...measured by how happy a person is with his or her life, by measuring their job satisfaction or their family life. I believe that a person is truly successful when he or she has lived their life to the fullest and is completely content with where they have wound up in the end and has no regrets. In this brief essay I will be telling you about my view on true success in life. I will start off by telling you why material success could be included in my opinion, then I will tell you why a good quality of life is a big part, and finally I will tell you my exact view on what I want my future to look like so that I know that I have, in my opinion, had a successful life. First, I will begin with some of the material items that some people think they need to be successful and why. People that think they need material items to be successful in life probably will not go a day in their life without working and on top of that they will probably end up hating their job. This however will not change their view on what it means to be successful. There is no doubt that they will be happy with the beach house in Florida or the million dollar Lamborghini Maserati, but for what exactly? To be miserable at the job that has gotten you to this point in life. All of that sounds absolutely fantastic, but these people probably do not have kids to support, which however does not sound too bad, but my dad is one of best friends and one day I’d like to be the same way with my children. That is the main reason...
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...professor, Morrie Schwartz, at Brandeis University, who was dying from Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS). After neglecting Morrie for several years, Mitch begins to visit Morrie every Tuesdays to listen to Morrie's lessons on "The Meaning of Life." Each of Morrie's lessons contributes to a larger, all-encompassing message that is in the absence of love, there is a hole that can be filled only by loving human relationships. Morrie says when love abounds; a person can experience no higher sense of fulfillment. Throughout his Tuesday lessons with Mitch, Morrie reveals that love is the essence of every person, and every relationship, and without it, living life is pointless. We as humans need to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance, whether it comes from friends or family. According to psychologist, Abraham Maslow, humans yearn to love and be loved by others. In the absences of these needs, many people become prone to loneliness and depression. Humans need for love places emphases on the point that love is not only essential, but important to everyone. “I may be dying, but I am surrounded by loving, caring souls. How many people can say that?” (pg 36, Morrie). For Morrie, the importance of love is especially clear as he nears his final days, for without the thorough care of those he loved, and who love him, he would not have lived as long as he did. Morrie clings to life not because he is afraid of dying or because he fears what will become of him in the afterlife, but because his...
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...Lovings v. Virginia BackGround -- The Virginia marriage law recognized only two races of human beings: white and colored. The latter was based on the "one-drop" rule. A person was considered "colored" if they had as few as one non-white ancestor, no matter how many generations back that ancestor lived, we now understand that no one “pure”. Mildred and Richard loving (her maiden name being Jeter). Were married in 1959 then arrested for being a interracial couple, and for disobeying the state of Virginias anti-miscegenation laws. Ms. and Mr. Lovings had courted for many years before they became man and wife, the couple were also expecting a child, with all this Virginia Loving going on the couple wished to be married and so traveled to The...
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...cognitive limitations cannot be compared with the omnipotent and omniscient nature of God, and it is unsurprising that the evil in the world is inscrutable to us. To illustrate, he utilizes the good parent analogy. We view the relationship between God, a perfectly loving being, and humans as analogous to that of good parents and their children. Loving parents permit the administering of a painful injection for vaccinations to their young child. The child cannot comprehend this suffering, but this does not allow the claim that the medicine (evil) is pointless, nor does it undermine the love of the parents (God). Criticism of Wykstra Wykstra’s response is deemed inadequate as some argue: A) God should comfort humans, just as you would expect loving parents to comfort their child. B) A perfectly good being would reveal his reasons to you for allowing this suffering, just as a parent would to their child. In response to A, we ask the question: Why does a parent comfort their baby? Not because the baby will understand, but partially because they are helpless to do anything else. These acts can be seen as more a form of ‘self comfort’ for a parent. Subsequently, self-comforting acts are not expected of a perfectly loving being. Next, the issue that a perfectly good being would feel obligated to inform you of his actions. It can start to sound very self-entitled when we put it in the manner of ‘That’s the least he could do, we would understand’. Will knowing the reasons make a significant...
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...their parent’s deaths and lastly, the brothers must learn to cope without their loving parents. First, when the Curtis brothers, had their parents the relationships between the brother were different. Darry didn’t have the protector role to fill so he wasn’t hard on Ponyboy he was more of a friend to Ponyboy. The author shows how when they were young the brother where happy on farm that they grew up on Darry was always able to hangout with Ponyboy even if he had lots of school work. Darry was about...
