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MLK Argumentative Analysis

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Today in History we actually talked about something very similar to this. Some people argued that ethics/morality differs from society to society and are ever-changing. Mr. Guthrie used an MLK quote to explain the concept of morality. Martin Luther King said, “Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” This quote says that we do not necessarily know what morality is and what actions are moral or not; however, over time humans are coming closer to figure out what morality is. As of now, we cannot be sure what actions are truly moral or not. Furthermore, we can infer that some things, such as not killing, are considered virtuous and morally correct because many societies/generations have regarded that …show more content…
Everyone also has their own “moral compass” and can decide for themselves what they think is moral or not and act according to that. The concept of a “higher or moral law” that applies to all people also comes into play here. There are ethical laws that all humans must/should obey; for example, most people would agree that slavery is wrong. Yes, hundreds of years ago many people practiced slavery and didn’t think twice about it, but that does not mean that it is an ethical thing. Today, most people think that slavery is horrible; this shows how humans, over time, work towards justice and their actions become more “morally correct” over time. On the other hand, I am not sure that we can really concretely say if something is ethical or not. As I stated above we can assume that certain actions are ethical, but we cannot be sure until the day the moral code is revealing (That is if this day even comes. Humans are not perfect, so a perfect world in which everyone acts morally and a “moral code” detailing what is morally good or bad presents itself may never come). Moreover, what is unethical may depend on the

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