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Lycopene Research Paper

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What is Lycopene?

Lycopene is a carotene that gives some vegetables and fruit their red colour. It can be found naturally in red peppers, tomatoes, watermelons, carrots, pink grapefruits, cranberries, and papayas. Moreover, lycopene can be found in a few vegetables that are not red in colour, such as parsley or asparagus. Once it has entered the body, lycopene is transported by specialized proteins called lipoproteins to various organs. The majority of lycopene accumulates in the blood, liver, adrenal glands, and testicles in male patients. Although lycopene is classified as a carotene, it does not have vitamin A activity.

What are the Benefits of Lycopene?

Lycopene has been shown to be a powerful antioxidant. It makes up for more than 50% of all carotenes in the human body. Several studies suggest that its antioxidant strength is twice as powerful as that of beta-carotene and thrice as powerful as that of vitamin E. Lycopene capsules are usually prescribed for patients suffering from various types of heart and blood vessel conditions, human papilloma virus (HPV) infections, and even certain types of cancer. Recent studies suggest that lycopene could also be used to protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun. …show more content…
Our high-quality lycopene capsules provide an excellent health supplement for patients. We provide a UK made, GMP quality, daily nutritional supplement that offers powerful antioxidant properties, promoting a healthy heart, prostate, and eye function.

Currently, scientists are conducting research to better understand the implications of lycopene in certain types of cancer. Several past studies have shown that lycopene is responsible for reducing the risk of colon, rectal, prostate, and cervical cancer. The effect on cancer is attributed to the powerful antioxidant

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