...Abstract In recent years fuzzy set theory has emerged as a transcendental tool to deal with environmental engineering application having uncertainty, ambiguity and subjectivity. Analysis of surface water quality plays significant role in environmental impact assessment studies. For qualitative description of surface water quality, number of physical, chemical and biological parameters are taken into consideration, allotted a weightage factor and calculated into an index called water quality index (WQI). Water quality index uses crisp set to analyse water contaminants and hence deals with standing boundary conditions. This paper illustrates use of fuzzy inference system for analysing physical and chemical parameters to assess surface water quality. A water quality index calculated with fuzzy inference system has been developed and discussed. Introduction Determination of status of water quality of a river or any other water sources is highly indeterminate. The current method of determining water quality index which is in practice utilizes statistical approach and is not precise in most of the time. Nowadays environmental protection and water quality management has become an important issue in public policies throughout the world. Moreover, government is concerned about the quality of their environmental resources because of the complexity in water quality data sets. Many countries have introduced a scheme for river water quality monitoring and assessment, examining...
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...359766 Sutikno NIM 359766 Logic Model Logic model merupakan gambaran dari suatu program dalam bentuk grafik dan teks yang mengilustrasikan hubungan antara aktivitas program yang akan dilakukan, output, dan outcome yang diharapkan. Logic model disebut juga dengan teori program, peta strategi, rantai hasil, teori tindakan, peta rangkaian hasil, frameworks, result or strategy maps, mental model. Logic model bukanlah sebuah teori ataupun metode evaluasi, namun merupakan sebuah cara berpikir dan kerangka kerja yang menggambarkan hubungan antara sumber daya, proses/kegiatan, dan hasil. Logic model dibuat untuk dapat membantu: (1) mengeksplisitkan apa yang diketahui mengenai suatu program; dan (2) mengklarifikasi bagaimana program dijalankan (dioperasikan). Logic model dapat digunakan dalam perencanaan, manajemen program, evaluasi dan komunikasi. Dalam perencanaan, logic model menyajikan rerangka dan proses untuk perencanaan yang menjembatani gap antara kondisi saat ini dengan kondisi yang diinginkan. Dalam evaluasi, logic model digunakan untuk menjelaskan, menelusuri, serta mengawasi operasi, proses, dan fungsi evaluasi. Logic model dapat membantu dalam menentukan kapan dan bagaiamana evaluasi dijalankan sehingga sumber daya bisa dikatakan telah efektif dan efisien penggunaannya. Dalam komunikasi, logic model membantu dalam mengkomunikasikan suatu program baik kepada staf, pemberi dana, maupun pemangku kepentingan lainnya. Manfaat logic model antara lain: (1) mengilustrasikan...
Words: 457 - Pages: 2
...Mental Models and Dominant Logic Weekend consumer offers in Automobile Company: Due to slowdown in market, marketing and sales managers started to think of ways to increase car bookings from customers. One of the ideas was to give weekend discounts, so that the weekend targets are achieved. It was implemented immediately in the forthcoming week. They spent a good amount of money in advertising and promotions. As a result, they received 1000 bookings during weekend, which usually is around 400 bookings. Buoyed by its success, they decided to do promotion in the next weekend as well. However, this time they got only 700 bookings. Now, they realized that though weekend promotions helped initially, but in the long run, it doesn’t help much. They just pre-pone the bookings and there is no incremental bookings at all. So, they decided not to do weekend promotions continuously and decided to only once in a month and for a longer period of time. This became their dominant logic Example 2: Production skewed towards month-end in Automobile company Again, companies do billing to dealers predominantly during month-ends and not at the start. This is due to various factors like 1. Car loans disbursement happening during month-end only - hence customers get delivery only during month-end. As a result, dealers get money only during month-end and in turn give it to manufacturers for lifting new vehicles 2. Dealers don’t want to keep stock during the month Now, looking at production...
