...LSI SELF-DESCRIPTION Merissa A. Hanley ladyezz32@gmail.com MGMT-591-20133 Leadership & Organizational Behavior Professor Ifeanyi Ugboaja September 14, 2013 According to the LSI Internet LS1 1, the Life Style Inventory survey from Human Synergistics International is a “system that provides a "road map" to properly focus your personal development goals and keep you focus in the right direction. The LSI Internet LS1 measures 12 essential styles of patterns of thinking that can either aid or deter a person from achieving his/her capabilities. The 12 LSI styles are divided into three major clusters. The Constructive Styles which refers to one’s satisfaction needs includes Achievement, Self-Actualizing, Humanistic-Encouraging, and Affiliative. The Passive/Defensive Styles which refer to People Orientation behaviors which includes Avoidance, Dependent, Conventional and Approval. The last cluster is Aggressive/Defensive Styles which refers to Task Orientation behaviors, which includes Oppositional, Power, Competitive, and Perfectionistic. This paper will identify and discuss my primary & backup thinking styles, identify my limiting style that I believe may be working against me, one specific style that I would like to change and the difference it will make in my personal and professional life. My primary style (highest percentile score) is under the Constructive section which is Achievement. My “backup” (second highest percentile) is Affliative style...
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...Cherie Smith 01/20/13 Week 2 Homework: LSI Conflict Results Your LSI ConflictResults LSI ConflictMain Menu LSI ConflictSelf-Development Guide Self Improvement Planner LSI ConflictHelp Name: D03095628 Date Survey Taken: 1/20/2013 LSI Conflict Circumplex LSI Conflict enables you to identify and understand how both your thinking patterns (or "styles") and coping behaviors influence your ability to deal with conflict situations. In doing so, the inventory provides a point-in-time picture of your particular orientation to conflict, reflected in the circular graph or "profile circumplex" below. LSI Conflict measures three conflict orientations: Constructive (colored blue), Passive/Defensive (colored green), and Aggressive/Defensive (colored red). Higher scores for the 11, 12, 1, and 2 o'clock styles reflect a CONSTRUCTIVE conflict orientation. Individuals exhibiting these styles deal with conflict effectively; they see conflict situations as opportunities for personal growth, treat opponents as respected equals, and tend to have a goal beyond winning or losing which enables them to benefit regardless of the conflict's outcome. Higher scores for the 3, 4, 5, and 6 o'clock styles reflect a PASSIVE/DEFENSIVE conflict orientation. In general, individuals with these styles are threatened by conflict and assume a passive approach. They believe conflict is unnecessary and destructive and prefer to avoid it. Higher scores for the 7, 8, 9, and 10 o'clock styles...
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...INVENTORY PAPER – SELF-DESCRIPTION Life Styles Inventory Paper – Self-Description Keller Graduate School of Management Of DeVry University Abstract Taking the Life Styles Inventory (LSI) was a real eye opening experience for me. I didn’t think I would be so strong in the Aggressive / Defensive, or so weak in the Constructive categories. Thank goodness the styles are not permanent personality characteristics nor intractable; and can change because of new roles, environmental changes, and personal development efforts. According to LSI: The Life Styles Inventory (LSI) identifies the underlying thoughts and motivations that guide an individual's behavior. The quality of an individual's thinking and behavior contributes greatly to that person's work performance. The Life Styles Inventory (LSI) is based around the Human Synergistic Circumplex, describing constructive, passive/defensive and aggressive/defensive behaviors. In the LSI, the feedback is normalized against how 9,000 individuals have described themselves (LSI 1) and how 5,000 individuals have been described by 25,000 others (LSI 2). (LSI Human Synergistic www.human-synergistic.com) Moreover, I can trace my results back to my family upbringing, the cultural diversity of my childhood neighborhood, and my career choice. Life Styles Inventory Paper – Self-Description Part 1: Identify your primary and backup personal thinking styles to include a limiting style Is this really me? Surprisingly the LSI Styles Circumplex...