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...attitude * Four main attitudes help people get success in their work : identifying clearly future goals and future job , being honest and friendly with other people , being enthusiastic in work , being self-confident . * How positive attitudes affect our work II. Boby : Depend on some cases, how each of good attitudes affects success in work. * First attitude : indentifying clearly future goals and future jobs . * Second attitude : loving work * Final attitude : being self-confident * Explain about them * Advantages of these attitudes III. Conclusion : There are a lot of ways which helps people succeed in work, and good attitudes are one of the most important conditions. An attitude can be defined as a positive or negative evaluation of people, objects, event, activities, ideas, or just about anything in your environment (Zimbardo et al., 1999). Besides, attitudes are also the way you think about the life or the way you behave with other people. If our behaviors and thinking are positive, it is easy for us to get success in many kinds of fields like work, study, entertainment and even it affects our life strongly. Thus, many people believe that positive attitudes are the most important characteristics which human should have. Three positive attitudes in work are identifying clearly the future goals and future jobs, loving work, being self-confident. Depending on some cases, how...
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...further discuss the paradigm of the Healing Hospital, consider the ramifications and challenges of the paradigm, and evaluate the reasonableness of the paradigm. A healing hospital is built on the ancient tradition that love is at the center of healing. The Healing Hospital represents a vision of true excellence built on the most important principle of human existence- loving one another (Chapman, 2007, p. 10-11). Their concept is supporting a strong culture of caring for their patients and caregivers. Healing Hospitals use the three symbols of loving services which are: a Golden Thread that symbols faith in god to represent positive tradition of healing, a pair of intersecting circles that symbolizes hope that flow into and out hearts when we experience loving encounters and the red heart that symbolizes love. There are at least three prerequisites that must be met in order for the work of a Healing Hospital to be accomplished. First, there must be a commitment from top leadership to focus on staff training around loving care. Second, there must be significant change in systems and structures; this is one...
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...Island. Although he is inevitably surrounded by death, Dosa couldn’t love his job more if he tried. One of his favorite parts of the job is listening to all of the stories his patients have to tell and being able to apply them to his daily life. Every story Dosa tells is about a patient and how their death somehow ends up connecting to Oscar. Oscar’s death-sensing abilities have been a hot topic of all the nurses in the Steere House for a while now. Dr. Dosa wasn’t a believer of this phenomena until he talked with various nurses on his floor and families of deceased patients. He has developed an intense curiosity about the cat and is determined to find a logical explanation, although he knows he may never find one. Dr. Dosa is a character in his own book, which gives readers a whole new point of view on geriatrics and the lives of the elderly. His stories make you feel more empathetic toward the elderly, instead of judging them for something that’s completely out of their control. Dr. Dosa Dr. Dosa loves his job and can’t seem to understand why anyone would think otherwise. Most people think of geriatrics as being a depressing job because you’re surrounded by people who are either healthy or ill, but either way they’re going to die very soon. Usually a healthy senior will die of natural causes in their sleep, meanwhile, the unfortunate ones develop dementia and slowly deteriorate until it eventually takes their life. Most...
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...Often times in literature, it is common for people to view different articles, novels, and short stories in a perspective that is common to us. What we sometimes fail to do in this analysis of literature is look at issues going on in the story, characters, or the major theme from a different perspective or angle in order to fully understand how many different groups would view the same literature being analyzed. By expanding our thought process and entertaining these different viewpoints, our own contentions, opinions, and ideals will be enhanced with a more worldly view and we can also begin to understand and tolerate the ideals of others who may think differently than our own viewpoints. One short story that has many different levels and can be viewed from many different perspectives is Ann Petry’s “Like A Winding Sheet” which tells the short tale of an unnamed African American man and his stressful life on a day that is particularly overwhelming. Many themes and perspectives can be overlooked and viewed through this story but if you can view this story from both an economist viewpoint and the viewpoint of a feminist it can further our understanding of what Johnson’s life could have been like, also it is important to note the effect of stress, frustration, and anger are all intertwined. From the very beginning of “Like a winding sheet” we can tell that the economy and finances will be a repetitive theme throughout the story. The short story takes place in is set in...
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...In the book Night by Elie Wiesel, Elie compares himself to Job. I can see why; after all, they have many parallels. Their experiences are almost identical at times, and despite a few differences, the key details are very much the same. Job was a character from the Old Testament, in the book of the same name. He is the pawn of a wager between Satan and God, where Satan believes that Job will stop loving God when all he has is taken from him. However, as his children and cattle are killed, and his life crumbles around him, he still trusts in God, praying for the solution to his punishment. Even when God does not deliver, he does not stop believing - however, he does complain as to why God is punishing him. Elie is a teenager in the town of Sighet, in Hungary, when the Nazis invade. He was a devout Jew, who went against his father’s ideals to study the Kabbalah, something ordinarily reserved for those who are 30 years old. First he is put in a ghetto, and then he is transported to Auschwitz. There he is met with what can only be described as hell on Earth. His mother and sisters are ripped from him, leaving him with only his father. Rations are measly and guards cruel to the extreme....
