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MSK Injuries

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(Modified from C. Thompson, 2006)

Name: Janice Kirsch and Evangeline Pena Date: March 13, 2015 Instructions: A check in the box indicates you agree with the statement, and/or found the article answered the question posed.

Provide Reference for the article using APA format:

Author(s). (year) Title. Journal, volume (issue), pages.

I Research Problem and Purpose (Critique 1, Integration I)
1 Purpose or problem clear? What was the purpose of the study? The purpose of the study is clear in stating the problem on musculoskeletal injuries in nurses. “The purpose of the study of critical care nurses was to investigate how nurses perceived their risk of work-related MSK injury and …show more content…
There is an affluence of literature supporting the associations of MSK injuries with physical, psychosocial organizational climate. Finding a relationship between risk perceptions to MSK injuries may have a positive effect on the quality in performance and overall health not only of critical care nurses, but also of all nurses in general. This study will fill in the gap in knowledge about behaviors that can help reduce the risk of MSK injuries. The conceptual framework by Lee in 2007, in which the study is based on, shows how physical and physiological factors affect MSK disorders. The results will help nursing management improve the organizational culture in the hospital, which promotes a safe and healthy working environment for them. Tools and equipment may be considered to ensure that nurses have proper means to carry out patient care tasks. At the same time, this study will help nurses better understand how self-perceptions on one's capabilities to perform the demands of the job will likely affect physical manifestations of stress and fatigue that results to MSK …show more content…
Mainly, the literature was based on significant topics such as physical factors, psychosocial factors, and organizational climate that caused MSK injuries or illnesses. Nurses’ viewpoint of their personal behaviors that could put them at risk for injury was a crucial subject in this article. Therefore, prevention of MSK injuries for the well being of nurses is vital. Intervention programs were implemented to reduce the risk of MSK injury. Interventions using patient handling devices, lift equipment, training, ergonomics, and no lift policy were implemented to be effective in reducing MSK injury and have also contributed a safer work environment. However, these interventions do not completely eliminate MSK

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