Words: 372 - Pages: 2
...on Organizational Intelligence, Business Model Logic, and Bloom’s Taxonomy. Introduction Organizational Intelligence (OI) is applied in all organizations to enhance the understanding of managerial processes and resources within the business. Organizations need to understand the barriers that surround them and be able to take the necessary actions to remove them. OI can be definitely, measured, and used to successfully achieve performance improvement when applied. OI can be characterized by various aspects of individual intelligence, cooperate knowledge, and support systems. Business Logic Model Business Logic Model refers to the logic of the organization, how it operates, and creates value for its consumers. Another term that can be used is a company’s stagey. “The firm’s logic for creating and commercializing value” (Osterwalder et al., 2005).To look into Business Logic Model we should first look at our business or service we provide and determine goals and how can we get them accomplished. Look into our customer base and decide what the customer values. Once we have gotten to know our customers then we can look at how we will deliver to them at a cost that benefits both parties. So what are we providing the customer and how can we get service to the customer? Business Logic Model can be used as a tool to try and determine what a business is doing and how they are getting there. Application By studying a Business Model one can come up...
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...Proficient | Student Score and Comments | Develops an opening paragraph that introduces the case and identifies the problem from Step 1 of the 5-Step Critical Thinking Decision Making Model. | Vaguely develops an opening paragraph that introduces the case and identifies the problem or does not have an opening paragraph.(0-3 points) | Develops an opening paragraph that introduces the case and identifies the problem and, for the most part, fulfills assignment requirements.(4 points) | Develops an opening paragraph that introduces the case and identifies the problem and demonstrates solid ability to accomplish the assignment.(5 points) | | Identifies which method of workflow is embodied in Autoliv’s system.Step 2 of the 5-Step Critical Thinking Decision Making Model. | Vaguely identifies which method of workflow is embodied in Autoliv’s system or is completely off topic.(0-7 points) | Identifies which method of workflow is embodied in Autoliv’s system and, for the most part, fulfills assignment requirements.(8 points) | Identifies which method of workflow is embodied in Autoliv’s system and demonstrates solid ability to accomplish the assignment.(9-10 points) | | Analyzes if this approach is the most suitable to its lean environment.Step 2 of the 5-Step Critical Thinking Decision Making Model. | Vaguely analyzes if this approach is the most suitable to Autoliv’s lean environment or is completely off topic.(0-11 points) | Analyzes if this approach is the most suitable to Autoliv’s...
Words: 696 - Pages: 3
...In her speech to the Union League Club of Chicago, Jane Addams utilizes experts along with logic while concurrently evoking emotions from her readers for the purpose of both admiring George Washington and promoting charitable causes. Addams delivered the speech in 1903 on the anniversary of the first president of the United States and famed politician George Washington. In the piece, the author connected the righteous life of Washington to what the modern person should be doing. Although Addams portrays Washington as a patriot and heroic American, he owned slaves, which, in turn, weakens her argument. She claims that the average man can be just as honorable and selfless as George Washington. Addams uses George Washington as the higher power while utilizing...
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...|(2) |(1) | | |Rational for sustainable |Clarity in describing the |Identifies the rational based |Has a vague idea of the rational | | |business/CSR |alignment between business |on a few pertinent facts |and does not have facts to support| | |(5 marks) |goals and social goals on the | |the same. | | | |basis of facts | | | | |Identifies CSR/Sustainability |Explains the logic of various |Determines some logic to |Is not sure about the logic of | | |Dimensions |CSR/ Sustainability dimensions|explain CSR dimension |various CSR dimensions | | |(5 marks) |incorporated by the company | |incorporated by the company | | |Analyses the impact of CSR |Appropriately appraises the |Partially appraises the |Has difficulty in analyzing the | | |Actions |CSR/Sustainability undertaken |CSR/Sustainability undertaken |impact of the CSR/Sustainability | | |(5 marks) |by the company based on data |by the company based on...
