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Mental Toughness Research Paper

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Three secrets in developing mental toughness were recently revealed by a former Navy SEAL and Navy SEAL instructor, Phil Black. These will lead you to develop greater levels of mental toughness and to dominate your game and workout. They are simple to use and highly effective. They are used by some of the most elite athletes on this planet.

There are many aspects of mental toughness and mental training, but the principles are simple and can be rooted down into a few main components. It doesn't matter if it's for sports like baseball, basketball, tennis or boxing. Or for fitness like running, weight lifting, or martial arts. These principles of mental fitness, the psychology of it, can be applied in any area.

First what is mental toughness? …show more content…
That is 700 times a month or 22 times a day! People tell you, "no, get away from there" and "Stop doing that". Some of these were to prevent you from danger, some to prevent you growing because of other people's fears or ignorance.

This causes you to be highly susceptible to negative influence. Psychologist have found that 77% or internal self talk is negative and counteracting. Do you realize how much of our potential is being held back?
I know you have likely heard that there are no limits on what we can be, have and do, and this statistic shows pretty clearly that we are the ones that hold our selves back more than anything else.

So you must control your mind or "they" will do it for you. This is how Navy SEALs have done it:

Monitor your self talk, that internal dialogue of what you are telling yourself everyday. Become a watcher of your mind. Are you thinking positive thoughts or negative thoughts? What are you feeling like on a day-to-day and moment-to-moment basis? Are you adding to the negative side or the positive side? For two days, write everything down that is negative, for 48 hours. Just your negative thoughts, because you want to become aware of how much of what you think is negative. Remember psychologist found that on average 77% or your internal talk is negative, what percent is

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