by controlling the expectations and prejudices of society, which also judges or discriminates against members of certain groups and their behaviors, and may even affect the how individuals develop their sense of self, including self-esteem, self-identity, and self-worth (Hall, 2010). However, in knowing this information, it’s possible to decrease stereotypes and increase cultural sensitivity by utilizing the principle pathways of controlled processing of information in order to alter the perceptions and expectations that result in

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Food and Culture

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