Words: 348 - Pages: 2
...learning lexical knowledge. Reflective thinking is not about logic, especially not about formal logic. But it is a very useful and enlightening study. It is meant to be a multidisciplinary or complex subject, and a course in multidisciplinary studies, a theory as well as practice related to cognition, computing and language. The difficulty in writing about reflective thinking or thinking at all lies in the speed of thinking and the tendency of thoughts to flow, hence blocking the effort for self-inspection, or introspection with any tangible result to record the process apart from saying or writing a part of the ongoing stream of consciousness. (After these introductory lines some lectures on the subject broken down into a number of subpages are to follow soon.) One possible solution to observing and grasping ideas in their transient status may be to set up a theory of thinking in terms of data and operations on those data. Everybody understands a computer model and how a PC works, so a useful metafor or a different paradigm could be a description of cognitive operations - regardless of their physical realization in the brain, which is another approach to the problem. But since I am not interested in devising new medication or drugs for manipulating the processes in the brain, or to alter consciousness, I do not find neurocognitive research particularly useful for the moment. Later it may well happen that the theoretical model and the empirical research converge and will be offering...
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...Shawn Andrews Summer 2014 Theology 313-D05 LUO Student #23805109 Analysis In the book Is Jesus the Only Savior?, author Ronald Nash does an excellent job in presenting his arguments in a comprehensive, thorough method. In the preface, he does well to address the important clarification of terms needed when discussing whether or not Jesus is the only savior. It is essential to understand these terms—exclusivism, pluralism, and inclusivism—when diving into the various beliefs and interpretations concerning Christ and His claim that, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me,” (John 14:6). While the intention of the book is to address such beliefs and interpretations, it is important to establish early in the text, as he does, what the different beliefs are and to define them in a very basic form. In the first chapter, Nash lays the foundation for the rest of his book—exclusivism. Similar to the importance of defining all three of the different general views in the preface, it is incredibly important for him to establish a baseline of good theology, initially, in order to effectively discuss and argue the views of pluralism and inclusivism. This is certainly one of the greatest strengths of the book as a whole. Nash lays out the main purpose of the book on page 25, stating, “The major question I will seek to answer in the rest of this book is whether pluralists or inclusivists have produced arguments strong enough to justify...
Words: 2019 - Pages: 9
...amaxonCase Assignment for eBay and Amazon (Group 7 will present this case in class on November 7) Case Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. What are the key drivers of profitability in eBay’s business model? What are the key drivers of profitability in Amazon’s retail business model? How does its retail business model interact with that of eBay? As it shifted to a retail and platform business model, how successful was Amazon in overcoming barriers to entry in the third-party seller market? What would you recommend eBay going forward, and why? Requirements: For Each Individual Student 1. 2. 3. 4. Read the case material carefully and briefly address the above questions in your case report. Limit your case report within TWO pages. Case report must be written in English. Submission deadline for case report is 2pm, November 6 (Tuesday) For Group 7 1. 2. Submission deadline for case presentation PowerPoint is 11pm, November 6 (Tuesday) – only one copy need to be submitted Limit your presentation to 20 minutes (including Q&A) Note: Each student in Group 7 still needs to submit his/her individual case report separately. Marking Criteria for Individual Case Report (total 2 points in your final grade): 1. 2. 3. 4. On-time submission with satisfactory quality – 1 point On-time submission with good discussions – 1.5 point On-time submission with excellent insights – 2 points Late submission without justifiable reason is not accepted Marking Criteria for Group Case Presentation (total 10 points...
Words: 307 - Pages: 2
...mind, and language. Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the fundamental nature of being and the world. Epistemology or theory of knowledge is the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge. Axiology is the philosophical study of value. It is either the collective term for ethics and aesthetics. And Logic is the study of arguments. When I thought about my own personal views for educational philosophy, I thought back to my educators in school, my parents, and peers that have made a difference in my life. Compared to the history of logic the demarcation between philosophy of logic and philosophical logic is of recent coinage and not always entirely clear. Characterizations’ include Philosophy of logic is the arena of philosophy devoted to examining the scope and nature of logic. Philosophy of logic is the investigation, critical analysis and intellectual reflection on issues arising in logic. The field is considered to be distinct from philosophical logic. Philosophical logic is the branch of logic concerning aspects other than or outside of formal logic. Philosophical logic is the application of formal logical techniques to philosophical problems. My educational philosophy is based on personal experience, and from daily observations. I believe that the purpose of today’s schools go above and beyond simply academic education. I believe that schools are a place for education, experience, and preparation for the future. ...