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...GM591 PREPARATION GUIDE: LIFE STYLES INVENTORY(LSI) Introduction: Thinking and Behavior "The quest for leadership is first an inner quest to discover who you are” (p.391).[1] --Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner--- Self-awareness is foundational to effective leadership and organization success[2]. Research in leadership and organizational behavior indicates that managers who are blind to who they are, and to the effects they have on other people in their organizations, place their effectiveness and their careers at risk. A frequently cited axiom is "the first commandment of leadership is to know thyself." For example, in their studies of managerial and executive derailment, the Center for Creative Leadership found that successful managers: (1) understand their values, personal styles, and strengths and weaknesses; (2) know the impact of these values, styles, and strengths and weaknesses on their ability to effectively work with others and achieve their goals; and (3) are quick to reflect upon and learn from their own experiences. Despite these advantages, we often resist opportunities to increase our self-awareness or to acknowledge error. We fear that learning something new about ourselves will be painful -- doing so may require us to change our treasured and habitual ways of seeing, thinking, and behaving. Self-awareness is also an important barometer to ensure that even the best leadership practices don't become destructive. As Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner caution...
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...ransomtj@verizon.net MGMT591 – Leadership and Organizational Behavior Brett Gordon November 11, 2012 This paper discusses the content Life Styles Inventory (LSI) results for Traya Ransom. It identifies her primary, backup, and limiting thinking styles, the impact her personal styles have on her management style, and it also explains how she developed the personal styles that were reveled in her LSI. The LSI results are shown on page 5. Primary, Backup and Limiting Styles Traya’s primary style is Achievement, with a percentile score of 99. This thinking style describes a person who has confidence in their ability to improve situations and is not afraid to take action. They are able to inspire confidence in others. Achievers set realist goals and usually able to obtain high quality results. On her job, this style is manifested often in the way she distributes work to her employees. She is able to identify their strengths and weaknesses and utilize this knowledge to obtain the best outcome. As a result her employees work with confidence because of their high degree of success. Therefore, Achievement style is an accurate description of Traya. Traya’s secondary style is Self-Actualizing, with a percentile score of 93. This thinking style describes creative people who have great sense of personal fulfillment. Self-actualized people enjoy living in the moment. They take the time to develop themselves and are intuitive. This style mostly is mostly demonstrated throughout her...
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...MyersBriggs Type Indicator®?” Whereas both of these surveys help individuals to better understand themselves and others, they differ in terms of what they measure, how they measure it, and how the results are used. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to highlight what we believe are some of the most important differences between these two popular instruments. The Life Styles Inventory™ (LSI) measures twelve distinct thinking and behavioral styles that are distinguished by their orientations toward task versus people and higher-order needs for satisfaction and growth versus lower order needs for security and safety. The LSI builds on the work of a variety of noteworthy psychologists, including Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Albert Ellis, Karen Horney, Timothy Leary, David McClelland, Harry Stack Sullivan, as well as management scholars, such as Fredrick Hertzberg, Douglas McGregor, and Ralph Stodgill. It is designed to provide individuals with an opportunity to identify specific strengths in their thinking and behavior, as well as any “stumbling blocks” that may be standing in their way. As such, the LSI is used to initiate positive changes in how people approach their work and interact with others— changes that can increase both their personal and professional effectiveness. In contrast, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) measures preferences rather than thinking styles. More specifically, it is a system for classifying the ways in which people become aware of, perceive, and judge...
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...The life Styles Inventory (LSI) is developed by Dr. J. Clayton Lafferty. The lifestyle inventory is a self assessment diagnostic instrument that measures 12 key thinking patterns or “styles”. The results of the self-description are plotted on a circular graph for easy visualization of how the individual thinks and behaves in the 12 LSI styles. By responding to these 240 inventory items, individuals learn exactly where they need to focus their development efforts, without uncertainty. It promotes performance change and improvement by increasing personal understanding of one’s thinking and behavior. These styles of patterns of thinking that can either help or hinder a person from reaching his or her potential. There are 3 LSI styles namely; 1. Aggressive/ defensive style. 2. Constructive style. 3. Passive/ defensive style. Research has shown that the styles measures by the LSI are related to a number of indicators of effectiveness and success, including leadership effectiveness, management effectiveness, problem solving effectiveness, quality of interpersonal relations, salary, organizational level, individual health and well being, and organization culture. According to the circumplex output my percentile style which represents me most is aggressive/ defensive style. Upon completing the Lifestyles Inventory I found that my dominant styles are competitive, approval seeker, conventional followed by dependent. The results from my LSI survey were found to be somewhat...
