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Henry Ford's Contribution To The Civil Rights Movement

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When you hear the name Henry Ford mentioned, the first thought that comes to mind is the automobile and Ford Motor Company. Even though Ford was a major contributor in the beginning of the automobile era, he was more responsible for the mass-production of vehicles making them more affordable for the average American. Ford introduced new standards when he pioneered his greatest idea of the moving assembly line allowing for faster and more efficient production of automobiles. Henry Ford first developed his version of the automobile, the Model A, in 1903 selling for under one thousand dollars while other cars were selling anywhere from five to ten thousand. The Model T was introduced in 1908, when Ford decided to develop a vehicle for the masses. …show more content…
His idea integrated interchangeable parts, continuous flow, division of labor, and elimination of wasted motion. These four practices combined established his concept of the moving assembly line.
Interchangeable parts were an idea that he borrowed from Eli Whitney and the production of muskets for the government. By utilizing machines to mass produce the same individual parts, skilled laborers were no longer needed to produce each part manually. These machines could produce multiples of the same part exactly alike to making the assembly easier for unskilled workers.
Continuous flow was borrowed from automatic grain mills and meat packing houses. In Chicago meat houses, the animals were taken by rail across the house allowing for each individual worker to make either a specific meat cut or perform a specific job in the packing process. To apply this process to the building of automobiles, Ford used a “conveyor” belt system to bring the vehicle to the …show more content…
Since each worker now had their own specific task, they were given stations along the assembly line in which they had all parts and tools needed for their portion of the job at hand. Prior to the assembly line, helpers wasted time by collecting parts and tools from around the factory and taking them to the vehicle for construction. Everything needed would now be in arms reach while other workers keep their parts restocked reducing the amount of time spent away from their stations.
The moving assembly line was finally implemented in 1913 and decreased the amount of production time which of course increased the number of automobiles available for purchase. The cost of production dropped drastically allowing for two key factors to take place. The price of a Model T also dropped from $850 down to about $390 by 1915. By 1927, Ford has successfully assembled over 15,000,000 Model T

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