Words: 1235 - Pages: 5
...Pure Logic vs. Scientific Logic “Reasoning is an art, and reasoning about the natural world is the art that lies at the base of science” (Castel and Sismondo 55). Pure logic is “a form of reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity” (Oxford Dictionaries). In contrast, scientific logic is a form of reasoning in which a logical thought process is used to conduct experiments and research in order to reach a valid conclusion. Altogether, pure and scientific logic are different forms of reasoning used to solve everyday problems in life; yet, it is ‘scientific logic’ that is more prevalent in solving everyday problems, including critical interpretations of major problems on earth. Scientific logic is the best choice to cope with life problems in the midst of global issues; it helps facilitate our logical expertise in daily matters; it is both predictable and reliable; and on a greater scale, scientific logic helps us deal with the widespread problems on earth. With the growth of science and new emerging technologies, life is becoming more complicated, therefore relying purely on logic is insufficient. “Most of the time very little follows logically from what we know, and when we think that it does we learn that most of our knowledge consists of generalizations that don’t hold 100 percent of the time” (Castel and Sismondo 71). People live in a world of probability and because “scientific reasoning develops over time,” (Castel and Sismondo 74) they...
Words: 1673 - Pages: 7
...conclusions or figuring something out Elements of Reasoning Standards for Reasoning The quality of our thinking is largely reflected in the quality of our questions. Circle – Dots Critical thinking is the way you do everything you do Instruction Content LOGIC OF Student Thinking StandardsElementsTraits In other words, what elements must you account for in order for the analysis to be substantive? What is involved in analyzing reasoning? (Story, argument, point of view, subject) ● Look at the cartoon and analyze it by asking questions. 1. Individually, write a series of questions that attempt to probe the meaning of the cartoon. 2. With a group, compare your questions with others. Add to your list. Analyzing a Cartoon We use data, facts, and experiences to make inferences and judgments based on concepts and theories based on assumptions within a point of view leading to implications and conse quences. in attempting to We think answer a for a question. purpose Whenever we think Elements wheel ,aking for t granted Assumptio ns Presuppositions objective laws, defin models , tion , i s principles observations, facts, experiences Informatio Data, n m Interpretatio n & Inference Conclusions , olution s s of Thought Considers the Elements of Thought Questions at Issu Proble e Purpose of the Thinkin g Goal, ...
Words: 3431 - Pages: 14
...Ontology A collation by paulquek Adapted from Barry Smith's draft @ http://ontology.buffalo.edu/smith/articles/ontology_PIC.pdf Download PDF file http://ontology.buffalo.edu/smith/articles/ontology_PIC.pdf ***** Adapted from Stanford Univ's KST Project @ http://www-ksl.stanford.edu/kst/what-is-an-ontology.html [KST : Knowledge Sharing Technology] What is an Ontology? By Tom Gruber ontology Page 1 Short answer: An ontology is a specification of a conceptualization. The word "ontology" seems to generate a lot of controversy in discussions about AI. It has a long history in philosophy, in which it refers to the subject of existence. It is also often confused with epistemology, which is about knowledge and knowing. In the context of knowledge sharing, I use the term ontology to mean a specification of a conceptualization. That is, an ontology is a description (like a formal specification of a program) of the concepts and relationships that can exist for an agent or a community of agents. This definition is consistent with the usage of ontology as setof-concept-definitions, but more general. And it is certainly a different sense of the word than its use in philosophy. What is important is what an ontology is for. My colleagues and I have been designing ontologies for the purpose of enabling knowledge sharing and reuse. In that context, an ontology is a specification used for making ontological commitments. The formal definition of ontological commitment...
Words: 2447 - Pages: 10
...Before I criticize this passage, I would like to define a few terms. The first term I want to define is “character” and by definition it is defined to be “The mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual”(Oxford University). The next term is “role model”, also by definition it is defined to be “A person looked to by others as an example to be imitated”(Oxford University). This passage “Sports Build Character” presents three arguments with two proving a larger conclusion and the larger argument helps the conclusion that professional athletes are not good role models because it isn't what we want our kids or society to learn. The first sub-argument is that athletes personal lives should be judged with their professional lives. The arguments defence was “this is an artificial distinction”, which is saying in simpler terms that this is ”a fake difference”. This...
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