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Multiple Sports Research Paper

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“I don’t care if a kid is a multi-sport kid. In fact I think it’s a benefit.” - Tom Hilbert, volleyball coach for the Colorado State University. More and more, parents of athletes are encouraging their kids to specialize in sports. Sport specialization is when an athlete intensely trains in one sport while excluding others, but the reality is multi-sport participation has more benefits. For example, when athletes specialize many of them end up with overuse injuries, damage and pain caused by repetitive use and overuse of the muscles. While in multi-sport participation athletes work on various muscle groups, they don't use the same ones over and over again. To prevent those type of injuries the athletes should take at least one day off per week …show more content…
In particular, in the youtube video entitled Why play multiple Sports? Christian McCaffrey interview-Reebok ATV19 uploaded by Best Plays Ever, football running back Christian McCaffrey states in a youtube interview that “It not only benefits you in the sports category but also in life; being able to communicate with a team, to interact with teammates, and to share a bond.” Learning how to work and get along with your teammates really makes a difference on the field, whether you like them or not. Being able to communicate is important when playing sports. If you don't communicate or you miscommunicate you could miss the game winning point. Similarly, having more creative players is also a mental benefit of multiple sport participation. For instance, in the article Single Sport vs Multi-Sports, John Ted explains that smarter, more creative players as well as better decision making and pattern recognition can be a result of playing more than one sport (Ted 2). When the athletes are more creative they tend to play better and also focus more. Normally when they’re creative they play for the fun of it as well as to win. Increased motivation is also a positive mental impact. An athlete must be motivated to do what it takes to maximize their ability and to achieve their goals. Motivation is the foundation of all athletic effort and accomplishment. Without the desire and determination to improve their sports performances, all of the other mental factors are meaningless. In addition, Ted states “The more sports a child is introduced to, the better chance they have of finding the one they're passionate about, taking ownership of it, and becoming a high-performer in it.” (Ted 3). If the athlete was only in one sport they might get tired of it and quit at a young age, instead of trying out more sports and finding out which one they enjoy the most. There are many great

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