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Lost Colony Research Paper

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Lost Colony-Spanish Empire became wealthy in the 1500’s. Ralph Lane was made governor by Queen Elizabeth I. Algonquian Indians helped the colonists survive. Permisapan was killed by Lane’s men. Mercantilism was enforced by John White, the new governor. The members of the lost colony were never found twenty years later.

Jamestown- James I was at throne. On May 14, the settlers chose Marsh Peninsula on Jamestown Island as the site for the colony. Captain Smith was captured and taken to Operchanough. The colony was nearly lost. On September 10, James Smith was elected president. The Virginia Company reorganized their character.

Starving Time- All hope was lost for the sea ventures until they saw an Island known as “Isle of Devils”. Hundreds …show more content…
George Yeardley introduced “just laws for the happy guiding of the people”. Spelman was found guilty and was sentenced to serve the governor. Colonists claimed Rights of Englishmen.

First Africans- John Rolfie introduced a milder and sweeter variety of tobacco from the West Indies. In 1614, tobacco was exported from Jamestown to England. By 1618, approximately 20,000 pounds were sent. By 1625, the African population was 23. Some African Americans were free and some were still working slaves.

City upon a Hill- In April 1630, almost four hundred settlers sailed for America aboard four ships. Nearly two-hundred ships voyaged between 14,000 and 20,000 settlers. Many autonomous congregational churches based upon church covenants among those who passed a test of their religion conversions. Many schools were established in towns.

Indian Uprising of 1622- Some Indians came to live among the colonists. The Indians grabbed implements, knives, axes, clubs and other makes shift weapons and killed men, women, and children. The English fired back destroying villages and cut down corn fields. Charles I made Jamestown a royal company in …show more content…
In July 1636, John Oldham, was murdered while sailing off Block Island. War was declared on Pequot by Connecticut. John Mason and John Underhill were on their away to attack. Hundreds of Pequot were killed.

Kind Philip’s War- In late January 1675, John Sassamon was murdered shortly after warning governor Josiah Winslow that the Wampanoag were preparing for war. Three Indian defendants were hanged but Wampapaquan’s rope broke and survived. On April 3, Connecticut soldiers captured and executed one of the greatest Indian tacticians, Canonchet.

Bacon’s Rebellion- On September 26, thousands of militiamen surrounded a Susquehannock Indian fort on the Potomac and led Indian chiefs away for execution. The Virginia Assembly convened on June 5, and the next day Bacon sailed to Jamestown with fifty armed followers. Berkeley had him seized and brought before him.

Glorious Revolution in America-In 1684, the Crown won a court decisions that resulted in revoking the Massachusetts cheater and consolidating the five New England Colonies. Minister John Wise claimed the rights of men under the Magna Carta. In February 1689, a Bill of Rights guaranteed a constitutional government protecting

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