Premium Essay

Romeo And Juliet Relationships

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Juliet in scene 5 is shown to be impatient with the nurse since it has been much time since she left. When the nurse returns Juliet wants to listen to the news. The nurse, on the other hand, is absolutely exhausted and just wants to be able to rest her aching bones. The Nurse gives her take on Romeo stating that “You know not how to choose a man. Romeo! No, not he, though his face is better than any man’s.” But then she states that even Romeo is not the polite person in the world that Juliet should go meet her to-be husband at Friar Lawrence’s cell.

At the end of scene 6, it is shown that Friar, Romeo, Juliet and the Nurse plan on marrying Romeo and Juliet in hopes of creating peace between the families. At the end of scene 6, the friar

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