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Luck Definition

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Have you ever heard anyone say "Oh, that person is just lucky"? A booming theme has been sweeping our world that somehow something about an individual makes them lucky. Whether it be a certain pair of socks or particular breakfast on the morning of a test, luck seems to have turned into fact in the eyes of most people. Oprah Winfrey said, "Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity." I believe this statement to be true. When something wonderful happens in a person's life do not let the satisfaction go to luck. Let it go to something else like "Preparation meeting opportunity," or a prayer being answered. When Ms. Winfrey spoke this quote I believe it was to say that things do not just happen by luck, but by preparation, the right opportunity and a lot of prayers.

One of the worst examples that luck sets are laziness in regards to preparing. The theme luck portrays is a positive result occurring every time due to luck, not effort. This is not a realistic or healthy way of thinking. When studying for a test, a student needs to look over the material, question the material, and then dissect the material. This is the preparation process that will benefit you and your education greatly in the long run. Even if you believe in luck, when it comes time to take a test, it is …show more content…
While I could go down a long rant that would provide evidence on prayer being reliable, there are many things that set the two apart. With prayer, you are seeking an answer, not only through a conversation with God but through scripture and worship. Prayer is so much more than reciting words that were memorized as a kid. You are seeking and waiting patiently with a heart eager to hear from God. However, with luck, it is solely based on chance. Will you be lucky today or did you miss a step? It is not reliable and is always inconsistent. Luck and prayer are so vastly different, and it is awful that they are

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