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The Flores Family In El Salvador

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In El Salvador, the Flores family earned their living through farming. As a family of more than five, they lived on a day-to-day basis. Ernesto and Raul, as kids, dressed up identically. Now, they have different personalities. Markham describes, "while Raúl was all playfulness, Ernesto could be severe, quick to snap at anyone he felt he had done him wrong," (16). These two different personalities make the twins closer. Raul depends upon Ernesto as the leader of the two. The Flores twins' Uncle Augustín, is one of the wealthiest men in La Colonia. In order that the power and influence stays within the family, Augustín, enlists the help of local gangs to protect his estate. When, it becomes known that, Augustín's apple tree has been cut down, the blame naturally falls on Ernesto. His safety makes it an emergency he has …show more content…
Ernesto's difficult journey to a better life in America has begun. Soon, Raul follows in his brother's footsteps. Raul leaves for the North because of his fear that he will soon be targeted, being Ernesto's identical twin. Each twin pursued two different journeys to reach the North, eventually traveling together to get to America. Ernesto's journey was filled with minor obstacles, yet his constant fear of the unknown "painted the whole world in the color of risk," (54). Rahul's journey was quite different. In Guatemala, he encountered the barbaric nature of Augustin's gangs. He was ambushed and assaulted. He never lost hope. He knew that, "Ernesto was somewhere in this massive maze, waiting," (65). When the twins began to journey together, they further experience struggles on their route

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