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...LSI survey MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior The Life Styles Inventory (LSI) is a self-assessment diagnostic instrument that measures 12 key thinking patterns, or "styles". The LSI promotes performance change and improvement by increasing personal understanding of one's thinking and behavior. By responding to these 240 inventory items, individuals learn exactly where they need to focus their development efforts, without ambiguity or guesswork. The results of the self-description are plotted on a circular graph for easy visualization of how the individual thinks and behaves in the 12 LSI styles. This profile acts as a personalized developmental needs assessment, calling attention to the individual's strengths as well as areas needing improvement. After using the Life Styles exercise and receiving my results, I feel that I have been able to accurately analyze my behaviors in the workplace and in my personal life. I noticed how my personal thinking style has influenced my ability to be effective in my work and as a result, there are some things that can be improved upon. This exercise has allowed me to look back and critically analyze my behaviors and thinking styles and assess how they affect me in day-to-day activities. I have been able to identify the mechanisms by which the relationships I have with my family and friend have manipulated my personal behavior and lifestyle over the years.Taking the Life Styles Inventory (LSI) survey has really made me realized...
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...TermPaperWarehouse.com - Free Term Papers, Essays and Research Documents The Research Paper Factory JoinSearchBrowseSaved Papers Home Page » Philosophy and Psychology Barriers to Self-Actualization In: Philosophy and Psychology Barriers to Self-Actualization Barriers to reaching self actualization. There are a number of factors which can prevent individuals from reaching self actualization. During the 1960’s, Maslow estimated that only 2% of the population ever achieve self-actualization. At this time, Maslow believed that figures such as Albert Einstein, Jane Addams, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Frederick Douglass fell into this category of being self-actualized. However, given the advances in equality and access to resources that have been made in the past 50 years, one would think that the percentage of the population who have achieved self-actualization would have increased. While there are no studies to ascertain whether this is or is not the case, there are a number of factors to be taken into consideration that act as barriers to self-actualization which I will now discuss. In the past 50 years, society in which we live has made a shift to being one that in largely concerned with materialism. As a result of this, from a young age individuals are becoming more and more materialistic and are focusing on obtaining the latest electrical gadgets, cars and footwear. The media plays a large part in this. Today even without leaving our house we are subjected...
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...RUNNING HEAD: LSI Paper I am charged with the task of completing the Life Styles Inventory Survey to give a self-description of my thinking styles. The purpose of this assignment is to determine the impact that the personal styles have on my management style and to identify which one of my thinking styles may be reducing my overall effectiveness. After completing the survey, my circumplex shows that my primary thinking style is the “Conventional Style”(4 o’clock) and my backup thinking style is the “Power Style” (8 o’clock). I agree with the results of the conventional thinking style, but, I do not fully agree with the results of the power thinking style. According to the LSI results, the conventional thinking style is one that measures our inclination to act in a compliant way. Conventional thinkers worry about adhering to rules and established procedures. According to the LSI results, when we depend on on established procedures in determining how we do things, we risk losing our sense of uniqueness and individuality. I would have to agree with the results of this survey that I am a conventional thinker. As a child, my parents had very strict household rules that, simply, were not to my benefit to break. Therefore, I often abided by the rules. I think this is why I tend to do things strictly by the book. Doing things by the book gives me a sense of security in knowing that I followed the policy, in case something goes wrong. As a conventional thinker, I prefer...
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...Personal Thinking Styles Pursuant to my Life Styles Inventory (LSI): Self-description results my primary personal thinking style is “Avoidance” with a percentile score of 55% and my back-up thinking style is “Conventional” with a percentile score of 50%. As I reviewed my circumplex I became rather disturbed as I tried to understand the “Avoidance” scale. The LSI description of Avoidance states that the this thinking style is defined by tendencies of denying responsibility and your behavior, feelings of guilt and an obsession of your own concerns. I have trouble relating to these characteristics as I hardly stray from responsibility if it’s warranted or of having guilty feelings and am definitely not obsessive over my own concerns. In fact, I always own up to my responsibilities and/or any mess ups either at work or at home. I have not been in a role of a manager yet have supervised a number of interns and I have never been threatened by or with any responsibilities pushed upon me. In fact, I almost always took same on with confidence and a sense of dedication. I do agree with the assessment that at times I may not give myself full credit where I completely deserve it; I have attributed this more to humility than to insecurity. Although I am not hard on myself for mistakes and misjudgments I do, however, tend to dwell on things far longer than necessary. For example, if during a presentation I stumbled in answering a question I would live with the embarrassment of same...
