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Carl Jung Research Paper

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Dreams frequently involve people that we know in waking life. The image of a person the dreamer knows may have different meanings, depending on the overall theme of the dream. Earlier we identified objective and subjective ways of looking at dream figures. If you dream of your best friend, the unconscious may be trying to tell you something objective about that person and your relationship with her or him. Or, you might find it helpful to see the friend as representing a part of you that you need to be more aware of. That would be a subjective way of looking at the dream. The dreaming mind might even use the image of someone you know to embody an issue.
For example, I recently had two dreams, about a week apart, of two different friends …show more content…
In Jung’s psychological theory these masculine aspects form the animus, the "inner man". The concept of the animus is controversial however, particularly among feminists. A major difficulty with Jung's theory comes from his portrayal of the animus as an embodiment of stereotypical masculine traits, such as assertiveness, rationality, control and abstraction. He touts that portrayal as a description of an eternal, universal and archetypal masculinity (all of this is mirrored in his theoretical construct of the anima in men); Jung showed little awareness of the impact of culture on the construction of gender traits. Consequently his theory came to resemble a form of biological determinism, with all of that notion's oppressive history and …show more content…
Babies may show up in a dream about the decision to become a mother. If so , the dream will come to illuminate or emphasize an aspect of the decision that is not obvious to the waking mind. Just as often, a baby in a dream is a potential but undeveloped part of the self. The image of a helpless baby often prompts the waking mind to assume that a good mother is being called for. But dreams are not bound by these assumptions. Look at how the dream baby is cared for or not cared for. Perhaps it is abandoned or abused. This tells us something about the existing relationship between the dreamer's waking mind and the aspects of the unknown self that the baby represents. Remember to suspend your normal judgements and consider the dream without guilt. In lots of dreams about babies and children the dreamer is unable or unwilling to mother the child. This infant part of the self is full of potential, like any baby, but does not yet have the dreamer's help and attention to foster development. Why

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