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Long Term Care Issues

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Introduction Sexuality is an essential aspect of human nature and directly affects it physically, mentally, and socially. Typically, society tends to relate this topic to the younger population. The general idea is that as individuals age, they are more likely to have lower sex drive compared to when they were younger. Does sexuality in older adults change as they continue to get older? Many apparent barriers come with maturities such as physical health conditions and smaller social community. Undeniably, these factors make an impact on every aspect of aging adults. However, as developmental scholars gathered more information and investigated development in elderly through empirical research studies, there is more and more information on the …show more content…
One cause of older adults still being sexually active is because of being lonely. Bell (2013), stated that older adults are lonely while living in long-term care facilities. To eliminate this feeling of loneliness, older adults tend to build a relationship with other older adults in these facilities. These relationships can lead to intimacy within the facility and help older adults cope with loneliness.
While in the long-term care facilities, older adults may face challenges when trying to be intimate. These challenges may be the lack of privacy and medical issues. If there is a couple that is living in a facility, staff supports the idea of the couple living in the same room but there may be an issue with couple who are not married. The staff in the long-term care facilities have idealized three types of they refer to sexual expressions in nursing homes. These types of sexual expression are love and caring, romance, and eroticism. The love and caring type is when there is a strong affection or attraction between two residents (Bell, 2013). The romance type is when there are emotions that idealize affection (Bell, 2013). And when residents have feelings of sexual desires this leads to intercourse. Staff in the facilities are supportive of the love and caring stage and the romance stage but when it comes to the eroticism stage they have different views on what should be accepted. Staff tends to try to keep the residents separated when they reach the eroticism

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