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M Governance


Submitted By sksinghal
Words 800
Pages 4
Essay: * A public policy issue: m-Governance and implementation of online applications for service delivery and get feedback about the same
One of the most important challenge before the government is proper implementation of policies announced from time to time for improving the living standard of targeted persons and addressing the need of society. Another important aspect of the public policy is the feedback about the achievements of the objectives set out at the time of framing policies and corresponding fine tuning of policies. These challenges increase in the county like India due to large population with wide spectrum of requirements and remote areas due to large territory. The interlinking of the public policies is also important so that the maximum benefits with limited available resources can be extended to the maximum public. The synergies of various policies can be combined to have the maximization effect. The penetration of the mobile phones is highest amongst the available IT tools in India. Accordingly, this can be the tool for increasing the reach of online applications. * Key dimensions and implementable solutions: For addressing above mentioned challenges, we need to have the online interactive applications/ systems. For the success of these online applications/ systems, it is necessary that, the common man is able to use them. Some of the key issues and solutions for implementation of the online applications/ systems and connecting the common man with these applications/ systems are as below: * Measurable objectives and targets of the public policy
The public policies formulated by the various Government departments/ agencies must have the measurable objectives and targets, so that the same can be monitored through online connected databases.

* Easy to use applications for delivery of services and getting

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