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...assessed to allow me to answer the question of, “Who am I, and what causes me to act the way that I do.” It gives an insight to one’s personality and an insight as to how we may treat others. By giving my honest opinion of several questions the results are going to give me an insight on how my thinking styles will influence my behavior as a manager and allow me to use the results for self-improvement. My results show that I Research has shown that the styles measured by the LSI are related to a number of indicators of effectiveness and success, including leadership effectiveness, management effectiveness, problem solving effectiveness, quality of interpersonal relations, salary, organizational level, individual health and well-being, and organizational culture. In my Leadership and Organizational Behavior class, I had the task of completing a Life Styles Inventory Survey to come up with a self-description of my thinking styles. The goal of this exercise is to find out how thinking styles may influence my behavior as a manager and to help me to determine how to use the results for self-improvement. After taking this inventory, my circumplex shows that my primary thinking style is affiliative (2 o’clock position) and my back up thinking style is conventional (4 o’clock position). While I can identify with the affiliative style of thinking, I do not believe the conventional thinking style is a true depiction of the way I think. Part I Personal Thinking Styles: At...
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...defines every part of our lives, choosing friends, where we work and who we have relationships with. Most of the factors which shape someone’s personality are a result of his/her heredity and the environment in which he/she was exposed to. (Essays, 2013). A LSI (Life Style Inventory) self-description questionnaire was presented, allowing the raw material to be analyzed and examine our way of thinking and how it influences behavior. Our results are broken up into twelve styles that reflect on our personality. But what affect does our personality play into our lives. Do these styles have an impact on our management style? Do they define who we are or how we think? Did we develop our personal style from relationships, school, or curricular activites? Let's discuss what shapes our personalities and why we act the way we do. Looking over the results from the Life Style Inventory (LSI) test, there was a consistency noted within my specific scores. My two highest scores came for the passive/defensive style. My primary style was avoidance, with a score of 98%, and my backup style was dependent, with a score of 94%. It is apparent that these two styles are a strong description of who I am as a leader. According to the LSI, “The avoidance scale measures our tendency to use the defensive strategy of withdrawal” (Cooke & Lafferty, 1987-2015). Avoidance is often used in unfamiliar, threatening situations, for instance, when dealing with a challenge in which one has little experience...
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...The Life Styles Inventory™ (LSI) Paper MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Introduction The Life Styles Inventory™ (LSI) presents a series of questions in the areas of personal satisfaction, stress, effectiveness and quality of interpersonal relationships and then collates participant responses into a circumplex identifying 12 specific patterns or styles of thinking, behaving and interacting on a personal, management and leadership level--representing the essence of an individual's effectiveness. The circumplex provides a visual description of an individual's thinking and behaviour and then compares results with those of other individuals having taken the inventory in order to create self-awareness of strengths and weakness in order to create awareness of constructive behaviour. The norming base for the LSI represents nearly 10,000 individuals from various organizations, ages, levels of education and from both genders. The results plotted on the circumplex a divided into areas defined by higher order and lower order needs of satisfaction and security; and task-centered and people-centered orientations. Within these spheres are 12 separate styles (approval, conventional, dependent, avoidance, oppositional, power, competitive, perfectionistic, achievement, self-actualizing, humanistic-encouraging, and affiliative) which are subsequently grouped into three specific patterns (achievement/dependent; self-actualizing/avoidance; humanistic-encouraging/oppositional;...
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...D03454209 | LSI Style Interpretation | Leadership and Organizational Behavior | GM5910N_HProfessor Kenneth Goldsmith | Robert Neal White | 8/31/2011 | | After finishing the LSI Style Interpretation for this class I was identified as have the humanistic- encouraging style as my top style with a score of 38 which placed me in the top 93 percent of persons who took the interpretation. My second top style was the affiliative style in which I scored 37 and placed in the top 90 percent of persons who took the interpretation. After contemplating my work / leadership style(s) and comparing how I interact with co- workers and subordinates, I agree with the results and will further discuss my reasoning in this paper. First, I will discuss the humanistic- encouraging style. As depicted on the description of the humanistic- encouraging style, scoring high on the humanistic – encouraging scale is “positive, healthy and effective”. (International, 2011) The high score shows that I am “sensitive to people’s needs, and will devote energy to counseling and coaching others”. (International, 2011) The scale itself measures the takers interest in people and the tendency to care about others. It also measures the takers ability to encourage others to improve. As stated on the description, since I scored as high as I did I should “ have an unconditional positive regard for others”. (International, 2011). I completely agree with the results of the survey and am confident...
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