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Lucid Dreaming Research Paper

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Have you ever woken up and wonder how you dream about a specific person or item? Some the last thing you talk about is the last thing you dream about. Whereas when you watch a scary movie and then fall asleep you have a nightmare from what object or person being haunted. As a kid, you spent countless nights either playing with your favorite tv show character or wondering your parents got rid of the boogey man from under your bed. This research is about the various ages of both genders and whether they’ve experienced lucid dream and how long their lucid dream lasted.
“Dream – A series of thoughts, visions, or feelings that happen during sleep” in terms of Merriam-Webster. Everyone knows the common types of dreaming, daydreaming, normal dreaming, lucid dreaming, false awakening, and nightmare. Which all could consist of variety of subjects, emotions, and unimaginable situations. Daydreaming is your memories or thoughts taking over while you partially awake. Normal dreaming is counting sheep that’s as basic as it going to get. False awakening, is you think you’re in class and you have to present a topic unprepared then you remember you’re still sleeping. of …show more content…
There was under a seven hundred respondents that were watched for lucid dreaming only 84% were actually ludic dreamers. This particular study worked on ages 10-74 with a mixture of students, professional workers, pupils and others. These participants did an online study to determine who was a lucid dreamer. The evidence shows that the dreams usually last about 14 minutes on various topic such as flying, talking to a fictional or dream character, having sex. “… young children seem to have lucid dreams more frequently, and the frequency drops at about age 16, Lucid dreaming might be a natural phenomenon occurring in a developing brain…” (Voss et al.,

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