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Explain Why Guns Should Not Be Banned

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All around the country, people are debating whether or not to ban guns altogether because they infer that it will cause a crime drop, cause less gun related deaths, and make people less violent. The two sides of the debate are those who are for having guns banned, and those who are against having them banned. I am against having guns completely banned because they are a great protection against people who are trying to harm you, they are a great learning tool, and gun owners are less likely to have their houses invaded.

Let’s talk about why people need these weapons in their homes. From 2003 to 2007, there was 3.7 million robberies that occurred while the homeowner was at their home. In that same time frame, 2.5 million home robberies were stopped with a weapon. That shows that if had a gun in your home at the time of the robbery, it can easily be stopped. These weapons provide the best protection you can have because the police are not always going to be around to save you can sometimes, you are required to take matters into your own hands. Now what about the responsibility that comes with owning a dangerous weapon? …show more content…
No matter what, guns are dangerous weapons that can easily kill someone if not handled safely. These guns pose a great learning experience for children of the younger variety. Children are always going to be children and be interested in things that they are not supposed to be interested in. If they are taught from a young age “Do not touch this,” they will grow up knowing to be very safe near the weapons. When the kids are put in these types of situations, they are forced to be responsible and guns are a great way to teach them

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