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...Their two core values were fun and “Luv”, which was also the company’s ticker symbol. Luv, over the years became a code word for treating fellow employees and customers alike with dignity and respect, as well as demonstrating a caring and loving attitude. Throughout the company fun appeared many ways. It could be seen in the generally entertaining behavior of employees performing their jobs, ongoing pranks and jokes, and frequent company sponsored parties and celebrations. One manager even said “We’re kind of a big family here, and family members have fun together.” (Gamble and Thompson, 2008) Southwest’s current CEO, Garry Kelly described the Southwest Way as what defined the company’s culture over the past 36 years. The Southwest Way is to have a warrior spirit, a servants heart, and fun-loving attitude. The warrior spirit describes the hard work and determination to be the best. The servant’s heart refers to employees following the golden rule, putting others first, demonstrating proactive customer service and embracing the Southwest family. Fun-loving is simply having fun and enjoying your work while maintaining balance and celebrating successes. Executives at Southwest believed that their employees conveying that friendly, fun-loving spirit to customers was the key to a competitive advantage. Southwest takes care of their employees as part of a larger strategy to reach a competitive advantage. The close knit culture and family atmosphere...
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...Experiential Essay Suffering and Science: The Possibility of a Loving God Before enrolling in a theology course, I was biased about the views of the possibility of a Christian God. I’ve seen far too many people say that God is their savior and everything they do is because of him, or for him. It was always to some far-fetched point, where I was unable to comprehend where their views came from. I never had the evidence or background to fall back on for a reason to have a foundation for the belief in God. Taking into consideration the numerous contextual readings from the arguments for the pros and cons for the existence of God, I still come to a conclusion that God does not exist in the human experience. Denis Edwards is the most notable author that I was able to relate to. By beginning with the nature of experience, we first encounter an individual and then we have an interpretation and understanding of that individual. Therefore, experience involves both encounters and interpretation of that encounter. We can have similar encounters, but different interpretations. This is where I was able to understand that the interpretive stage of experience can be biased, whether it may be because of emotional blockages, or unconscious motives. Edwards’s claims made me understand why I was unable to grasp the possibility of a God. Throughout my childhood, I was brought up in a Buddhist religion, never having even heard one thing about the Christian God. On the other hand, I have friends...
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...responsibilities for their actions as much as they once did. It is a travesty and time for a change, the change for the better. It is the 1970s, men are going to work to provide for their families. Coming home each evening to put the bread on the table. The sole purpose was to take care of his wife, by always being faithful and helping her though any tough times that may arise. Today we find ourselves shaking their heads at what some men have become. It hurts to see the husband who cannot sustain a lifestyle that once was provided by earlier generations. Every day we hear of men who were too lazy to work a 9 to 5 job, even if it means that the providing safety and security for the woman he loves. But rather, in some cases, claim to love the woman, that he mentally and physically abuse is on a daily basis. A innocent child, brought into world, where there once was a loving father there to care for them, now a mother who is forced to play the role of two parents. There is a huge increase of men not taking care of their children, compared to any time period in the past. The lack of responsibility reflects a child's personality, and overall who they will become. In most cases it also takes away from the time a mother can spend with their child, because she is forced to be a mother and a fulltime provider. It has almost become acceptable to become a man abandoned a mother, and child he brought into this...
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...“Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear most.”– Fyodor Dostoyevsky People everywhere go through various experiences in their lives. Every experience affects a person in some way. The resulting effects can be good, bad, or a combination of both. Many aspects if my life have influenced my personality and the way that I live. Moving to Pakistan from Egypt influenced my life dramatically. It began simply by my dad accepting a job in Pakistan. Resulting me being more close to my relatives, removing the prejudices about Pakistan and, gradually loving my motherland. In May 2004 my dad got a job from Karachi. Both my parents missed Pakistan very much, having all their brothers and sisters there and not having met them for ten years really made them homesick. My dad instantly accepted the job without even considering how I felt about it. Egypt was my home for ten years, the place where I had all my friends and spots where we hung out. The idea of moving to another country 5000 km away scared me. Starting from scratch, making new friends, learning a whole new language and the things I heard about of Karachi really frightened me. There was nothing that I could say or do that would change my parents mind. After a month we moved to Pakistan. It was the first time I was in Pakistan and was entirely different from what I had expected it to be. The first thing my parents wanted to do was visit all of their brothers and sisters. Most of my cousins are of my...
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...Jim Malloy Jun 4, 2008 One of the biggest lessons on the spiritual journey is learning to love unconditionally. However, what is often overlooked, is the importance of loving yourself along with everything else. After all, aren't you a part of the whole of Life? Here is a wonderful old haiku which illustrates this... "On my horse, clip-clopping through the field. Aha! I'm part of the picture!" As you grow to realize that you are an integral part of Life's grand picture, it becomes clear that loving yourself along with everything else is part of the mission. Some of you may feel uncomfortable with the idea of self love, because it's often interpreted as being overly self involved. Many religions teach that total selflessness is the ideal, and that self love is the antithesis of being selfless. I'm not at all knocking selflessness, but is self love really opposed to selflessness? And is it the same as...
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